/** @file The implementation of EFI IPv4 Configuration II Protocol. Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 2015-2016 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "Ip4Impl.h" LIST_ENTRY mIp4Config2InstanceList = {&mIp4Config2InstanceList, &mIp4Config2InstanceList}; /** The event process routine when the DHCPv4 service binding protocol is installed in the system. @param[in] Event Not used. @param[in] Context Pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. **/ VOID EFIAPI Ip4Config2OnDhcp4SbInstalled ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ); /** Destroy the Dhcp4 child in IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE and release the resources. @param[in, out] Instance The buffer of IP4 config2 instance to be freed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The child was successfully destroyed. @retval Others Failed to destroy the child. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2DestroyDhcp4 ( IN OUT IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance ) { IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL *Dhcp4; Dhcp4 = Instance->Dhcp4; ASSERT (Dhcp4 != NULL); Dhcp4->Stop (Dhcp4); Dhcp4->Configure (Dhcp4, NULL); Instance->Dhcp4 = NULL; IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); // // Close DHCPv4 protocol and destroy the child. // Status = gBS->CloseProtocol ( Instance->Dhcp4Handle, &gEfiDhcp4ProtocolGuid, IpSb->Image, IpSb->Controller ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = NetLibDestroyServiceChild ( IpSb->Controller, IpSb->Image, &gEfiDhcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, Instance->Dhcp4Handle ); Instance->Dhcp4Handle = NULL; return Status; } /** Update the current policy to NewPolicy. During the transition period, the default router list and address list in all interfaces will be released. @param[in] IpSb The IP4 service binding instance. @param[in] NewPolicy The new policy to be updated to. **/ VOID Ip4Config2OnPolicyChanged ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb, IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY NewPolicy ) { IP4_INTERFACE *IpIf; IP4_ROUTE_TABLE *RouteTable; // // Currently there are only two policies: static and dhcp. Regardless of // what transition is going on, i.e., static -> dhcp and dhcp -> // static, we have to free default router table and all addresses. // if (IpSb->DefaultInterface != NULL) { if (IpSb->DefaultRouteTable != NULL) { Ip4FreeRouteTable (IpSb->DefaultRouteTable); IpSb->DefaultRouteTable = NULL; } Ip4CancelReceive (IpSb->DefaultInterface); Ip4FreeInterface (IpSb->DefaultInterface, NULL); IpSb->DefaultInterface = NULL; } Ip4CleanAssembleTable (&IpSb->Assemble); // // Create new default interface and route table. // IpIf = Ip4CreateInterface (IpSb->Mnp, IpSb->Controller, IpSb->Image); if (IpIf == NULL) { return ; } RouteTable = Ip4CreateRouteTable (); if (RouteTable == NULL) { Ip4FreeInterface (IpIf, NULL); return ; } IpSb->DefaultInterface = IpIf; InsertHeadList (&IpSb->Interfaces, &IpIf->Link); IpSb->DefaultRouteTable = RouteTable; Ip4ReceiveFrame (IpIf, NULL, Ip4AccpetFrame, IpSb); if (IpSb->State == IP4_SERVICE_CONFIGED || IpSb->State == IP4_SERVICE_STARTED) { IpSb->State = IP4_SERVICE_UNSTARTED; } // // Start the dhcp configuration. // if (NewPolicy == Ip4Config2PolicyDhcp) { Ip4StartAutoConfig (&IpSb->Ip4Config2Instance); } } /** Signal the registered event. It is the callback routine for NetMapIterate. @param[in] Map Points to the list of registered event. @param[in] Item The registered event. @param[in] Arg Not used. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The event was signaled successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI Ip4Config2SignalEvent ( IN NET_MAP *Map, IN NET_MAP_ITEM *Item, IN VOID *Arg ) { gBS->SignalEvent ((EFI_EVENT) Item->Key); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Read the configuration data from variable storage according to the VarName and gEfiIp4Config2ProtocolGuid. It checks the integrity of variable data. If the data is corrupted, it clears the variable data to ZERO. Othewise, it outputs the configuration data to IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE. @param[in] VarName The pointer to the variable name @param[in, out] Instance The pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The variable can not be found or already corrupted. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Fail to allocate resource to complete the operation. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The configuration data was retrieved successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2ReadConfigData ( IN CHAR16 *VarName, IN OUT IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN VarSize; IP4_CONFIG2_VARIABLE *Variable; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *DataItem; UINTN Index; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_RECORD DataRecord; CHAR8 *Data; // // Try to read the configuration variable. // VarSize = 0; Status = gRT->GetVariable ( VarName, &gEfiIp4Config2ProtocolGuid, NULL, &VarSize, NULL ); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { // // Allocate buffer and read the config variable. // Variable = AllocatePool (VarSize); if (Variable == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = gRT->GetVariable ( VarName, &gEfiIp4Config2ProtocolGuid, NULL, &VarSize, Variable ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) || (UINT16) (~NetblockChecksum ((UINT8 *) Variable, (UINT32) VarSize)) != 0) { // // GetVariable still error or the variable is corrupted. // Fall back to the default value. // FreePool (Variable); // // Remove the problematic variable and return EFI_NOT_FOUND, a new // variable will be set again. // gRT->SetVariable ( VarName, &gEfiIp4Config2ProtocolGuid, IP4_CONFIG2_VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE, 0, NULL ); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } for (Index = 0; Index < Variable->DataRecordCount; Index++) { CopyMem (&DataRecord, &Variable->DataRecord[Index], sizeof (DataRecord)); DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[DataRecord.DataType]; if (DATA_ATTRIB_SET (DataItem->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_SIZE_FIXED) && (DataItem->DataSize != DataRecord.DataSize) ) { // // Perhaps a corrupted data record... // continue; } if (!DATA_ATTRIB_SET (DataItem->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_SIZE_FIXED)) { // // This data item has variable length data. // DataItem->Data.Ptr = AllocatePool (DataRecord.DataSize); if (DataItem->Data.Ptr == NULL) { // // no memory resource // continue; } } Data = (CHAR8 *) Variable + DataRecord.Offset; CopyMem (DataItem->Data.Ptr, Data, DataRecord.DataSize); DataItem->DataSize = DataRecord.DataSize; DataItem->Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } FreePool (Variable); return EFI_SUCCESS; } return Status; } /** Write the configuration data from IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE to variable storage. @param[in] VarName The pointer to the variable name. @param[in] Instance The pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Fail to allocate resource to complete the operation. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The configuration data is written successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2WriteConfigData ( IN CHAR16 *VarName, IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance ) { UINTN Index; UINTN VarSize; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *DataItem; IP4_CONFIG2_VARIABLE *Variable; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_RECORD *DataRecord; CHAR8 *Heap; EFI_STATUS Status; VarSize = sizeof (IP4_CONFIG2_VARIABLE) - sizeof (IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_RECORD); for (Index = 0; Index < Ip4Config2DataTypeMaximum; Index++) { DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Index]; if (!DATA_ATTRIB_SET (DataItem->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_VOLATILE) && !EFI_ERROR (DataItem->Status)) { VarSize += sizeof (IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_RECORD) + DataItem->DataSize; } } Variable = AllocatePool (VarSize); if (Variable == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Heap = (CHAR8 *) Variable + VarSize; Variable->DataRecordCount = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < Ip4Config2DataTypeMaximum; Index++) { DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Index]; if (!DATA_ATTRIB_SET (DataItem->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_VOLATILE) && !EFI_ERROR (DataItem->Status)) { Heap -= DataItem->DataSize; CopyMem (Heap, DataItem->Data.Ptr, DataItem->DataSize); DataRecord = &Variable->DataRecord[Variable->DataRecordCount]; DataRecord->DataType = (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_TYPE) Index; DataRecord->DataSize = (UINT32) DataItem->DataSize; DataRecord->Offset = (UINT16) (Heap - (CHAR8 *) Variable); Variable->DataRecordCount++; } } Variable->Checksum = 0; Variable->Checksum = (UINT16) ~NetblockChecksum ((UINT8 *) Variable, (UINT32) VarSize); Status = gRT->SetVariable ( VarName, &gEfiIp4Config2ProtocolGuid, IP4_CONFIG2_VARIABLE_ATTRIBUTE, VarSize, Variable ); FreePool (Variable); return Status; } /** Build a EFI_IP4_ROUTE_TABLE to be returned to the caller of GetModeData. The EFI_IP4_ROUTE_TABLE is clumsy to use in the internal operation of the IP4 driver. @param[in] IpSb The IP4 service binding instance. @param[out] Table The built IP4 route table. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The route table is successfully build @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Failed to allocate the memory for the rotue table. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2BuildDefaultRouteTable ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb, OUT EFI_IP4_ROUTE_TABLE *Table ) { LIST_ENTRY *Entry; IP4_ROUTE_ENTRY *RtEntry; UINT32 Count; INT32 Index; if (IpSb->DefaultRouteTable == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } Count = IpSb->DefaultRouteTable->TotalNum; if (Count == 0) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Copy the route entry to EFI route table. Keep the order of // route entry copied from most specific to default route. That // is, interlevel the route entry from the instance's route area // and those from the default route table's route area. // Count = 0; for (Index = IP4_MASK_MAX; Index >= 0; Index--) { NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &(IpSb->DefaultRouteTable->RouteArea[Index])) { RtEntry = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT (Entry, IP4_ROUTE_ENTRY, Link); EFI_IP4 (Table[Count].SubnetAddress) = HTONL (RtEntry->Dest & RtEntry->Netmask); EFI_IP4 (Table[Count].SubnetMask) = HTONL (RtEntry->Netmask); EFI_IP4 (Table[Count].GatewayAddress) = HTONL (RtEntry->NextHop); Count++; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** The event process routine when the DHCPv4 service binding protocol is installed in the system. @param[in] Event Not used. @param[in] Context The pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. **/ VOID EFIAPI Ip4Config2OnDhcp4SbInstalled ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance; Instance = (IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *) Context; if ((Instance->Dhcp4Handle != NULL) || (Instance->Policy != Ip4Config2PolicyDhcp)) { // // The DHCP4 child is already created or the policy is no longer DHCP. // return ; } Ip4StartAutoConfig (Instance); } /** Set the station address and subnetmask for the default interface. @param[in] IpSb The pointer to the IP4 service binding instance. @param[in] StationAddress Ip address to be set. @param[in] SubnetMask Subnet to be set. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Set default address successful. @retval Others Some errors occur in setting. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2SetDefaultAddr ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb, IN IP4_ADDR StationAddress, IN IP4_ADDR SubnetMask ) { EFI_STATUS Status; IP4_INTERFACE *IpIf; IP4_PROTOCOL *Ip4Instance; EFI_ARP_PROTOCOL *Arp; LIST_ENTRY *Entry; IP4_ADDR Subnet; IP4_ROUTE_TABLE *RouteTable; IpIf = IpSb->DefaultInterface; ASSERT (IpIf != NULL); if ((IpIf->Ip == StationAddress) && (IpIf->SubnetMask == SubnetMask)) { IpSb->State = IP4_SERVICE_CONFIGED; return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (IpSb->Reconfig) { // // The default address is changed, free the previous interface first. // if (IpSb->DefaultRouteTable != NULL) { Ip4FreeRouteTable (IpSb->DefaultRouteTable); IpSb->DefaultRouteTable = NULL; } Ip4CancelReceive (IpSb->DefaultInterface); Ip4FreeInterface (IpSb->DefaultInterface, NULL); IpSb->DefaultInterface = NULL; // // Create new default interface and route table. // IpIf = Ip4CreateInterface (IpSb->Mnp, IpSb->Controller, IpSb->Image); if (IpIf == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } RouteTable = Ip4CreateRouteTable (); if (RouteTable == NULL) { Ip4FreeInterface (IpIf, NULL); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } IpSb->DefaultInterface = IpIf; InsertHeadList (&IpSb->Interfaces, &IpIf->Link); IpSb->DefaultRouteTable = RouteTable; Ip4ReceiveFrame (IpIf, NULL, Ip4AccpetFrame, IpSb); } if (IpSb->State == IP4_SERVICE_CONFIGED) { IpSb->State = IP4_SERVICE_UNSTARTED; } Status = Ip4SetAddress (IpIf, StationAddress, SubnetMask); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (IpIf->Arp != NULL) { // // A non-NULL IpIf->Arp here means a new ARP child is created when setting default address, // but some IP children may have referenced the default interface before it is configured, // these IP instances also consume this ARP protocol so they need to open it BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER. // Arp = NULL; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &IpIf->IpInstances) { Ip4Instance = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT_S (Entry, IP4_PROTOCOL, AddrLink, IP4_PROTOCOL_SIGNATURE); Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( IpIf->ArpHandle, &gEfiArpProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Arp, gIp4DriverBinding.DriverBindingHandle, Ip4Instance->Handle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_CHILD_CONTROLLER ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } } Ip4AddRoute ( IpSb->DefaultRouteTable, StationAddress, SubnetMask, IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS ); // // Add a route for the connected network. // Subnet = StationAddress & SubnetMask; Ip4AddRoute ( IpSb->DefaultRouteTable, Subnet, SubnetMask, IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS ); IpSb->State = IP4_SERVICE_CONFIGED; IpSb->Reconfig = FALSE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Set the station address, subnetmask and gateway address for the default interface. @param[in] Instance The pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @param[in] StationAddress Ip address to be set. @param[in] SubnetMask Subnet to be set. @param[in] GatewayAddress Gateway to be set. