Lines Matching refs:monitor_test_
63 monitor_test_(monitor_test), initial_sleep_(initial_sleep), millis_(millis), in CreateTask()
70 monitor_test_->thread_ = self; // Pass the Thread. in Run()
71 monitor_test_->object_.Get()->MonitorEnter(self); // Lock the object. This should transition in Run()
72 LockWord lock_after = monitor_test_->object_.Get()->GetLockWord(false); // it to thinLocked. in Run()
77 monitor_test_->object_.Get()->MonitorExit(self); // To appease analysis. in Run()
83 monitor_test_->object_.Get()->IdentityHashCode(); in Run()
84 LockWord lock_after2 = monitor_test_->object_.Get()->GetLockWord(false); in Run()
89 monitor_test_->object_.Get()->MonitorExit(self); // To appease analysis. in Run()
95 monitor_test_->barrier_->Wait(self); // Let the other thread know we're done. in Run()
104 Monitor::Wait(self, monitor_test_->object_.Get(), millis_, 0, true, in Run()
114 monitor_test_->complete_barrier_->Wait(self); // Wait for test completion. in Run()
118 monitor_test_->object_.Get()->MonitorExit(self); // Release the object. Appeases analysis. in Run()
127 MonitorTest* monitor_test_; member in art::CreateTask
137 monitor_test_(monitor_test), initial_sleep_(initial_sleep), millis_(millis), in UseTask()
141 monitor_test_->barrier_->Wait(self); // Wait for the other thread to set up the monitor. in Run()
149 Monitor::Wait(self, monitor_test_->object_.Get(), millis_, 0, true, in Run()
159 monitor_test_->complete_barrier_->Wait(self); // Wait for test completion. in Run()
167 MonitorTest* monitor_test_; member in art::UseTask
176 monitor_test_(monitor_test), initial_sleep_(initial_sleep), millis_(millis) {} in InterruptTask()
179 monitor_test_->barrier_->Wait(self); // Wait for the other thread to set up the monitor. in Run()
188 monitor_test_->thread_->Interrupt(self); in Run()
194 Monitor::Wait(self, monitor_test_->object_.Get(), 10, 0, true, in Run()
203 monitor_test_->complete_barrier_->Wait(self); // Wait for test completion. in Run()
211 MonitorTest* monitor_test_; member in art::InterruptTask
218 explicit WatchdogTask(MonitorTest* monitor_test) : monitor_test_(monitor_test) {} in WatchdogTask()
223 monitor_test_->watchdog_object_.Get()->MonitorEnter(self); // Lock the object. in Run()
225 monitor_test_->watchdog_object_.Get()->Wait(self, 30 * 1000, 0); // Wait for 30s, or being in Run()
228 monitor_test_->watchdog_object_.Get()->MonitorExit(self); // Release the lock. in Run()
230 if (!monitor_test_->completed_) { in Run()
240 MonitorTest* monitor_test_; member in art::WatchdogTask