Lines Matching refs:LOG
130 LOG(ERROR) << "Size of data cannot be odd"; in decodeHex()
139 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid hex digit at position " << n; in decodeHex()
319 LOG(ERROR) << "Only boolean/null is implemented for SIMPLE"; in cborPrettyPrintInternal()
332 LOG(ERROR) << "Data to pretty print is not valid CBOR: " << message; in cborPrettyPrint()
360 LOG(ERROR) << "RAND_bytes: failed getting " << numBytes << " random"; in getRandom()
371 LOG(ERROR) << "encryptedData too small"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
383 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new: failed"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
388 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_DecryptInit_ex: failed"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
393 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl: failed setting nonce length"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
398 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_DecryptInit_ex: failed"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
407 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_DecryptUpdate: failed for additionalAuthenticatedData"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
411 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_DecryptUpdate: Unexpected outl=" << numWritten << " (expected " in decryptAes128Gcm()
419 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_DecryptUpdate: failed"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
423 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_DecryptUpdate: Unexpected outl=" << numWritten << " (expected " in decryptAes128Gcm()
429 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl: failed setting expected tag"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
436 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_DecryptFinal_ex: failed"; in decryptAes128Gcm()
440 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_DecryptFinal_ex: Unexpected non-zero outl=" << numWritten; in decryptAes128Gcm()
451 LOG(ERROR) << "key is not kAes128GcmKeySize bytes"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
455 LOG(ERROR) << "nonce is not kAesGcmIvSize bytes"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
470 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new: failed"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
475 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_EncryptInit_ex: failed"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
480 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl: failed setting nonce length"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
486 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_EncryptInit_ex: failed"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
495 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_EncryptUpdate: failed for additionalAuthenticatedData"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
499 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_EncryptUpdate: Unexpected outl=" << numWritten << " (expected " in encryptAes128Gcm()
508 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_EncryptUpdate: failed"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
512 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_EncryptUpdate: Unexpected outl=" << numWritten << " (expected " in encryptAes128Gcm()
519 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_EncryptFinal_ex: failed"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
523 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_EncryptFinal_ex: Unexpected non-zero outl=" << numWritten; in encryptAes128Gcm()
528 LOG(ERROR) << "EVP_CIPHER_CTX_ctrl: failed getting tag"; in encryptAes128Gcm()
662 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing X509 certificate"; in certificateChainSplit()
680 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing X509 certificate"; in parseX509Certificates()
693 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing X509 certificate"; in certificateSignedByPublicKey()
701 LOG(ERROR) << "Error decoding publicKey"; in certificateSignedByPublicKey()
707 LOG(ERROR) << "Memory allocation failed"; in certificateSignedByPublicKey()
711 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting group"; in certificateSignedByPublicKey()
715 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting point"; in certificateSignedByPublicKey()
719 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting key"; in certificateSignedByPublicKey()
740 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing X509 certificates"; in certificateChainValidate()
753 LOG(ERROR) << "Error validating cert at index " << n - 1 in certificateChainValidate()
767 LOG(ERROR) << "Error decoding DER encoded signature"; in checkEcDsaSignature()
775 LOG(ERROR) << "Error decoding publicKey"; in checkEcDsaSignature()
781 LOG(ERROR) << "Memory allocation failed"; in checkEcDsaSignature()
785 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting group"; in checkEcDsaSignature()
789 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting point"; in checkEcDsaSignature()
793 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting key"; in checkEcDsaSignature()
799 LOG(ERROR) << "Error verifying signature (rc=" << rc << ")"; in checkEcDsaSignature()
820 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating BIGNUM"; in signEcDsaDigest()
826 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting private key from BIGNUM"; in signEcDsaDigest()
832 LOG(ERROR) << "Error signing digest"; in signEcDsaDigest()
852 LOG(ERROR) << "Error initializing HMAC_CTX"; in hmacSha256()
856 LOG(ERROR) << "Error updating HMAC_CTX"; in hmacSha256()
863 LOG(ERROR) << "Error finalizing HMAC_CTX"; in hmacSha256()
867 LOG(ERROR) << "Expected 32 bytes from HMAC_Final, got " << size; in hmacSha256()
918 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting attestation chain"; in createAttestation()
925 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting attestation key"; in createAttestation()
942 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generate attestation from EVP key" << error; in createAttestation()
966 LOG(ERROR) << "Memory allocation failed"; in createEcKeyPairAndAttestation()
972 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generating key"; in createEcKeyPairAndAttestation()
977 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting private key"; in createEcKeyPairAndAttestation()
988 LOG(ERROR) << "Error create attestation from key and challenge"; in createEcKeyPairAndAttestation()
994 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generating public key encoding"; in createEcKeyPairAndAttestation()
1012 LOG(ERROR) << "Error decoding publicKey"; in createAttestationForEcPublicKey()
