/* * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project * * Portions copyright (C) 2017 Broadcom Limited * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nl80211_copy.h" #include "sync.h" #define LOG_TAG "WifiHAL" #include #include "wifi_hal.h" #include "common.h" #include "cpp_bindings.h" #include "brcm_version.h" #define WIFI_HAL_EVENT_SOCK_PORT 645 #define ARRAYSIZE(a) (u8)(sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0])) typedef enum { LOGGER_START_LOGGING = ANDROID_NL80211_SUBCMD_DEBUG_RANGE_START, LOGGER_TRIGGER_MEM_DUMP, LOGGER_GET_MEM_DUMP, LOGGER_GET_VER, LOGGER_GET_RING_STATUS, LOGGER_GET_RING_DATA, LOGGER_GET_FEATURE, LOGGER_RESET_LOGGING, LOGGER_TRIGGER_DRIVER_MEM_DUMP, LOGGER_GET_DRIVER_MEM_DUMP, LOGGER_START_PKT_FATE_MONITORING, LOGGER_GET_TX_PKT_FATES, LOGGER_GET_RX_PKT_FATES, LOGGER_GET_WAKE_REASON_STATS, LOGGER_DEBUG_GET_DUMP, LOGGER_FILE_DUMP_DONE_IND, LOGGER_SET_HAL_START, LOGGER_HAL_STOP, LOGGER_SET_HAL_PID } DEBUG_SUB_COMMAND; typedef enum { LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_DRIVER_VER, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_VER, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_ID, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_NAME, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_FLAGS, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_LEVEL, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_TIME_INTVAL, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_MIN_DATA_SIZE, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_LEN, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_DATA, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_ERR_CODE, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_DATA, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_STATUS, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_NUM, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_DRIVER_DUMP_LEN, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_DRIVER_DUMP_DATA, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_PKT_FATE_NUM, LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_PKT_FATE_DATA, } LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE; typedef enum { DEBUG_OFF = 0, DEBUG_NORMAL, DEBUG_VERBOSE, DEBUG_VERY, DEBUG_VERY_VERY, } LOGGER_LEVEL; typedef enum { GET_FW_VER, GET_DRV_VER, GET_RING_DATA, GET_RING_STATUS, GET_FEATURE, START_RING_LOG, } GetCmdType; typedef enum { PACKET_MONITOR_START, TX_PACKET_FATE, RX_PACKET_FATE, } PktFateReqType; enum wake_stat_attributes { WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_TOTAL_CMD_EVENT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_CMD_EVENT_WAKE, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_CMD_EVENT_COUNT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_CMD_COUNT_USED, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_TOTAL_DRIVER_FW, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_DRIVER_FW_WAKE, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_DRIVER_FW_COUNT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_DRIVER_FW_COUNT_USED, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_TOTAL_RX_DATA_WAKE, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_UNICAST_COUNT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_MULTICAST_COUNT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_BROADCAST_COUNT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP_PKT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP6_PKT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP6_RA, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP6_NA, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP6_NS, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_IPV4_RX_MULTICAST_ADD_CNT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_IPV6_RX_MULTICAST_ADD_CNT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_OTHER__RX_MULTICAST_ADD_CNT, WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_MULTICAST_PKT_INFO }; typedef enum { SET_HAL_START_ATTRIBUTE_DEINIT = 0x0001, SET_HAL_START_ATTRIBUTE_PRE_INIT = 0x0002, SET_HAL_START_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_SOCK_PID = 0x0003 } SET_HAL_START_ATTRIBUTE; #define HAL_START_REQUEST_ID 2 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class DebugCommand : public WifiCommand { char *mBuff; int *mBuffSize; u32 *mNumRings; wifi_ring_buffer_status *mStatus; unsigned int *mSupport; u32 mVerboseLevel; u32 mFlags; u32 mMaxIntervalSec; u32 mMinDataSize; char *mRingName; GetCmdType mType; public: // constructor for get version DebugCommand(wifi_interface_handle iface, char *buffer, int *buffer_size, GetCmdType cmdType) : WifiCommand("DebugCommand", iface, 0), mBuff(buffer), mBuffSize(buffer_size), mType (cmdType) { mNumRings = NULL; mStatus = NULL; mSupport = NULL; mVerboseLevel = 0; mFlags = 0; mMaxIntervalSec = 0; mMinDataSize = 0; mRingName = NULL; memset(mBuff, 0, *mBuffSize); } // constructor for ring data DebugCommand(wifi_interface_handle iface, char *ring_name, GetCmdType cmdType) : WifiCommand("DebugCommand", iface, 0), mRingName(ring_name), mType(cmdType) { mBuff = NULL; mBuffSize = NULL; mNumRings = NULL; mStatus = NULL; mSupport = NULL; mVerboseLevel = 0; mFlags = 0; mMaxIntervalSec = 0; mMinDataSize = 0; } // constructor for ring status DebugCommand(wifi_interface_handle iface, u32 *num_rings, wifi_ring_buffer_status *status, GetCmdType cmdType) : WifiCommand("DebugCommand", iface, 0), mNumRings(num_rings), mStatus(status), mType(cmdType) { mBuff = NULL; mBuffSize = NULL; mSupport = NULL; mVerboseLevel = 0; mFlags = 0; mMaxIntervalSec = 0; mMinDataSize = 0; mRingName = NULL; memset(mStatus, 0, sizeof(wifi_ring_buffer_status) * (*mNumRings)); } // constructor for feature set DebugCommand(wifi_interface_handle iface, unsigned int *support, GetCmdType cmdType) : WifiCommand("DebugCommand", iface, 0), mSupport(support), mType(cmdType) { mBuff = NULL; mBuffSize = NULL; mNumRings = NULL; mStatus = NULL; mVerboseLevel = 0; mFlags = 0; mMaxIntervalSec = 0; mMinDataSize = 0; mRingName = NULL; } // constructor for ring params DebugCommand(wifi_interface_handle iface, u32 verbose_level, u32 flags, u32 max_interval_sec, u32 min_data_size, char *ring_name, GetCmdType cmdType) : WifiCommand("DebugCommand", iface, 0), mVerboseLevel(verbose_level), mFlags(flags), mMaxIntervalSec(max_interval_sec), mMinDataSize(min_data_size), mRingName(ring_name), mType(cmdType) { mBuff = NULL; mBuffSize = NULL; mNumRings = NULL; mStatus = NULL; mSupport = NULL; } int createRingRequest(WifiRequest& request) { int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_START_LOGGING); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create start ring logger request; result = %d", result); return result; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); result = request.put_u32(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_LEVEL, mVerboseLevel); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put log level; result = %d", result); return result; } result = request.put_u32(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_FLAGS, mFlags); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put ring flags; result = %d", result); return result; } result = request.put_u32(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_TIME_INTVAL, mMaxIntervalSec); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put log time interval; result = %d", result); return result; } result = request.put_u32(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_LOG_MIN_DATA_SIZE, mMinDataSize); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put min data size; result = %d", result); return result; } result = request.put_string(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_NAME, mRingName); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put ringbuffer name; result = %d", result); return result; } request.attr_end(data); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } int createRequest(WifiRequest &request) { int result; switch (mType) { case GET_FW_VER: { result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_VER); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create get fw version request; result = %d", result); return result; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); // Driver expecting only attribute type, passing mbuff as data with // length 0 to avoid undefined state result = request.put(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_VER, mBuff, 0); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put get fw version request; result = %d", result); return result; } request.attr_end(data); break; } case GET_DRV_VER: { result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_VER); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create get drv version request; result = %d", result); return result; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); // Driver expecting only attribute type, passing mbuff as data with // length 0 to avoid undefined state result = request.put(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_DRIVER_VER, mBuff, 0); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put get drv version request; result = %d", result); return result; } request.attr_end(data); break; } case GET_RING_DATA: { result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_RING_DATA); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create get ring data request; result = %d", result); return result; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); result = request.put_string(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_NAME, mRingName); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put ring data request; result = %d", result); return result; } request.attr_end(data); break; } case GET_RING_STATUS: { result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_RING_STATUS); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create get ring status request; result = %d", result); return result; } break; } case GET_FEATURE: { result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_FEATURE); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create get feature request; result = %d", result); return result; } break; } case START_RING_LOG: result = createRingRequest(request); break; default: ALOGE("Unknown Debug command"); result = WIFI_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } return result; } int start() { // ALOGD("Start debug command"); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = createRequest(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create debug request; result = %d", result); return result; } result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register debug response; result = %d", result); } return result; } virtual int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) { ALOGD("In DebugCommand::handleResponse"); if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) { ALOGD("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd()); return NL_SKIP; } switch (mType) { case GET_DRV_VER: case GET_FW_VER: { void *data = reply.get_vendor_data(); int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len(); ALOGD("len = %d, expected len = %d", len, *mBuffSize); memcpy(mBuff, data, min(len, *mBuffSize)); if (*mBuffSize < len) return NL_SKIP; *mBuffSize = len; break; } case START_RING_LOG: case GET_RING_DATA: break; case GET_RING_STATUS: { nlattr *vendor_data = reply.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len(); wifi_ring_buffer_status *status(mStatus); if (vendor_data == NULL || len == 0) { ALOGE("No Debug data found"); return NL_SKIP; } nl_iterator it(vendor_data); if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_NUM) { unsigned int num_rings = it.get_u32(); if (*mNumRings < num_rings) { ALOGE("Not enough status buffers provided, available: %d required: %d", *mNumRings, num_rings); } else { *mNumRings = num_rings; } } else { ALOGE("Unknown attribute: %d expecting %d", it.get_type(), LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_NUM); return NL_SKIP; } it.next(); for (unsigned int i = 0; it.has_next() && i < *mNumRings; it.next()) { if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_STATUS) { memcpy(status, it.get_data(), sizeof(wifi_ring_buffer_status)); i++; status++; } else { ALOGW("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d", it.get_type(), it.get_len()); } } break; } case GET_FEATURE: { void *data = reply.get_vendor_data(); int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len(); ALOGD("len = %d, expected len = %d", len, sizeof(unsigned int)); memcpy(mSupport, data, sizeof(unsigned int)); break; } default: ALOGW("Unknown Debug command"); } return NL_OK; } virtual int handleEvent(WifiEvent& event) { /* NO events! */ return NL_SKIP; } }; /* API to collect a firmware version string */ wifi_error wifi_get_firmware_version(wifi_interface_handle iface, char *buffer, int buffer_size) { if (buffer && (buffer_size > 0)) { DebugCommand *cmd = new DebugCommand(iface, buffer, &buffer_size, GET_FW_VER); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } else { ALOGE("FW version buffer NULL"); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } } /* API to collect a driver version string */ wifi_error wifi_get_driver_version(wifi_interface_handle iface, char *buffer, int buffer_size) { if (buffer && (buffer_size > 0)) { DebugCommand *cmd = new DebugCommand(iface, buffer, &buffer_size, GET_DRV_VER); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } else { ALOGE("Driver version buffer NULL"); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } } /* API to collect driver records */ wifi_error wifi_get_ring_data(wifi_interface_handle iface, char *ring_name) { DebugCommand *cmd = new DebugCommand(iface, ring_name, GET_RING_DATA); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } /* API to get the status of all ring buffers supported by driver */ wifi_error wifi_get_ring_buffers_status(wifi_interface_handle iface, u32 *num_rings, wifi_ring_buffer_status *status) { if (status && num_rings) { DebugCommand *cmd = new DebugCommand(iface, num_rings, status, GET_RING_STATUS); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } else { ALOGE("Ring status buffer NULL"); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } } /* API to get supportable feature */ wifi_error wifi_get_logger_supported_feature_set(wifi_interface_handle iface, unsigned int *support) { if (support) { DebugCommand *cmd = new DebugCommand(iface, support, GET_FEATURE); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } else { ALOGE("Get support buffer NULL"); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } } wifi_error wifi_start_logging(wifi_interface_handle iface, u32 verbose_level, u32 flags, u32 max_interval_sec, u32 min_data_size, char *ring_name) { if (ring_name) { DebugCommand *cmd = new DebugCommand(iface, verbose_level, flags, max_interval_sec, min_data_size, ring_name, START_RING_LOG); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } else { ALOGE("Ring name NULL"); return WIFI_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SetLogHandler : public WifiCommand { wifi_ring_buffer_data_handler mHandler; public: SetLogHandler(wifi_interface_handle iface, int id, wifi_ring_buffer_data_handler handler) : WifiCommand("SetLogHandler", iface, id), mHandler(handler) { } int start() { ALOGV("Register loghandler"); int result; uint32_t event_sock_pid = getpid() + (WIFI_HAL_EVENT_SOCK_PORT << 