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Set default If successful. @retval Others Errors occur as indicated. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2SetDefaultIf ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance, IN IP4_ADDR StationAddress, IN IP4_ADDR SubnetMask, IN IP4_ADDR GatewayAddress ) { EFI_STATUS Status; IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); Status = Ip4Config2SetDefaultAddr (IpSb, StationAddress, SubnetMask); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Create a route if there is a default router. // if (GatewayAddress != IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS) { Ip4AddRoute ( IpSb->DefaultRouteTable, IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS, IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS, GatewayAddress ); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Release all the DHCP related resources. @param Instance The IP4 config2 instance. @return None **/ VOID Ip4Config2CleanDhcp4 ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance ) { IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); if (Instance->Dhcp4 != NULL) { Instance->Dhcp4->Stop (Instance->Dhcp4); gBS->CloseProtocol ( Instance->Dhcp4Handle, &gEfiDhcp4ProtocolGuid, IpSb->Image, IpSb->Controller ); Instance->Dhcp4 = NULL; } if (Instance->Dhcp4Handle != NULL) { NetLibDestroyServiceChild ( IpSb->Controller, IpSb->Image, &gEfiDhcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, Instance->Dhcp4Handle ); Instance->Dhcp4Handle = NULL; } if (Instance->Dhcp4Event != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (Instance->Dhcp4Event); Instance->Dhcp4Event = NULL; } } /** This worker function sets the DNS server list for the EFI IPv4 network stack running on the communication device that this EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL manages. The DNS server addresses must be unicast IPv4 addresses. @param[in] Instance The pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @param[in] DataSize The size of the buffer pointed to by Data in bytes. @param[in] Data The data buffer to set, points to an array of EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS instances. @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The DataSize does not match the size of the type. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more fields in Data is invalid. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate resources to complete the operation. @retval EFI_ABORTED The DNS server addresses to be set equal the current configuration. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified configuration data for the EFI IPv4 network stack was set. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2SetDnsServerWorker ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ) { UINTN OldIndex; UINTN NewIndex; UINTN Index1; EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS *OldDns; EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS *NewDns; UINTN OldDnsCount; UINTN NewDnsCount; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *Item; BOOLEAN OneAdded; VOID *Tmp; IP4_ADDR DnsAddress; if ((DataSize % sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS) != 0) || (DataSize == 0)) { return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } Item = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeDnsServer]; NewDns = (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS *) Data; OldDns = Item->Data.DnsServers; NewDnsCount = DataSize / sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS); OldDnsCount = Item->DataSize / sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS); OneAdded = FALSE; if (NewDnsCount != OldDnsCount) { Tmp = AllocatePool (DataSize); if (Tmp == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } else { Tmp = NULL; } for (NewIndex = 0; NewIndex < NewDnsCount; NewIndex++) { CopyMem (&DnsAddress, NewDns + NewIndex, sizeof (IP4_ADDR)); if (IP4_IS_UNSPECIFIED (NTOHL (DnsAddress)) || IP4_IS_LOCAL_BROADCAST (NTOHL (DnsAddress))) { // // The dns server address must be unicast. // if (Tmp != NULL) { FreePool (Tmp); } return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } for (Index1 = NewIndex + 1; Index1 < NewDnsCount; Index1++) { if (EFI_IP4_EQUAL (NewDns + NewIndex, NewDns + Index1)) { if (Tmp != NULL) { FreePool (Tmp); } return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } if (OneAdded) { // // If any address in the new setting is not in the old settings, skip the // comparision below. // continue; } for (OldIndex = 0; OldIndex < OldDnsCount; OldIndex++) { if (EFI_IP4_EQUAL (NewDns + NewIndex, OldDns + OldIndex)) { // // If found break out. // break; } } if (OldIndex == OldDnsCount) { OneAdded = TRUE; } } if (!OneAdded && (DataSize == Item->DataSize)) { // // No new item is added and the size is the same. // Item->Status = EFI_SUCCESS; return EFI_ABORTED; } else { if (Tmp != NULL) { if (Item->Data.Ptr != NULL) { FreePool (Item->Data.Ptr); } Item->Data.Ptr = Tmp; } CopyMem (Item->Data.Ptr, Data, DataSize); Item->DataSize = DataSize; Item->Status = EFI_SUCCESS; return EFI_SUCCESS; } } /** Callback function when DHCP process finished. It will save the retrieved IP configure parameter from DHCP to the NVRam. @param Event The callback event @param Context Opaque context to the callback @return None **/ VOID EFIAPI Ip4Config2OnDhcp4Complete ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance; EFI_DHCP4_MODE_DATA Dhcp4Mode; EFI_STATUS Status; IP4_ADDR StationAddress; IP4_ADDR SubnetMask; IP4_ADDR GatewayAddress; UINT32 Index; UINT32 OptionCount; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION **OptionList; Instance = (IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *) Context; ASSERT (Instance->Dhcp4 != NULL); // // Get the DHCP retrieved parameters // Status = Instance->Dhcp4->GetModeData (Instance->Dhcp4, &Dhcp4Mode); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Exit; } if (Dhcp4Mode.State == Dhcp4Bound) { StationAddress = EFI_NTOHL (Dhcp4Mode.ClientAddress); SubnetMask = EFI_NTOHL (Dhcp4Mode.SubnetMask); GatewayAddress = EFI_NTOHL (Dhcp4Mode.RouterAddress); Status = Ip4Config2SetDefaultIf (Instance, StationAddress, SubnetMask, GatewayAddress); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Exit; } // // Parse the ACK to get required DNS server information. // OptionCount = 0; OptionList = NULL; Status = Instance->Dhcp4->Parse (Instance->Dhcp4, Dhcp4Mode.ReplyPacket, &OptionCount, OptionList); if (Status != EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { goto Exit; } OptionList = AllocateZeroPool (OptionCount * sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *)); if (OptionList == NULL) { goto Exit; } Status = Instance->Dhcp4->Parse (Instance->Dhcp4, Dhcp4Mode.ReplyPacket, &OptionCount, OptionList); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (OptionList); goto Exit; } for (Index = 0; Index < OptionCount; Index++) { // // Look for DNS Server opcode (6). // if (OptionList[Index]->OpCode == DHCP4_TAG_DNS_SERVER) { if (((OptionList[Index]->Length & 0x3) != 0) || (OptionList[Index]->Length == 0)) { break; } Ip4Config2SetDnsServerWorker (Instance, OptionList[Index]->Length, &OptionList[Index]->Data[0]); break; } } FreePool (OptionList); Instance->DhcpSuccess = TRUE; } Exit: Ip4Config2CleanDhcp4 (Instance); DispatchDpc (); } /** Start the DHCP configuration for this IP service instance. It will locates the EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL, then start the DHCP configuration. @param[in] Instance The IP4 config2 instance to configure @retval EFI_SUCCESS The auto configuration is successfully started @retval Others Failed to start auto configuration. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4StartAutoConfig ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance ) { IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL *Dhcp4; EFI_DHCP4_MODE_DATA Dhcp4Mode; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *OptionList[1]; IP4_CONFIG2_DHCP4_OPTION ParaList; EFI_STATUS Status; IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); if (IpSb->State > IP4_SERVICE_UNSTARTED) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // A host must not invoke DHCP configuration if it is already // participating in the DHCP configuraiton process. // if (Instance->Dhcp4Handle != NULL) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } Status = NetLibCreateServiceChild ( IpSb->Controller, IpSb->Image, &gEfiDhcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, &Instance->Dhcp4Handle ); if (Status == EFI_UNSUPPORTED) { // // No DHCPv4 Service Binding protocol, register a notify. // if (Instance->Dhcp4SbNotifyEvent == NULL) { Instance->Dhcp4SbNotifyEvent = EfiCreateProtocolNotifyEvent ( &gEfiDhcp4ServiceBindingProtocolGuid, TPL_CALLBACK, Ip4Config2OnDhcp4SbInstalled, (VOID *) Instance, &Instance->Registration ); } } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Instance->Dhcp4SbNotifyEvent != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (Instance->Dhcp4SbNotifyEvent); } Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( Instance->Dhcp4Handle, &gEfiDhcp4ProtocolGuid, (VOID **) &Instance->Dhcp4, IpSb->Image, IpSb->Controller, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_BY_DRIVER ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Check the current DHCP status, if the DHCP process has // already finished, return now. // Dhcp4 = Instance->Dhcp4; Status = Dhcp4->GetModeData (Dhcp4, &Dhcp4Mode); if (Dhcp4Mode.State == Dhcp4Bound) { Ip4Config2OnDhcp4Complete (NULL, Instance); return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Try to start the DHCP process. Use most of the current // DHCP configuration to avoid problems if some DHCP client // yields the control of this DHCP service to us. // ParaList.Head.OpCode = DHCP4_TAG_PARA_LIST; ParaList.Head.Length = 3; ParaList.Head.Data[0] = DHCP4_TAG_NETMASK; ParaList.Route = DHCP4_TAG_ROUTER; ParaList.Dns = DHCP4_TAG_DNS_SERVER; OptionList[0] = &ParaList.Head; Dhcp4Mode.ConfigData.OptionCount = 1; Dhcp4Mode.ConfigData.OptionList = OptionList; Status = Dhcp4->Configure (Dhcp4, &Dhcp4Mode.ConfigData); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Start the DHCP process // Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, Ip4Config2OnDhcp4Complete, Instance, &Instance->Dhcp4Event ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = Dhcp4->Start (Dhcp4, Instance->Dhcp4Event); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } IpSb->State = IP4_SERVICE_STARTED; DispatchDpc (); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** The work function is to get the interface information of the communication device this IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE manages. @param[in] Instance Pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @param[in, out] DataSize On input, in bytes, the size of Data. On output, in bytes, the size of buffer required to store the specified configuration data. @param[in] Data The data buffer in which the configuration data is returned. Ignored if DataSize is ZERO. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The size of Data is too small for the specified configuration data, and the required size is returned in DataSize. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified configuration data was obtained. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2GetIfInfo ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance, IN OUT UINTN *DataSize, IN VOID *Data OPTIONAL ) { IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; UINTN Length; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *Item; EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_INTERFACE_INFO *IfInfo; IP4_ADDR Address; IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); Length = sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_INTERFACE_INFO); if (IpSb->DefaultRouteTable != NULL) { Length += IpSb->DefaultRouteTable->TotalNum * sizeof (EFI_IP4_ROUTE_TABLE); } if (*DataSize < Length) { *DataSize = Length; return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // // Copy the fixed size part of the interface info. // Item = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeInterfaceInfo]; IfInfo = (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_INTERFACE_INFO *) Data; CopyMem (IfInfo, Item->Data.Ptr, sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_INTERFACE_INFO)); // // Update the address info. // if (IpSb->DefaultInterface != NULL) { Address = HTONL (IpSb->DefaultInterface->Ip); CopyMem (&IfInfo->StationAddress, &Address, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); Address = HTONL (IpSb->DefaultInterface->SubnetMask); CopyMem (&IfInfo->SubnetMask, &Address, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); } if (IpSb->DefaultRouteTable != NULL) { IfInfo->RouteTableSize = IpSb->DefaultRouteTable->TotalNum; IfInfo->RouteTable = (EFI_IP4_ROUTE_TABLE *) ((UINT8 *) Data + sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_INTERFACE_INFO)); Ip4Config2BuildDefaultRouteTable (IpSb, IfInfo->RouteTable); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** The work function is to set the general configuration policy for the EFI IPv4 network stack that is running on the communication device managed by this IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE. The policy will affect other configuration settings. @param[in] Instance Pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @param[in] DataSize Size of the buffer pointed to by Data in bytes. @param[in] Data The data buffer to set. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The to be set policy is invalid. @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The DataSize does not match the size of the type. @retval EFI_ABORTED The new policy equals the current policy. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified configuration data for the EFI IPv6 network stack was set. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2SetPolicy ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ) { EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY NewPolicy; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *DataItem; IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; if (DataSize != sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY)) { return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } NewPolicy = *((EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_POLICY *) Data); if (NewPolicy >= Ip4Config2PolicyMax) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (NewPolicy == Instance->Policy) { if (NewPolicy != Ip4Config2PolicyDhcp || Instance->DhcpSuccess) { return EFI_ABORTED; } } else { // // The policy is changed. Clean the ManualAddress, Gateway and DnsServers, // shrink the variable data size, and fire up all the related events. // DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeManualAddress]; if (DataItem->Data.Ptr != NULL) { FreePool (DataItem->Data.Ptr); } DataItem->Data.Ptr = NULL; DataItem->DataSize = 0; DataItem->Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; NetMapIterate (&DataItem->EventMap, Ip4Config2SignalEvent, NULL); DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeGateway]; if (DataItem->Data.Ptr != NULL) { FreePool (DataItem->Data.Ptr); } DataItem->Data.Ptr = NULL; DataItem->DataSize = 0; DataItem->Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; NetMapIterate (&DataItem->EventMap, Ip4Config2SignalEvent, NULL); DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeDnsServer]; if (DataItem->Data.Ptr != NULL) { FreePool (DataItem->Data.Ptr); } DataItem->Data.Ptr = NULL; DataItem->DataSize = 0; DataItem->Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; NetMapIterate (&DataItem->EventMap, Ip4Config2SignalEvent, NULL); if (NewPolicy == Ip4Config2PolicyDhcp) { SET_DATA_ATTRIB (DataItem->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_VOLATILE); } else { // // The policy is changed from dhcp to static. Stop the DHCPv4 process // and destroy the DHCPv4 child. // if (Instance->Dhcp4Handle != NULL) { Ip4Config2DestroyDhcp4 (Instance); } // // Close the event. // if (Instance->Dhcp4Event != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (Instance->Dhcp4Event); Instance->Dhcp4Event = NULL; } } } IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); Ip4Config2OnPolicyChanged (IpSb, NewPolicy); Instance->Policy = NewPolicy; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** The work function is to set the station addresses manually for the EFI IPv4 network stack. It is only configurable when the policy is Ip4Config2PolicyStatic. @param[in] Instance Pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @param[in] DataSize Size of the buffer pointed to by Data in bytes. @param[in] Data The data buffer to set. @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The DataSize does not match the size of the type. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The specified configuration data cannot be set under the current policy. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more fields in Data is invalid. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Fail to allocate resource to complete the operation. @retval EFI_NOT_READY An asynchrous process is invoked to set the specified configuration data, and the process is not finished. @retval EFI_ABORTED The manual addresses to be set equal current configuration. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified configuration data for the EFI IPv6 network stack was set. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2SetMaunualAddress ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ) { EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_MANUAL_ADDRESS NewAddress; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *DataItem; EFI_STATUS Status; IP4_ADDR StationAddress; IP4_ADDR SubnetMask; VOID *Ptr; IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); ASSERT (Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeManualAddress].Status != EFI_NOT_READY); if (((DataSize % sizeof (EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_MANUAL_ADDRESS)) != 0) || (DataSize == 0)) { return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (Instance->Policy != Ip4Config2PolicyStatic) { return EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED; } NewAddress = *((EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_MANUAL_ADDRESS *) Data); StationAddress = EFI_NTOHL (NewAddress.Address); SubnetMask = EFI_NTOHL (NewAddress.SubnetMask); if (NetGetMaskLength (SubnetMask) == IP4_MASK_NUM) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Store the new data, and init the DataItem status to EFI_NOT_READY because // we may have an asynchronous configuration process. // Ptr = AllocateCopyPool (DataSize, Data); if (Ptr == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeManualAddress]; if (DataItem->Data.Ptr != NULL) { FreePool (DataItem->Data.Ptr); } DataItem->Data.Ptr = Ptr; DataItem->DataSize = DataSize; DataItem->Status = EFI_NOT_READY; IpSb->Reconfig = TRUE; Status = Ip4Config2SetDefaultAddr (IpSb, StationAddress, SubnetMask); DataItem->Status = Status; if (EFI_ERROR (DataItem->Status) && DataItem->Status != EFI_NOT_READY) { if (Ptr != NULL) { FreePool (Ptr); } DataItem->Data.Ptr = NULL; } return Status; } /** The work function is to set the gateway addresses manually for the EFI IPv4 network stack that is running on the communication device that this EFI IPv4 Configuration Protocol manages. It is not configurable when the policy is Ip4Config2PolicyDhcp. The gateway addresses must be unicast IPv4 addresses. @param[in] Instance The pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @param[in] DataSize The size of the buffer pointed to by Data in bytes. @param[in] Data The data buffer to set. This points to an array of EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS instances. @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The DataSize does not match the size of the type. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The specified configuration data cannot be set under the current policy. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more fields in Data is invalid. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate resource to complete the operation. @retval EFI_ABORTED The manual gateway addresses to be set equal the current configuration. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified configuration data for the EFI IPv6 network stack was set. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2SetGateway ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ) { IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *DataItem; IP4_ADDR Gateway; UINTN Index1; UINTN Index2; EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS *OldGateway; EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS *NewGateway; UINTN OldGatewayCount; UINTN NewGatewayCount; BOOLEAN OneRemoved; BOOLEAN OneAdded; VOID *Tmp; if ((DataSize % sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS) != 0) || (DataSize == 0)) { return EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE; } if (Instance->Policy != Ip4Config2PolicyStatic) { return EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED; } IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); NewGateway = (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS *) Data; NewGatewayCount = DataSize / sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS); for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < NewGatewayCount; Index1++) { CopyMem (&Gateway, NewGateway + Index1, sizeof (IP4_ADDR)); if ((IpSb->DefaultInterface->SubnetMask != 0) && !NetIp4IsUnicast (NTOHL (Gateway), IpSb->DefaultInterface->SubnetMask)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } for (Index2 = Index1 + 1; Index2 < NewGatewayCount; Index2++) { if (EFI_IP4_EQUAL (NewGateway + Index1, NewGateway + Index2)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeGateway]; OldGateway = DataItem->Data.Gateway; OldGatewayCount = DataItem->DataSize / sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS); OneRemoved = FALSE; OneAdded = FALSE; if (NewGatewayCount != OldGatewayCount) { Tmp = AllocatePool (DataSize); if (Tmp == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } else { Tmp = NULL; } for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < OldGatewayCount; Index1++) { // // Remove this route entry. // CopyMem (&Gateway, OldGateway + Index1, sizeof (IP4_ADDR)); Ip4DelRoute ( IpSb->DefaultRouteTable, IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS, IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS, NTOHL (Gateway) ); OneRemoved = TRUE; } for (Index1 = 0; Index1 < NewGatewayCount; Index1++) { CopyMem (&Gateway, NewGateway + Index1, sizeof (IP4_ADDR)); Ip4AddRoute ( IpSb->DefaultRouteTable, IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS, IP4_ALLZERO_ADDRESS, NTOHL (Gateway) ); OneAdded = TRUE; } if (!OneRemoved && !OneAdded) { DataItem->Status = EFI_SUCCESS; return EFI_ABORTED; } else { if (Tmp != NULL) { if (DataItem->Data.Ptr != NULL) { FreePool (DataItem->Data.Ptr); } DataItem->Data.Ptr = Tmp; } CopyMem (DataItem->Data.Ptr, Data, DataSize); DataItem->DataSize = DataSize; DataItem->Status = EFI_SUCCESS; return EFI_SUCCESS; } } /** The work function is to set the DNS server list for the EFI IPv4 network stack running on the communication device that this EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL manages. It is not configurable when the policy is Ip4Config2PolicyDhcp. The DNS server addresses must be unicast IPv4 addresses. @param[in] Instance The pointer to the IP4 config2 instance data. @param[in] DataSize The size of the buffer pointed to by Data in bytes. @param[in] Data The data buffer to set, points to an array of EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS instances. @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The DataSize does not match the size of the type. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The specified configuration data cannot be set under the current policy. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more fields in Data is invalid. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate resources to complete the operation. @retval EFI_ABORTED The DNS server addresses to be set equal the current configuration. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified configuration data for the EFI IPv4 network stack was set. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2SetDnsServer ( IN IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ) { IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *Item; Item = NULL; if (Instance->Policy != Ip4Config2PolicyStatic) { return EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED; } Item = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeDnsServer]; if (DATA_ATTRIB_SET (Item->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_VOLATILE)) { REMOVE_DATA_ATTRIB (Item->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_VOLATILE); } return Ip4Config2SetDnsServerWorker (Instance, DataSize, Data); } /** Generate the operational state of the interface this IP4 config2 instance manages and output in EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_INTERFACE_INFO. @param[in] IpSb The pointer to the IP4 service binding instance. @param[out] IfInfo The pointer to the IP4 config2 interface information structure. **/ VOID Ip4Config2InitIfInfo ( IN IP4_SERVICE *IpSb, OUT EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_INTERFACE_INFO *IfInfo ) { IfInfo->Name[0] = L'e'; IfInfo->Name[1] = L't'; IfInfo->Name[2] = L'h'; IfInfo->Name[3] = (CHAR16) (L'0' + IpSb->Ip4Config2Instance.IfIndex); IfInfo->Name[4] = 0; IfInfo->IfType = IpSb->SnpMode.IfType; IfInfo->HwAddressSize = IpSb->SnpMode.HwAddressSize; CopyMem (&IfInfo->HwAddress, &IpSb->SnpMode.CurrentAddress, IfInfo->HwAddressSize); } /** The event handle routine when DHCPv4 process is finished or is updated. @param[in] Event Not used. @param[in] Context The pointer to the IP4 configuration instance data. **/ VOID EFIAPI Ip4Config2OnDhcp4Event ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { return ; } /** Set the configuration for the EFI IPv4 network stack running on the communication device this EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL instance manages. This function is used to set the configuration data of type DataType for the EFI IPv4 network stack that is running on the communication device that this EFI IPv4 Configuration Protocol instance manages. DataSize is used to calculate the count of structure instances in the Data for a DataType in which multiple structure instances are allowed. This function is always non-blocking. When setting some type of configuration data, an asynchronous process is invoked to check the correctness of the data, such as performing Duplicate Address Detection on the manually set local IPv4 addresses. EFI_NOT_READY is returned immediately to indicate that such an asynchronous process is invoked, and the process is not finished yet. The caller wanting to get the result of the asynchronous process is required to call RegisterDataNotify() to register an event on the specified configuration data. Once the event is signaled, the caller can call GetData() to obtain the configuration data and know the result. For other types of configuration data that do not require an asynchronous configuration process, the result of the operation is immediately returned. @param[in] This The pointer to the EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] DataType The type of data to set. @param[in] DataSize Size of the buffer pointed to by Data in bytes. @param[in] Data The data buffer to set. The type of the data buffer is associated with the DataType. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified configuration data for the EFI IPv6 network stack was set successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the following are TRUE: - This is NULL. - Data is NULL. - One or more fields in Data do not match the requirement of the data type indicated by DataType. @retval EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED The specified configuration data is read-only or the specified configuration data cannot be set under the current policy. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED Another set operation on the specified configuration data is already in process. @retval EFI_NOT_READY An asynchronous process was invoked to set the specified configuration data, and the process is not finished yet. @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The DataSize does not match the size of the type indicated by DataType. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED This DataType is not supported. