/****************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2018 ST Microelectronics S.A. * Copyright 2018 NXP * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * ******************************************************************************/ #define LOG_TAG "StEse_HalApi" #include #include "StEseApi.h" #include "SpiLayerComm.h" #include #include #include "T1protocol.h" #include "android_logmsg.h" /*********************** Global Variables *************************************/ /* ESE Context structure */ ese_Context_t ese_ctxt; const char* halVersion = "ST54-SE HAL1.0 Version 1.0.20"; pthread_mutex_t mutex; /****************************************************************************** * Function StEseLog_InitializeLogLevel * * Description This function is called during StEse_init to initialize * debug log level. * * Returns None * ******************************************************************************/ void StEseLog_InitializeLogLevel() { InitializeSTLogLevel(); } /****************************************************************************** * Function StEse_init * * Description This function is called by Jni during the * initialization of the ESE. It opens the physical connection * with ESE and creates required client thread for * operation. * Returns This function return ESESTATUS_SUCCES (0) in case of success * In case of failure returns other failure value. * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS StEse_init() { SpiDriver_config_t tSpiDriver; ESESTATUS wConfigStatus = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; int ret; char ese_dev_node[64]; std::string ese_node; STLOG_HAL_D("%s : SteSE_open Enter halVersion = %s ", __func__, halVersion); /*When spi channel is already opened return status as FAILED*/ if (ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus != ESE_STATUS_CLOSE) { STLOG_HAL_D("already opened\n"); return ESESTATUS_BUSY; } memset(&ese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(ese_ctxt)); memset(&tSpiDriver, 0x00, sizeof(tSpiDriver)); /* initialize trace level */ StEseLog_InitializeLogLevel(); /*Read device node path*/ ese_node = EseConfig::getString(NAME_ST_ESE_DEV_NODE, "/dev/st54j"); strcpy(ese_dev_node, ese_node.c_str()); tSpiDriver.pDevName = ese_dev_node; /* Initialize SPI Driver layer */ if (T1protocol_init(&tSpiDriver) != ESESTATUS_SUCCESS) { STLOG_HAL_E("T1protocol_init Failed"); goto clean_and_return; } /* Copying device handle to ESE Lib context*/ ese_ctxt.pDevHandle = tSpiDriver.pDevHandle; ret = pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); if (ret != 0) { STLOG_HAL_E("HAL: %s pthread_mutex_init failed", __func__); } STLOG_HAL_D("wConfigStatus %x", wConfigStatus); ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_OPEN; return wConfigStatus; clean_and_return: if (NULL != ese_ctxt.pDevHandle) { SpiLayerInterface_close(ese_ctxt.pDevHandle); memset(&ese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(ese_ctxt)); } ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_CLOSE; return ESESTATUS_FAILED; } /****************************************************************************** * Function StEseApi_isOpen * * \brief Check if the hal is opened * * \retval return false if it is close, otherwise true. * ******************************************************************************/ bool StEseApi_isOpen() { STLOG_HAL_D(" %s status 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus); return ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus != ESE_STATUS_CLOSE; } /****************************************************************************** * Function StEse_Transceive * * Description This function update the len and provided buffer * * Returns On Success ESESTATUS_SUCCESS else proper error code * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS StEse_Transceive(StEse_data* pCmd, StEse_data* pRsp) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; static int pTxBlock_len = 0; uint16_t pCmdlen = pCmd->len; STLOG_HAL_D("%s : Enter EseLibStatus = %d ", __func__, ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus); if ((NULL == pCmd) || (NULL == pRsp)) return ESESTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; if ((pCmd->len == 0) || pCmd->p_data == NULL) { STLOG_HAL_E(" StEse_Transceive - Invalid Parameter no data\n"); return ESESTATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if ((ESE_STATUS_CLOSE == ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) { STLOG_HAL_E(" %s ESE Not Initialized \n", __FUNCTION__); return ESESTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED; } STLOG_HAL_D(" %s ESE - No access, waiting \n", __FUNCTION__); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); STLOG_HAL_D(" %s ESE - Access granted, processing \n", __FUNCTION__); uint8_t* CmdPart = pCmd->p_data; while (pCmdlen > ATP.ifsc) { pTxBlock_len = ATP.ifsc; int rc = T1protocol_transcieveApduPart(CmdPart, pTxBlock_len, false, (StEse_data*) pRsp); if (rc < 0) { STLOG_HAL_E(" %s ESE - Error, release access \n", __FUNCTION__); status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); return status; } pCmdlen -= pTxBlock_len; CmdPart = CmdPart + pTxBlock_len; if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != status) { STLOG_HAL_E(" %s T1protocol_transcieveApduPart- Failed \n", __FUNCTION__); } } int rc = T1protocol_transcieveApduPart(CmdPart, pCmdlen, true, (StEse_data*) pRsp); if (rc < 0) status = ESESTATUS_FAILED; if (ESESTATUS_SUCCESS != status) { STLOG_HAL_E(" %s T1protocol_transcieveApduPart- Failed \n", __FUNCTION__); } STLOG_HAL_D(" %s ESE - Processing complete, release access \n", __FUNCTION__); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); STLOG_HAL_D(" %s Exit status 0x%x \n", __FUNCTION__, status); return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function StEse_close * * Description This function close the ESE interface and free all * resources. * * Returns Always return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS (0). * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS StEse_close(void) { ESESTATUS status = ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; if ((ESE_STATUS_CLOSE == ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus)) { STLOG_HAL_E(" %s ESE Not Initialized \n", __FUNCTION__); return ESESTATUS_NOT_INITIALISED; } if (NULL != ese_ctxt.pDevHandle) { SpiLayerInterface_close(ese_ctxt.pDevHandle); memset(&ese_ctxt, 0x00, sizeof(ese_ctxt)); STLOG_HAL_D("StEse_close - ESE Context deinit completed"); ese_ctxt.EseLibStatus = ESE_STATUS_CLOSE; } pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); /* Return success always */ return status; } /****************************************************************************** * Function StEse_getAtr * * Description This function get the last ATR received. * * Returns pointer to the ATR array. * ******************************************************************************/ uint8_t* StEse_getAtr(void) { STLOG_HAL_D("%s : Enter", __func__); // The ATR is not supported by SPI in the secure element return nullptr; } /****************************************************************************** * Function StEse_Reset * * Description This function resets the eSE SPI interface by sending a * SE reset and negotiating the ifs. * * Returns ESESTATUS_SUCCESS is successful, ESESTATUS_SUCCESS otherwise * ******************************************************************************/ ESESTATUS StEse_Reset(void) { STLOG_HAL_D("%s : Enter", __func__); if (SpiLayerInterface_setup() != 0) { return ESESTATUS_FAILED; } return ESESTATUS_SUCCESS; }