#!/usr/bin/env python3.4 # # Copyright 2019 - The Android Open Source Project # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import collections import json import math import os import time from acts import asserts from acts import base_test from acts import context from acts import utils from acts.controllers import iperf_server as ipf from acts.controllers.utils_lib import ssh from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_performance_test_utils as wputils from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_retail_ap as retail_ap from acts.test_utils.wifi import wifi_test_utils as wutils SHORT_SLEEP = 1 MED_SLEEP = 5 TRAFFIC_GAP_THRESH = 0.5 IPERF_INTERVAL = 0.25 class WifiRoamingPerformanceTest(base_test.BaseTestClass): """Class for ping-based Wifi performance tests. This class implements WiFi ping performance tests such as range and RTT. The class setups up the AP in the desired configurations, configures and connects the phone to the AP, and runs For an example config file to run this test class see example_connectivity_performance_ap_sta.json. """ def setup_class(self): """Initializes common test hardware and parameters. This function initializes hardwares and compiles parameters that are common to all tests in this class. """ self.dut = self.android_devices[-1] req_params = [ 'RetailAccessPoints', 'roaming_test_params', 'testbed_params' ] opt_params = ['main_network', 'RemoteServer'] self.unpack_userparams(req_params, opt_params) self.testclass_params = self.roaming_test_params self.num_atten = self.attenuators[0].instrument.num_atten self.remote_server = ssh.connection.SshConnection( ssh.settings.from_config(self.RemoteServer[0]['ssh_config'])) self.remote_server.setup_master_ssh() self.iperf_server = self.iperf_servers[0] self.iperf_client = self.iperf_clients[0] self.access_point = retail_ap.create(self.RetailAccessPoints)[0] self.log.info('Access Point Configuration: {}'.format( self.access_point.ap_settings)) if hasattr(self, 'bdf'): self.log.info('Pushing WiFi BDF to DUT.') wputils.push_bdf(self.dut, self.bdf) if hasattr(self, 'firmware'): self.log.info('Pushing WiFi firmware to DUT.') wlanmdsp = [ file for file in self.firmware if "wlanmdsp.mbn" in file ][0] data_msc = [file for file in self.firmware if "Data.msc" in file][0] wputils.push_firmware(self.dut, wlanmdsp, data_msc) # Get RF connection map self.log.info("Getting RF connection map.") wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True) self.rf_map_by_network, self.rf_map_by_atten = ( wputils.get_full_rf_connection_map(self.attenuators, self.dut, self.remote_server, self.main_network)) self.log.info("RF Map (by Network): {}".format(self.rf_map_by_network)) self.log.info("RF Map (by Atten): {}".format(self.rf_map_by_atten)) #Turn WiFi ON if self.testclass_params.get('airplane_mode', 1): self.log.info('Turning on airplane mode.') asserts.assert_true( utils.force_airplane_mode(self.dut, True), "Can not turn on airplane mode.") wutils.wifi_toggle_state(self.dut, True) def pass_fail_traffic_continuity(self, result): """Pass fail check for traffic continuity Currently, the function only reports test results and implicitly passes the test. A pass fail criterion is current being researched. Args: result: dict containing test results """ self.log.info('Detected {} roam transitions:'.format( len(result['roam_transitions']))) for event in result['roam_transitions']: self.log.info('Roam: {} -> {})'.format(event[0], event[1])) self.log.info('Roam transition statistics: {}'.format( result['roam_counts'])) formatted_traffic_gaps = [ round(gap, 2) for gap in result['traffic_disruption'] ] self.log.info('Detected {} traffic gaps of duration: {}'.format( len(result['traffic_disruption']), formatted_traffic_gaps)) if len(result['traffic_disruption']) == 0: asserts.explicit_pass('Test passed. No traffic disruptions found.') elif (max(result['traffic_disruption']) > self.testclass_params['traffic_disruption_threshold']): asserts.fail('Test failed. Max traffic disruption: {}s.'.format( max(result['traffic_disruption']))) else: asserts.explicit_pass( 'Test passed. Max traffic disruption: {}s.'