22); registerVendorHandler(GOOGLE_OUI, GOOGLE_DEBUG_RING_EVENT); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); /* set hal event socket port to driver */ result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_SET_HAL_PID); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGV("Failed to set Hal preInit; result = %d", result); return result; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); result = request.put_u32(SET_HAL_START_ATTRIBUTE_EVENT_SOCK_PID, event_sock_pid); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGV("Hal preInit Failed to put pic = %d", result); return result; } if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGV("Hal preInit Failed to put pid= %d", result); return result; } request.attr_end(data); result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register set Hal preInit; result = %d", result); return result; } return result; } virtual int cancel() { /* Send a command to driver to stop generating logging events */ ALOGV("Clear loghandler"); /* unregister event handler */ unregisterVendorHandler(GOOGLE_OUI, GOOGLE_DEBUG_RING_EVENT); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_RESET_LOGGING); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("failed to create reset request; result = %d", result); return result; } result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("failed to request reset; result = %d", result); return result; } ALOGD("Success to clear loghandler"); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } virtual int handleEvent(WifiEvent& event) { char *buffer = NULL; int buffer_size = 0; // ALOGD("In SetLogHandler::handleEvent"); nlattr *vendor_data = event.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); int len = event.get_vendor_data_len(); int event_id = event.get_vendor_subcmd(); // ALOGI("Got Logger event: %d", event_id); if (vendor_data == NULL || len == 0) { ALOGE("No Debug data found"); return NL_SKIP; } if(event_id == GOOGLE_DEBUG_RING_EVENT) { wifi_ring_buffer_status status; memset(&status, 0, sizeof(status)); for (nl_iterator it(vendor_data); it.has_next(); it.next()) { if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_STATUS) { memcpy(&status, it.get_data(), sizeof(status)); } else if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_DATA) { buffer_size = it.get_len(); buffer = (char *)it.get_data(); } else { ALOGW("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d", it.get_type(), it.get_len()); } } // ALOGI("Retrieved Debug data"); if (mHandler.on_ring_buffer_data) { /* Skip msg header. Retrieved log */ char *pBuff; wifi_ring_buffer_entry *buffer_entry = (wifi_ring_buffer_entry *) buffer; pBuff = (char *) (buffer_entry + 1); (*mHandler.on_ring_buffer_data)((char *)status.name, pBuff, buffer_entry->entry_size, &status); } } else { ALOGE("Unknown Event"); return NL_SKIP; } return NL_OK; } }; wifi_error wifi_set_log_handler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface, wifi_ring_buffer_data_handler handler) { wifi_handle handle = getWifiHandle(iface); ALOGV("Loghandler start, handle = %p", handle); SetLogHandler *cmd = new SetLogHandler(iface, id, handler); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = wifi_register_cmd(handle, id, cmd); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { wifi_unregister_cmd(handle, id); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } return result; } wifi_error wifi_reset_log_handler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface) { wifi_handle handle = getWifiHandle(iface); ALOGV("Loghandler reset, wifi_request_id = %d, handle = %p", id, handle); if (id == -1) { wifi_ring_buffer_data_handler handler; memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler)); SetLogHandler *cmd = new SetLogHandler(iface, id, handler); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); cmd->cancel(); cmd->releaseRef(); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } return wifi_cancel_cmd(id, iface); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SetAlertHandler : public WifiCommand { wifi_alert_handler mHandler; int mBuffSize; char *mBuff; int mErrCode; public: SetAlertHandler(wifi_interface_handle iface, int id, wifi_alert_handler handler) : WifiCommand("SetAlertHandler", iface, id), mHandler(handler), mBuffSize(0), mBuff(NULL), mErrCode(0) { } int start() { ALOGV("Start Alerting"); registerVendorHandler(GOOGLE_OUI, GOOGLE_DEBUG_MEM_DUMP_EVENT); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } virtual int cancel() { ALOGV("Clear alerthandler"); /* unregister alert handler */ unregisterVendorHandler(GOOGLE_OUI, GOOGLE_DEBUG_MEM_DUMP_EVENT); wifi_unregister_cmd(wifiHandle(), id()); ALOGD("Success to clear alerthandler"); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } virtual int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) { ALOGD("In SetAlertHandler::handleResponse"); if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) { ALOGD("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd()); return NL_SKIP; } nlattr *vendor_data = reply.