1018 LOG(ERROR) << "Memory allocation failed"; in createAttestationForEcPublicKey()
1022 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting group"; in createAttestationForEcPublicKey()
1026 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting point"; in createAttestationForEcPublicKey()
1030 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting key"; in createAttestationForEcPublicKey()
1043 LOG(ERROR) << "Error create attestation from key and challenge"; in createAttestationForEcPublicKey()
1054 LOG(ERROR) << "Memory allocation failed"; in createEcKeyPair()
1060 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating EC group by curve name"; in createEcKeyPair()
1066 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generating key"; in createEcKeyPair()
1071 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting private key"; in createEcKeyPair()
1077 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generating public key encoding"; in createEcKeyPair()
1091 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing keyPair"; in ecKeyPairGetPublicKey()
1097 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting EC key"; in ecKeyPairGetPublicKey()
1106 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generating public key encoding"; in ecKeyPairGetPublicKey()
1121 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing keyPair"; in ecKeyPairGetPrivateKey()
1127 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting EC key"; in ecKeyPairGetPrivateKey()
1133 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting bignum from private key"; in ecKeyPairGetPrivateKey()
1145 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating BIGNUM"; in ecPrivateKeyToKeyPair()
1151 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting private key from BIGNUM"; in ecPrivateKeyToKeyPair()
1157 LOG(ERROR) << "Memory allocation failed"; in ecPrivateKeyToKeyPair()
1162 LOG(ERROR) << "Error getting private key"; in ecPrivateKeyToKeyPair()
1168 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generating public key encoding"; in ecPrivateKeyToKeyPair()
1185 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing keyPair"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1191 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating X509 certificate"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1196 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting version to 3"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1201 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting public key"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1207 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing serial"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1213 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting serial"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1223 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting issuer"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1233 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting subject"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1239 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting notBefore"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1245 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting notAfter"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1250 LOG(ERROR) << "Error signing X509 certificate"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1274 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating PKCS12, code " << errCode << ": " << buf; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1281 LOG(ERROR) << "Error encoding PKCS12"; in ecKeyPairGetPkcs12()
1300 LOG(ERROR) << "Error decoding publicKey"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1306 LOG(ERROR) << "Memory allocation failed"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1310 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting group"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1314 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting point"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1318 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting key"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1324 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating BIGNUM for private key"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1329 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting private key from BIGNUM"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1334 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting private key"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1340 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating X509 certificate"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1345 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting version to 3"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1350 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting public key"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1356 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing serial"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1362 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting serial"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1372 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting issuer"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1382 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting subject"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1388 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting notBefore"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1394 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting notAfter"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1399 LOG(ERROR) << "Error signing X509 certificate"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1406 LOG(ERROR) << "Error DER encoding X509 certificate"; in ecPublicKeyGenerateCertificate()
1423 LOG(ERROR) << "Error decoding publicKey"; in ecdh()
1429 LOG(ERROR) << "Memory allocation failed"; in ecdh()
1433 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting group"; in ecdh()
1437 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting point"; in ecdh()
1441 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting key"; in ecdh()
1447 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating BIGNUM for private key"; in ecdh()
1452 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting private key from BIGNUM"; in ecdh()
1457 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting private key"; in ecdh()
1463 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating context"; in ecdh()
1468 LOG(ERROR) << "Error initializing context"; in ecdh()
1473 LOG(ERROR) << "Error setting peer"; in ecdh()