.format( max(result['traffic_disruption']))) def pass_fail_roaming_consistency(self, results_dict): """Function to evaluate roaming consistency results. The function looks for the roams recorded in multiple runs of the same attenuation waveform and checks that the DUT reliably roams to the same network Args: results_dict: dict containing consistency test results """ test_fail = False for secondary_atten, roam_stats in results_dict['roam_stats'].items(): total_roams = sum(list(roam_stats.values())) common_roam = max(roam_stats.keys(), key=(lambda k: roam_stats[k])) common_roam_frequency = roam_stats[common_roam] / total_roams self.log.info( '{}dB secondary atten. Most common roam: {}. Frequency: {}'. format(secondary_atten, common_roam, common_roam_frequency)) if common_roam_frequency < self.testclass_params[ 'consistency_threshold']: test_fail = True self.log.info('Unstable Roams at {}dB secondary att'.format( secondary_atten)) if test_fail: asserts.fail('Incosistent roaming detected.') else: asserts.explicit_pass('Consistent roaming at all levels.') def process_traffic_continuity_results(self, testcase_params, result): """Function to process traffic results. The function looks for traffic gaps during a roaming test Args: testcase_params: dict containing all test results and meta data results_dict: dict containing consistency test results """ self.detect_roam_events(result) current_context = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path() plot_file_path = os.path.join(current_context, self.current_test_name + '.html') if 'ping' in self.current_test_name: self.detect_ping_gaps(result) self.plot_ping_result( testcase_params, result, output_file_path=plot_file_path) elif 'iperf' in self.current_test_name: self.detect_iperf_gaps(result) self.plot_iperf_result( testcase_params, result, output_file_path=plot_file_path) results_file_path = os.path.join(current_context, self.current_test_name + '.json') with open(results_file_path, 'w') as results_file: json.dump(wputils.serialize_dict(result), results_file, indent=4) def process_consistency_results(self, testcase_params, results_dict): """Function to process roaming consistency results. The function looks compiles the test of roams recorded in consistency tests and plots results for easy visualization. Args: testcase_params: dict containing all test results and meta data results_dict: dict containing consistency test results """ # make figure placeholder and get relevant functions if 'ping' in self.current_test_name: detect_gaps = self.detect_ping_gaps plot_result = self.plot_ping_result primary_y_axis = 'RTT (ms)' elif 'iperf' in self.current_test_name: detect_gaps = self.detect_iperf_gaps plot_result = self.plot_iperf_result primary_y_axis = 'Throughput (Mbps)' # loop over results roam_stats = collections.OrderedDict() current_context = context.get_current_context().get_full_output_path() for secondary_atten, results_list in results_dict.items(): figure = wputils.BokehFigure( title=self.current_test_name, x_label='Time (ms)', primary_y_label=primary_y_axis, secondary_y_label='RSSI (dBm)') roam_stats[secondary_atten] = collections.OrderedDict() for result in results_list: self.detect_roam_events(result) for roam_transition, count in result['roam_counts'].items(): roam_stats[secondary_atten][ roam_transition] = roam_stats[secondary_atten].get( roam_transition, 0) + count detect_gaps(result) plot_result(testcase_params, result, figure=figure) # save plot plot_file_name = ( self.current_test_name + '_' + str(secondary_atten) + '.html') plot_file_path = os.path.join(current_context, plot_file_name) figure.save_figure(plot_file_path) results_dict['roam_stats'] = roam_stats results_file_path = os.path.join(current_context, self.current_test_name + '.json') with open(results_file_path, 'w') as results_file: json.dump(wputils.serialize_dict(result), results_file, indent=4) def detect_roam_events(self, result): """Function to process roaming results. The function detects roams by looking at changes in BSSID and compiles meta data about each roam, e.g., RSSI before and after a roam. The function then calls the relevant method to process traffic results and report traffic disruptions. Args: testcase_params: dict containing AP and other test params result: dict containing test results """ roam_events = [ (idx, idx + 1) for idx in range(len(result['rssi_result']['bssid']) - 1) if result['rssi_result']['bssid'][idx] != result['rssi_result'] ['bssid'][idx + 1] ] def ignore_entry(vals): for val in vals: if val in {0} or math.isnan(val): return True return False for roam_idx, roam_event in enumerate(roam_events): # Find true roam start by scanning earlier samples for valid data while ignore_entry([ result['rssi_result']['frequency'][roam_event[0]], result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'][ roam_event[0]] ]): roam_event = (roam_event[0] - 1, roam_event[1]) roam_events[roam_idx] = roam_event # Find true roam end by scanning later samples for valid data while ignore_entry([ result['rssi_result']['frequency'][roam_event[1]], result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'][ roam_event[1]] ]): roam_event = (roam_event[0], roam_event[1] + 1) roam_events[roam_idx] = roam_event roam_events = list(set(roam_events)) roam_events.sort(key=lambda event_tuple: event_tuple[1]) roam_transitions = [] roam_counts = {} for event in roam_events: from_bssid = next( key for key, value in self.main_network.items() if value['BSSID'] == result['rssi_result']['bssid'][event[0]]) to_bssid = next( key for key, value in self.main_network.items() if value['BSSID'] == result['rssi_result']['bssid'][event[1]]) curr_bssid_transition = (from_bssid, to_bssid) curr_roam_transition = ( (from_bssid, result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'][event[0]]), (to_bssid, result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'][event[1]])) roam_transitions.append(curr_roam_transition) roam_counts[curr_bssid_transition] = roam_counts.get( curr_bssid_transition, 0) + 1 result['roam_events'] = roam_events result['roam_transitions'] = roam_transitions result['roam_counts'] = roam_counts def detect_ping_gaps(self, result): """Function to process ping results. The function looks for gaps in iperf traffic and reports them as disruptions due to roams. Args: result: dict containing test results """ traffic_disruption = [ x for x in result['ping_result']['ping_interarrivals'] if x > TRAFFIC_GAP_THRESH ] result['traffic_disruption'] = traffic_disruption def detect_iperf_gaps(self, result): """Function to process iperf results. The function looks for gaps in iperf traffic and reports them as disruptions due to roams. Args: result: dict containing test results """ tput_thresholding = [tput < 1 for tput in result['throughput']] window_size = int(TRAFFIC_GAP_THRESH / IPERF_INTERVAL) tput_thresholding = [ any(tput_thresholding[max(0, idx - window_size):idx]) for idx in range(1, len(tput_thresholding) + 1) ] traffic_disruption = [] current_disruption = 1 - window_size for tput_low in tput_thresholding: if tput_low: current_disruption += 1 elif current_disruption > window_size: traffic_disruption.append(current_disruption * IPERF_INTERVAL) current_disruption = 1 - window_size else: current_disruption = 1 - window_size result['traffic_disruption'] = traffic_disruption def plot_ping_result(self, testcase_params, result, figure=None, output_file_path=None): """Function to plot ping results. The function plots ping RTTs along with RSSI over time during a roaming test. Args: testcase_params: dict containing all test params result: dict containing test results figure: optional bokeh figure object to add current plot to output_file_path: optional path to output file """ if not figure: figure = wputils.BokehFigure( title=self.current_test_name, x_label='Time (ms)', primary_y_label='RTT (ms)', secondary_y_label='RSSI (dBm)') figure.add_line( x_data=result['ping_result']['time_stamp'], y_data=result['ping_result']['rtt'], legend='Ping RTT', width=1) figure.add_line( x_data=result['rssi_result']['time_stamp'], y_data=result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'], legend='RSSI', y_axis='secondary') figure.generate_figure(output_file_path) def plot_iperf_result(self, testcase_params, result, figure=None, output_file_path=None): """Function to plot iperf results. The function plots iperf throughput and RSSI over time during a roaming test. Args: testcase_params: dict containing all test params result: dict containing test results figure: optional bokeh figure object to add current plot to output_file_path: optional path to output file """ if not figure: figure = wputils.BokehFigure( title=self.current_test_name, x_label='Time (s)', primary_y_label='Throughput (Mbps)', secondary_y_label='RSSI (dBm)') iperf_time_stamps = [ idx * IPERF_INTERVAL for idx in range(len(result['throughput'])) ] figure.add_line( iperf_time_stamps, result['throughput'], 'Throughput', width=1) figure.add_line( result['rssi_result']['time_stamp'], result['rssi_result']['signal_poll_rssi']['data'], 'RSSI', y_axis='secondary') figure.generate_figure(output_file_path) def setup_ap(self, testcase_params): """Sets up the AP and