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len(); ALOGD("len = %d", len); if (vendor_data == NULL || len == 0) { ALOGE("no vendor data in memory dump response; ignoring it"); return NL_SKIP; } for (nl_iterator it(vendor_data); it.has_next(); it.next()) { if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_DATA) { ALOGI("Initiating alert callback"); if (mHandler.on_alert) { (*mHandler.on_alert)(id(), mBuff, mBuffSize, mErrCode); } if (mBuff) { free(mBuff); mBuff = NULL; } } } return NL_OK; } virtual int handleEvent(WifiEvent& event) { wifi_ring_buffer_id ring_id; char *buffer = NULL; int buffer_size = 0; bool is_err_alert = false; nlattr *vendor_data = event.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); int len = event.get_vendor_data_len(); int event_id = event.get_vendor_subcmd(); ALOGI("Got event: %d", event_id); if (vendor_data == NULL || len == 0) { ALOGE("No Debug data found"); return NL_SKIP; } if (event_id == GOOGLE_DEBUG_MEM_DUMP_EVENT) { for (nl_iterator it(vendor_data); it.has_next(); it.next()) { if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_LEN) { mBuffSize = it.get_u32(); } else if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_RING_DATA) { buffer_size = it.get_len(); buffer = (char *)it.get_data(); } else if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_ERR_CODE) { /* Error code is for error alert event only */ mErrCode = it.get_u32(); is_err_alert = true; } else { ALOGW("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d", it.get_type(), it.get_len()); } } if(is_err_alert) { mBuffSize = sizeof(mErrCode); if (mBuff) free(mBuff); mBuff = (char *)malloc(mBuffSize); if (!mBuff) { ALOGE("Buffer allocation failed"); return NL_SKIP; } memcpy(mBuff, (char *)&mErrCode, mBuffSize); ALOGI("Initiating alert callback"); if (mHandler.on_alert) { (*mHandler.on_alert)(id(), mBuff, mBuffSize, mErrCode); } if (mBuff) { free(mBuff); mBuff = NULL; } mBuffSize = 0; return NL_OK; } if (mBuffSize) { ALOGD("dump size: %d meta data size: %d", mBuffSize, buffer_size); if (mBuff) free(mBuff); mBuff = (char *)malloc(mBuffSize + buffer_size); if (!mBuff) { ALOGE("Buffer allocation failed"); return NL_SKIP; } memcpy(mBuff, buffer, buffer_size); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_MEM_DUMP); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create get memory dump request; result = %d", result); free(mBuff); return NL_SKIP; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); result = request.put_u32(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_LEN, mBuffSize); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put get memory dump request; result = %d", result); return result; } result = request.put_u64(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_DATA, (uint64_t)(mBuff+buffer_size)); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put get memory dump request; result = %d", result); return result; } request.attr_end(data); mBuffSize += buffer_size; result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register get momory dump response; result = %d", result); } } else { ALOGE("dump event missing dump length attribute"); return NL_SKIP; } } return NL_OK; } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class HalInit : public WifiCommand { int mErrCode; public: HalInit(wifi_interface_handle iface, int id) : WifiCommand("HalInit", iface, id), mErrCode(0) { } int start() { ALOGE("Start Set Hal"); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_SET_HAL_START); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to set hal start; result = %d", result); return result; } result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register set hal start response; result = %d", result); } return result; } virtual int cancel() { ALOGE("Cancel: Stop Hal"); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_HAL_STOP); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to stop hal ; result = %d", result); return result; } result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register set hal start response; result = %d", result); } wifi_unregister_cmd(wifiHandle(), id()); return result; } int preInit() { ALOGE("Hal preInit"); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_SET_HAL_START); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to set Hal preInit; result = %d", result); return result; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); result = request.put_string(SET_HAL_START_ATTRIBUTE_PRE_INIT, (char *)HAL_VERSION); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Hal preInit Failed to put data= %d", result); return result; } request.attr_end(data); result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register set Hal preInit; result = %d", result); } return result; } virtual int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) { ALOGE("In SetHalStarted::handleResponse"); if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) { ALOGD("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd()); return NL_SKIP; } return NL_OK; } virtual int handleEvent(WifiEvent& event) { /* NO events! */ return NL_SKIP; } }; wifi_error wifi_start_hal(wifi_interface_handle iface) { wifi_handle handle = getWifiHandle(iface); ALOGV("HAL INIT start, handle = %p", handle); HalInit *cmd = new