1480 LOG(ERROR) << "Error determing length of shared secret"; in ecdh()
1487 LOG(ERROR) << "Error deriving shared secret"; in ecdh()
1499 LOG(ERROR) << "Error deriving key"; in hkdf()
1514 LOG(ERROR) << "publicKey is not in the expected format"; in ecPublicKeyGetXandY()
1535 LOG(ERROR) << "No certificates in chain"; in certificateChainGetTopMostKey()
1541 LOG(ERROR) << "Expected NID_X9_62_id_ecPublicKey, got " << OBJ_nid2ln(algoId); in certificateChainGetTopMostKey()
1547 LOG(ERROR) << "No public key"; in certificateChainGetTopMostKey()
1553 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting EC key"; in certificateChainGetTopMostKey()
1562 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generating public key encoding"; in certificateChainGetTopMostKey()
1578 LOG(ERROR) << "No certificates in chain"; in certificateFindPublicKey()
1584 LOG(ERROR) << "No public key"; in certificateFindPublicKey()
1590 LOG(ERROR) << "Failed getting EC key"; in certificateFindPublicKey()
1599 LOG(ERROR) << "Error generating public key encoding"; in certificateFindPublicKey()
1613 LOG(ERROR) << "Error finding publicKey from x509Certificate"; in certificateFindPublicKey()
1627 LOG(ERROR) << "No certificates in chain"; in certificateTbsCertificate()
1634 LOG(ERROR) << "fail to extract tbsCertificate in x509Certificate"; in certificateTbsCertificate()
1647 LOG(ERROR) << "Error finding tbsCertificate from x509Certificate"; in certificateTbsCertificate()
1661 LOG(ERROR) << "No certificates in chain"; in certificateFindSignature()
1678 LOG(ERROR) << "Error finding signature from x509Certificate"; in certificateFindSignature()
1732 LOG(ERROR) << "COSE signature length is " << ecdsaCoseSignature.size() << ", expected 64"; in ecdsaSignatureCoseToDer()
1738 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating BIGNUM for r"; in ecdsaSignatureCoseToDer()
1744 LOG(ERROR) << "Error creating BIGNUM for s"; in ecdsaSignatureCoseToDer()
1766 LOG(ERROR) << "Error decoding DER signature"; in ecdsaSignatureDerToCose()
1773 LOG(ERROR) << "Error encoding r"; in ecdsaSignatureDerToCose()
1777 LOG(ERROR) << "Error encoding s"; in ecdsaSignatureDerToCose()
1787 LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid size for signatureToBeSigned, expected 64 got " in coseSignEcDsaWithSignature()
1800 LOG(ERROR) << "Error splitting certificate chain"; in coseSignEcDsaWithSignature()
1839 LOG(ERROR) << "data and detachedContent cannot both be non-empty"; in coseSignEcDsa()
1848 LOG(ERROR) << "Error splitting certificate chain"; in coseSignEcDsa()
1868 LOG(ERROR) << "Error signing toBeSigned data"; in coseSignEcDsa()
1873 LOG(ERROR) << "Error converting ECDSA signature from DER to COSE format"; in coseSignEcDsa()
1897 LOG(ERROR) << "Passed-in COSE_Sign1 is not valid CBOR: " << message; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1902 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1906 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array of size 4"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1913 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for encodedProtectedHeaders is not a bstr"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1920 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for unprotectedHeaders is not a map"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1928 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for payload is not null or a bstr"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1934 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for payload is not null or a bstr"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1941 LOG(ERROR) << "data and detachedContent cannot both be non-empty"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1947 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for signature is a bstr"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1954 LOG(ERROR) << "Error converting ECDSA signature from COSE to DER format"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1961 LOG(ERROR) << "Signature check failed"; in coseCheckEcDsaSignature()
1971 LOG(ERROR) << "Passed-in COSE_Sign1 is not valid CBOR: " << message; in coseSignGetSignature()
1976 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array"; in coseSignGetSignature()
1980 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array of size 4"; in coseSignGetSignature()
1987 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for signature is not a bstr"; in coseSignGetSignature()
1999 LOG(ERROR) << "Passed-in COSE_Sign1 is not valid CBOR: " << message; in coseSignGetPayload()
2004 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array"; in coseSignGetPayload()
2008 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array of size 4"; in coseSignGetPayload()
2016 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for payload is not null or a bstr"; in coseSignGetPayload()
2023 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for payload is not null or a bstr"; in coseSignGetPayload()
2036 LOG(ERROR) << "Passed-in COSE_Sign1 is not valid CBOR: " << message; in coseSignGetAlg()
2041 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array"; in coseSignGetAlg()
2045 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array of size 4"; in coseSignGetAlg()
2051 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for protectedHeaders is not a bstr"; in coseSignGetAlg()
2056 LOG(ERROR) << "Error parsing protectedHeaders: " << message2; in coseSignGetAlg()
2061 LOG(ERROR) << "Decoded CBOR for protectedHeaders is not a map"; in coseSignGetAlg()
2069 LOG(ERROR) << "Key item in top-level map is not a number"; in coseSignGetAlg()
2078 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_LABEL_ALG label is not a number"; in coseSignGetAlg()
2082 LOG(ERROR) << "Did not find COSE_LABEL_ALG label in protected headers"; in coseSignGetAlg()
2089 LOG(ERROR) << "Passed-in COSE_Sign1 is not valid CBOR: " << message; in coseSignGetX5Chain()
2094 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array"; in coseSignGetX5Chain()
2098 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for COSE_Sign1 is not an array of size 4"; in coseSignGetX5Chain()
2104 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for unprotectedHeaders is not a map"; in coseSignGetX5Chain()
2112 LOG(ERROR) << "Key item in top-level map is not a number"; in coseSignGetX5Chain()
2127 LOG(ERROR) << "Item in x5chain array is not a bstr"; in coseSignGetX5Chain()
2135 LOG(ERROR) << "Value for x5chain label is not a bstr or array"; in coseSignGetX5Chain()
2139 LOG(ERROR) << "Did not find x5chain label in unprotected headers"; in coseSignGetX5Chain()
2173 LOG(ERROR) << "data and detachedContent cannot both be non-empty"; in coseMac0()
2184 LOG(ERROR) << "Error MACing toBeMACed data"; in coseMac0()