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR An unexpected system error or network error occurred. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI EfiIp4Config2SetData ( IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_TYPE DataType, IN UINTN DataSize, IN VOID *Data ) { EFI_TPL OldTpl; EFI_STATUS Status; IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance; IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; if ((This == NULL) || (Data == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (DataType >= Ip4Config2DataTypeMaximum) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Instance = IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE_FROM_PROTOCOL (This); IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (IpSb, IP4_SERVICE_SIGNATURE); OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_CALLBACK); Status = Instance->DataItem[DataType].Status; if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) { if (Instance->DataItem[DataType].SetData == NULL) { // // This type of data is readonly. // Status = EFI_WRITE_PROTECTED; } else { Status = Instance->DataItem[DataType].SetData (Instance, DataSize, Data); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Fire up the events registered with this type of data. // NetMapIterate (&Instance->DataItem[DataType].EventMap, Ip4Config2SignalEvent, NULL); Ip4Config2WriteConfigData (IpSb->MacString, Instance); } else if (Status == EFI_ABORTED) { // // The SetData is aborted because the data to set is the same with // the one maintained. // Status = EFI_SUCCESS; NetMapIterate (&Instance->DataItem[DataType].EventMap, Ip4Config2SignalEvent, NULL); } } } else { // // Another asynchornous process is on the way. // Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl); return Status; } /** Get the configuration data for the EFI IPv4 network stack running on the communication device that this EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL instance manages. This function returns the configuration data of type DataType for the EFI IPv4 network stack running on the communication device that this EFI IPv4 Configuration Protocol instance manages. The caller is responsible for allocating the buffer used to return the specified configuration data. The required size will be returned to the caller if the size of the buffer is too small. EFI_NOT_READY is returned if the specified configuration data is not ready due to an asynchronous configuration process already in progress. The caller can call RegisterDataNotify() to register an event on the specified configuration data. Once the asynchronous configuration process is finished, the event will be signaled, and a subsequent GetData() call will return the specified configuration data. @param[in] This Pointer to the EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] DataType The type of data to get. @param[in, out] DataSize On input, in bytes, the size of Data. On output, in bytes, the size of buffer required to store the specified configuration data. @param[in] Data The data buffer in which the configuration data is returned. The type of the data buffer is associated with the DataType. This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The specified configuration data was obtained successfully. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One or more of the followings are TRUE: - This is NULL. - DataSize is NULL. - Data is NULL if *DataSize is not zero. @retval EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The size of Data is too small for the specified configuration data, and the required size is returned in DataSize. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The specified configuration data is not ready due to an asynchronous configuration process already in progress. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The specified configuration data is not found. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI EfiIp4Config2GetData ( IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_TYPE DataType, IN OUT UINTN *DataSize, IN VOID *Data OPTIONAL ) { EFI_TPL OldTpl; EFI_STATUS Status; IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *DataItem; if ((This == NULL) || (DataSize == NULL) || ((*DataSize != 0) && (Data == NULL))) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (DataType >= Ip4Config2DataTypeMaximum) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_CALLBACK); Instance = IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE_FROM_PROTOCOL (This); DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[DataType]; Status = Instance->DataItem[DataType].Status; if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (DataItem->GetData != NULL) { Status = DataItem->GetData (Instance, DataSize, Data); } else if (*DataSize < Instance->DataItem[DataType].DataSize) { // // Update the buffer length. // *DataSize = Instance->DataItem[DataType].DataSize; Status = EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } else { *DataSize = Instance->DataItem[DataType].DataSize; CopyMem (Data, Instance->DataItem[DataType].Data.Ptr, *DataSize); } } gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl); return Status; } /** Register an event that is signaled whenever a configuration process on the specified configuration data is done. This function registers an event that is to be signaled whenever a configuration process on the specified configuration data is performed. An event can be registered for a different DataType simultaneously. The caller is responsible for determining which type of configuration data causes the signaling of the event in such an event. @param[in] This Pointer to the EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL instance. @param[in] DataType The type of data to unregister the event for. @param[in] Event The event to register. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The notification event for the specified configuration data is registered. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL or Event is NULL. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The configuration data type specified by DataType is not supported. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Required system resources could not be allocated. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The Event is already registered for the DataType. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI EfiIp4Config2RegisterDataNotify ( IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_TYPE DataType, IN EFI_EVENT Event ) { EFI_TPL OldTpl; EFI_STATUS Status; IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance; NET_MAP *EventMap; NET_MAP_ITEM *Item; if ((This == NULL) || (Event == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (DataType >= Ip4Config2DataTypeMaximum) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_CALLBACK); Instance = IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE_FROM_PROTOCOL (This); EventMap = &Instance->DataItem[DataType].EventMap; // // Check whether this event is already registered for this DataType. // Item = NetMapFindKey (EventMap, Event); if (Item == NULL) { Status = NetMapInsertTail (EventMap, Event, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } } else { Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl); return Status; } /** Remove a previously registered event for the specified configuration data. @param This The pointer to the EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL instance. @param DataType The type of data to remove from the previously registered event. @param Event The event to be unregistered. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The event registered for the specified configuration data was removed. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This is NULL or Event is NULL. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The Event has not been registered for the specified DataType. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI EfiIp4Config2UnregisterDataNotify ( IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_PROTOCOL *This, IN EFI_IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_TYPE DataType, IN EFI_EVENT Event ) { EFI_TPL OldTpl; EFI_STATUS Status; IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance; NET_MAP_ITEM *Item; if ((This == NULL) || (Event == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (DataType >= Ip4Config2DataTypeMaximum) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } OldTpl = gBS->RaiseTPL (TPL_CALLBACK); Instance = IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE_FROM_PROTOCOL (This); Item = NetMapFindKey (&Instance->DataItem[DataType].EventMap, Event); if (Item != NULL) { NetMapRemoveItem (&Instance->DataItem[DataType].EventMap, Item, NULL); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; } gBS->RestoreTPL (OldTpl); return Status; } /** Initialize an IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE. @param[out] Instance The buffer of IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE to be initialized. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Failed to allocate resources to complete the operation. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE initialized successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS Ip4Config2InitInstance ( OUT IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance ) { IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *TmpInstance; LIST_ENTRY *Entry; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; UINT16 IfIndex; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *DataItem; IpSb = IP4_SERVICE_FROM_IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE (Instance); Instance->Signature = IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE; // // Determine the index of this interface. // IfIndex = 0; NET_LIST_FOR_EACH (Entry, &mIp4Config2InstanceList) { TmpInstance = NET_LIST_USER_STRUCT_S (Entry, IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE, Link, IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE_SIGNATURE); if (TmpInstance->IfIndex > IfIndex) { // // There is a sequence hole because some interface is down. // break; } IfIndex++; } Instance->IfIndex = IfIndex; NetListInsertBefore (Entry, &Instance->Link); for (Index = 0; Index < Ip4Config2DataTypeMaximum; Index++) { // // Initialize the event map for each data item. // NetMapInit (&Instance->DataItem[Index].EventMap); } // // Initialize each data type: associate storage and set data size for the // fixed size data types, hook the SetData function, set the data attribute. // DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeInterfaceInfo]; DataItem->GetData = Ip4Config2GetIfInfo; DataItem->Data.Ptr = &Instance->InterfaceInfo; DataItem->DataSize = sizeof (Instance->InterfaceInfo); SET_DATA_ATTRIB (DataItem->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_SIZE_FIXED | DATA_ATTRIB_VOLATILE); Ip4Config2InitIfInfo (IpSb, &Instance->InterfaceInfo); DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypePolicy]; DataItem->SetData = Ip4Config2SetPolicy; DataItem->Data.Ptr = &Instance->Policy; DataItem->DataSize = sizeof (Instance->Policy); Instance->Policy = Ip4Config2PolicyStatic; SET_DATA_ATTRIB (DataItem->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_SIZE_FIXED); DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeManualAddress]; DataItem->SetData = Ip4Config2SetMaunualAddress; DataItem->Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeGateway]; DataItem->SetData = Ip4Config2SetGateway; DataItem->Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Ip4Config2DataTypeDnsServer]; DataItem->SetData = Ip4Config2SetDnsServer; DataItem->Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; // // Create the event used for DHCP. // Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_CALLBACK, Ip4Config2OnDhcp4Event, Instance, &Instance->Dhcp4Event ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); Instance->Configured = TRUE; // // Try to read the config data from NV variable. // If not found, write initialized config data into NV variable // as a default config data. // Status = Ip4Config2ReadConfigData (IpSb->MacString, Instance); if (Status == EFI_NOT_FOUND) { Status = Ip4Config2WriteConfigData (IpSb->MacString, Instance); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Instance->Ip4Config2.SetData = EfiIp4Config2SetData; Instance->Ip4Config2.GetData = EfiIp4Config2GetData; Instance->Ip4Config2.RegisterDataNotify = EfiIp4Config2RegisterDataNotify; Instance->Ip4Config2.UnregisterDataNotify = EfiIp4Config2UnregisterDataNotify; // // Publish the IP4 configuration form // return Ip4Config2FormInit (Instance); } /** Release an IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE. @param[in, out] Instance The buffer of IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE to be freed. **/ VOID Ip4Config2CleanInstance ( IN OUT IP4_CONFIG2_INSTANCE *Instance ) { UINTN Index; IP4_CONFIG2_DATA_ITEM *DataItem; if (Instance->DeclineAddress != NULL) { FreePool (Instance->DeclineAddress); } if (!Instance->Configured) { return ; } if (Instance->Dhcp4Handle != NULL) { Ip4Config2DestroyDhcp4 (Instance); } // // Close the event. // if (Instance->Dhcp4Event != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (Instance->Dhcp4Event); Instance->Dhcp4Event = NULL; } for (Index = 0; Index < Ip4Config2DataTypeMaximum; Index++) { DataItem = &Instance->DataItem[Index]; if (!DATA_ATTRIB_SET (DataItem->Attribute, DATA_ATTRIB_SIZE_FIXED)) { if (DataItem->Data.Ptr != NULL) { FreePool (DataItem->Data.Ptr); } DataItem->Data.Ptr = NULL; DataItem->DataSize = 0; } NetMapClean (&Instance->DataItem[Index].EventMap); } Ip4Config2FormUnload (Instance); RemoveEntryList (&Instance->Link); } /** The event handle for IP4 auto reconfiguration. The original default interface and route table will be removed as the default. @param[in] Context The IP4 service binding instance. **/ VOID EFIAPI Ip4AutoReconfigCallBackDpc ( IN VOID *Context ) { IP4_SERVICE *IpSb; IpSb = (IP4_SERVICE *) Context; NET_CHECK_SIGNATURE (IpSb, IP4_SERVICE_SIGNATURE); if (IpSb->State > IP4_SERVICE_UNSTARTED) { IpSb->State = IP4_SERVICE_UNSTARTED; } IpSb->Reconfig = TRUE; Ip4StartAutoConfig (&IpSb->Ip4Config2Instance); return ; } /** Request Ip4AutoReconfigCallBackDpc as a DPC at TPL_CALLBACK. @param Event The event that is signalled. @param Context The IP4 service binding instance. **/ VOID EFIAPI Ip4AutoReconfigCallBack ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { // // Request Ip4AutoReconfigCallBackDpc as a DPC at TPL_CALLBACK // QueueDpc (TPL_CALLBACK, Ip4AutoReconfigCallBackDpc, Context); }