HalInit(iface, HAL_START_REQUEST_ID); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = wifi_register_cmd(handle, HAL_START_REQUEST_ID, cmd); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { wifi_unregister_cmd(handle,HAL_START_REQUEST_ID); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } return result; } wifi_error wifi_hal_preInit(wifi_interface_handle iface) { wifi_handle handle = getWifiHandle(iface); ALOGV("wifi_hal_preInit, handle = %p", handle); HalInit *cmd = new HalInit(iface, HAL_START_REQUEST_ID); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = wifi_register_cmd(handle, HAL_START_REQUEST_ID, cmd); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } result = (wifi_error)cmd->preInit(); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { wifi_unregister_cmd(handle,HAL_START_REQUEST_ID); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } return result; } wifi_error wifi_stop_hal(wifi_interface_handle iface) { wifi_handle handle = getWifiHandle(iface); HalInit *cmd = new HalInit(iface, HAL_START_REQUEST_ID); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); cmd->cancel(); cmd->releaseRef(); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } wifi_error wifi_set_alert_handler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface, wifi_alert_handler handler) { wifi_handle handle = getWifiHandle(iface); ALOGV("Alerthandler start, handle = %p", handle); SetAlertHandler *cmd = new SetAlertHandler(iface, id, handler); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = wifi_register_cmd(handle, id, cmd); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { wifi_unregister_cmd(handle, id); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } return result; } wifi_error wifi_reset_alert_handler(wifi_request_id id, wifi_interface_handle iface) { wifi_handle handle = getWifiHandle(iface); ALOGV("Alerthandler reset, wifi_request_id = %d, handle = %p", id, handle); if (id == -1) { wifi_alert_handler handler; memset(&handler, 0, sizeof(handler)); SetAlertHandler *cmd = new SetAlertHandler(iface, id, handler); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); cmd->cancel(); cmd->releaseRef(); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } return wifi_cancel_cmd(id, iface); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class MemoryDumpCommand: public WifiCommand { wifi_firmware_memory_dump_handler mHandler; int mBuffSize; char *mBuff; public: MemoryDumpCommand(wifi_interface_handle iface, wifi_firmware_memory_dump_handler handler) : WifiCommand("MemoryDumpCommand", iface, 0), mHandler(handler), mBuffSize(0), mBuff(NULL) { } int start() { ALOGD("Start memory dump command"); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_TRIGGER_MEM_DUMP); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create trigger fw memory dump request; result = %d", result); return result; } result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register trigger memory dump response; result = %d", result); } return result; } virtual int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) { ALOGD("In MemoryDumpCommand::handleResponse"); if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) { ALOGD("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd()); return NL_SKIP; } nlattr *vendor_data = reply.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len(); ALOGD("len = %d", len); if (vendor_data == NULL || len == 0) { ALOGE("no vendor data in memory dump response; ignoring it"); return NL_SKIP; } for (nl_iterator it(vendor_data); it.has_next(); it.next()) { if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_LEN) { mBuffSize = it.get_u32(); if (mBuff) free(mBuff); mBuff = (char *)malloc(mBuffSize); if (!mBuff) { ALOGE("Buffer allocation failed"); return NL_SKIP; } WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_MEM_DUMP); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to create get memory dump request; result = %d", result); free(mBuff); return NL_SKIP; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); result = request.put_u32(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_LEN, mBuffSize); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put get memory dump request; result = %d", result); return result; } result = request.put_u64(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_DATA, (uint64_t)mBuff); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to put get memory dump request; result = %d", result); return result; } request.attr_end(data); result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register get momory dump response; result = %d", result); } } else if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_FW_DUMP_DATA) { ALOGI("Initiating memory dump callback"); if (mHandler.on_firmware_memory_dump) { (*mHandler.on_firmware_memory_dump)(mBuff, mBuffSize); } if (mBuff) { free(mBuff); mBuff = NULL; } } else { ALOGW("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d", it.get_type(), it.get_len()); } } return NL_OK; } virtual int handleEvent(WifiEvent& event) { /* NO events! */ return NL_SKIP; } }; /* API to collect a firmware memory dump for a given iface */ wifi_error wifi_get_firmware_memory_dump( wifi_interface_handle iface, wifi_firmware_memory_dump_handler handler) { MemoryDumpCommand *cmd = new MemoryDumpCommand(iface, handler); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } class PacketFateCommand: public WifiCommand { void *mReportBufs; size_t mNoReqFates; size_t *mNoProvidedFates; PktFateReqType mReqType; public: PacketFateCommand(wifi_interface_handle handle) : WifiCommand("PacketFateCommand", handle, 0), mReqType(PACKET_MONITOR_START) { mReportBufs = NULL; mNoReqFates = 0; mNoProvidedFates = NULL; } PacketFateCommand(wifi_interface_handle handle, wifi_tx_report *tx_report_bufs, size_t n_requested_fates, size_t *n_provided_fates) : WifiCommand("PacketFateCommand", handle, 0), mReportBufs(tx_report_bufs), mNoReqFates(n_requested_fates), mNoProvidedFates(n_provided_fates), mReqType(TX_PACKET_FATE) { } PacketFateCommand(wifi_interface_handle handle, wifi_rx_report *rx_report_bufs, size_t n_requested_fates, size_t *n_provided_fates) : WifiCommand("PacketFateCommand", handle, 0), mReportBufs(rx_report_bufs), mNoReqFates(n_requested_fates), mNoProvidedFates(n_provided_fates), mReqType(RX_PACKET_FATE) { } int createRequest(WifiRequest& request) { if (mReqType == TX_PACKET_FATE) { ALOGD("%s Get Tx packet fate request\n", __FUNCTION__); return createTxPktFateRequest(request); } else if (mReqType == RX_PACKET_FATE) { ALOGD("%s Get Rx packet fate request\n", __FUNCTION__); return createRxPktFateRequest(request); } else if (mReqType == PACKET_MONITOR_START) { ALOGD("%s Monitor packet fate request\n", __FUNCTION__); return createMonitorPktFateRequest(request); } else { ALOGE("%s Unknown packet fate request\n", __FUNCTION__); return WIFI_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } return WIFI_SUCCESS; } int createMonitorPktFateRequest(WifiRequest& request) { int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_START_PKT_FATE_MONITORING); if (result < 0) { return result; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); request.attr_end(data); return result; } int createTxPktFateRequest(WifiRequest& request) { int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_TX_PKT_FATES); if (result < 0) { return result; } memset(mReportBufs, 0, (mNoReqFates * sizeof(wifi_tx_report))); nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); result = request.put_u32(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_PKT_FATE_NUM, mNoReqFates); if (result < 0) { return result; } result = request.put_u64(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_PKT_FATE_DATA, (uint64_t)mReportBufs); if (result < 0) { return result; } request.attr_end(data); return result; } int createRxPktFateRequest(WifiRequest& request) { int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_RX_PKT_FATES); if (result < 0) { return result; } memset(mReportBufs, 0, (mNoReqFates * sizeof(wifi_rx_report))); nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); result = request.put_u32(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_PKT_FATE_NUM, mNoReqFates); if (result < 0) { return result; } result = request.put_u64(LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_PKT_FATE_DATA, (uint64_t)mReportBufs); if (result < 0) { return result; } request.attr_end(data); return result; } int start() { ALOGD("Start get packet fate command\n"); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = createRequest(request); if (result < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to create get pkt fate request; result = %d\n", result); return result; } result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register get pkt fate response; result = %d\n", result); } return result; } int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) { ALOGD("In GetPktFateCommand::handleResponse\n"); if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) { ALOGI("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd()); return NL_SKIP; } int id = reply.get_vendor_id(); int subcmd = reply.get_vendor_subcmd(); nlattr *vendor_data = reply.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len(); ALOGI("Id = %0x, subcmd = %d, len = %d", id, subcmd, len); if (mReqType == TX_PACKET_FATE) { ALOGI("Response recieved for get TX pkt fate command\n"); } else if (mReqType == RX_PACKET_FATE) { ALOGI("Response recieved for get RX pkt fate command\n"); } else if (mReqType == PACKET_MONITOR_START) { ALOGI("Response recieved for monitor pkt fate command\n"); return NL_OK; } else { ALOGE("Response recieved for unknown pkt fate command\n"); return NL_SKIP; } if (vendor_data == NULL || len == 0) { ALOGE("no vendor data in GetPktFateCommand response; ignoring it\n"); return NL_SKIP; } for (nl_iterator it(vendor_data); it.has_next(); it.next()) { if (it.get_type() == LOGGER_ATTRIBUTE_PKT_FATE_NUM) { *mNoProvidedFates = it.get_u32(); ALOGI("No: of pkt fates provided is %d\n", *mNoProvidedFates); } else { ALOGE("Ignoring invalid attribute type = %d, size = %d\n", it.get_type(), it.get_len()); } } return NL_OK; } int handleEvent(WifiEvent& event) { /* NO events to handle here! */ return NL_SKIP; } }; class GetWakeReasonCountCommand : public WifiCommand { WLAN_DRIVER_WAKE_REASON_CNT *mWakeReasonCnt; void *mCmdEventWakeCount; public: GetWakeReasonCountCommand(wifi_interface_handle handle, WLAN_DRIVER_WAKE_REASON_CNT *wlanDriverWakeReasonCount) : WifiCommand("GetWakeReasonCountCommand", handle, 0), mWakeReasonCnt(wlanDriverWakeReasonCount) { mCmdEventWakeCount = mWakeReasonCnt->cmd_event_wake_cnt; } int createRequest(WifiRequest& request) { int result = request.create(GOOGLE_OUI, LOGGER_GET_WAKE_REASON_STATS); if (result < 0) { return result; } nlattr *data = request.attr_start(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); request.attr_end(data); return WIFI_SUCCESS; } int start() { ALOGD("Start get wake stats command\n"); WifiRequest request(familyId(), ifaceId()); int result = createRequest(request); if (result < 0) { ALOGE("Failed to create request result = %d\n", result); return result; } result = requestResponse(request); if (result != WIFI_SUCCESS) { ALOGE("Failed to register wake stats response; result = %d\n", result); } return result; } protected: int handleResponse(WifiEvent& reply) { ALOGE("In GetWakeReasonCountCommand::handleResponse"); if (reply.get_cmd() != NL80211_CMD_VENDOR) { ALOGD("Ignoring reply with cmd = %d", reply.get_cmd()); return NL_SKIP; } int id = reply.get_vendor_id(); int subcmd = reply.get_vendor_subcmd(); nlattr *vendor_data = reply.get_attribute(NL80211_ATTR_VENDOR_DATA); int len = reply.get_vendor_data_len(); ALOGV("Id = %0x, subcmd = %d, len = %d", id, subcmd, len); if (vendor_data == NULL || len == 0) { ALOGE("no vendor data in GetGetWakeReasonCountCommand response; ignoring it"); return NL_SKIP; } for (nl_iterator it(vendor_data); it.has_next(); it.next()) { switch (it.get_type()) { case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_TOTAL_DRIVER_FW: mWakeReasonCnt->total_driver_fw_local_wake = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_TOTAL_CMD_EVENT: mWakeReasonCnt->total_cmd_event_wake = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_CMD_COUNT_USED: mWakeReasonCnt->cmd_event_wake_cnt_used = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_CMD_EVENT_WAKE: memcpy(mCmdEventWakeCount, it.get_data(), (mWakeReasonCnt->cmd_event_wake_cnt_used * sizeof(int))); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_TOTAL_RX_DATA_WAKE: mWakeReasonCnt->total_rx_data_wake = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_UNICAST_COUNT: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_wake_details.rx_unicast_cnt = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_MULTICAST_COUNT: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_wake_details.rx_multicast_cnt = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_BROADCAST_COUNT: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_wake_details.rx_broadcast_cnt = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP_PKT: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_wake_pkt_classification_info.icmp_pkt = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP6_PKT: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_wake_pkt_classification_info.icmp6_pkt = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP6_RA: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_wake_pkt_classification_info.icmp6_ra = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP6_NA: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_wake_pkt_classification_info.icmp6_na = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_RX_ICMP6_NS: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_wake_pkt_classification_info.icmp6_ns = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_IPV4_RX_MULTICAST_ADD_CNT: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_multicast_wake_pkt_info.ipv4_rx_multicast_addr_cnt = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_IPV6_RX_MULTICAST_ADD_CNT: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_multicast_wake_pkt_info.ipv6_rx_multicast_addr_cnt = it.get_u32(); break; case WAKE_STAT_ATTRIBUTE_OTHER__RX_MULTICAST_ADD_CNT: mWakeReasonCnt->rx_multicast_wake_pkt_info.other_rx_multicast_addr_cnt = it.get_u32(); break; default: break; } } return NL_OK; } }; wifi_error wifi_start_pkt_fate_monitoring(wifi_interface_handle handle) { PacketFateCommand *cmd = new PacketFateCommand(handle); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } wifi_error wifi_get_tx_pkt_fates(wifi_interface_handle handle, wifi_tx_report *tx_report_bufs, size_t n_requested_fates, size_t *n_provided_fates) { PacketFateCommand *cmd = new PacketFateCommand(handle, tx_report_bufs, n_requested_fates, n_provided_fates); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } wifi_error wifi_get_rx_pkt_fates(wifi_interface_handle handle, wifi_rx_report *rx_report_bufs, size_t n_requested_fates, size_t *n_provided_fates) { PacketFateCommand *cmd = new PacketFateCommand(handle, rx_report_bufs, n_requested_fates, n_provided_fates); NULL_CHECK_RETURN(cmd, "memory allocation failure", WIFI_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; } wifi_error wifi_get_wake_reason_stats(wifi_interface_handle handle, WLAN_DRIVER_WAKE_REASON_CNT *wifi_wake_reason_cnt) { GetWakeReasonCountCommand *cmd = new GetWakeReasonCountCommand(handle, wifi_wake_reason_cnt); wifi_error result = (wifi_error)cmd->start(); cmd->releaseRef(); return result; }