attenuator to the test configuration. Args: testcase_params: dict containing AP and other test params """ (primary_net_id, primary_net_config) = next(net for net in self.main_network.items() if net[1]['roaming_label'] == 'primary') for idx, atten in enumerate(self.attenuators): nets_on_port = [ item["network"] for item in self.rf_map_by_atten[idx] ] if primary_net_id in nets_on_port: atten.set_atten(0) else: atten.set_atten(atten.instrument.max_atten) def setup_dut(self, testcase_params): """Sets up the DUT in the configuration required by the test. Args: testcase_params: dict containing AP and other test params """ # Check battery level before test if not wputils.health_check(self.dut, 10): asserts.skip('Battery level too low. Skipping test.') wutils.reset_wifi(self.dut) wutils.set_wifi_country_code(self.dut, self.testclass_params['country_code']) (primary_net_id, primary_net_config) = next(net for net in self.main_network.items() if net[1]['roaming_label'] == 'primary') network = primary_net_config.copy() network.pop('BSSID', None) self.dut.droid.wifiSetEnableAutoJoinWhenAssociated(1) wutils.wifi_connect( self.dut, network, num_of_tries=5, check_connectivity=False) self.dut.droid.wifiSetEnableAutoJoinWhenAssociated(1) self.dut_ip = self.dut.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0] if testcase_params['screen_on']: self.dut.wakeup_screen() self.dut.droid.wakeLockAcquireBright() time.sleep(MED_SLEEP) def setup_roaming_test(self, testcase_params): """Function to set up roaming test.""" self.setup_ap(testcase_params) self.setup_dut(testcase_params) def run_ping_test(self, testcase_params): """Main function for ping roaming tests. Args: testcase_params: dict including all test params encoded in test name Returns: dict containing all test results and meta data """ self.log.info('Starting ping test.') ping_future = wputils.get_ping_stats_nb( self.remote_server, self.dut_ip, testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'], testcase_params['ping_interval'], 64) rssi_future = wputils.get_connected_rssi_nb( self.dut, int(testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'] / testcase_params['rssi_polling_frequency']), testcase_params['rssi_polling_frequency']) self.run_attenuation_waveform(testcase_params) return { 'ping_result': ping_future.result().as_dict(), 'rssi_result': rssi_future.result(), 'ap_settings': self.access_point.ap_settings, } def run_iperf_test(self, testcase_params): """Main function for iperf roaming tests. Args: testcase_params: dict including all test params encoded in test name Returns: result: dict containing all test results and meta data """ self.log.info('Starting iperf test.') self.iperf_server.start(extra_args='-i {}'.format(IPERF_INTERVAL)) self.dut_ip = self.dut.droid.connectivityGetIPv4Addresses('wlan0')[0] if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb): iperf_server_address = self.dut_ip else: iperf_server_address = wputils.get_server_address( self.remote_server, self.dut_ip, '') iperf_args = '-i {} -t {} -J'.format( IPERF_INTERVAL, testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length']) if not isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb): iperf_args = iperf_args + ' -R' iperf_future = wputils.start_iperf_client_nb( self.iperf_client, iperf_server_address, iperf_args, 0, testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'] + MED_SLEEP) rssi_future = wputils.get_connected_rssi_nb( self.dut, int(testcase_params['atten_waveforms']['length'] / testcase_params['rssi_polling_frequency']), testcase_params['rssi_polling_frequency']) self.run_attenuation_waveform(testcase_params) client_output_path = iperf_future.result() server_output_path = self.iperf_server.stop() if isinstance(self.iperf_server, ipf.IPerfServerOverAdb): iperf_file = server_output_path else: iperf_file = client_output_path iperf_result = ipf.IPerfResult(iperf_file) instantaneous_rates = [ rate * 8 * (1.024**2) for rate in iperf_result.instantaneous_rates ] return { 'throughput': instantaneous_rates, 'rssi_result': rssi_future.result(), 'ap_settings': self.access_point.ap_settings, } def run_attenuation_waveform(self, testcase_params, step_duration=1): """Function that generates test params based on the test name. Args: testcase_params: dict including all test params encoded in test name step_duration: int representing number of seconds to dwell on each atten level """ atten_waveforms = testcase_params['atten_waveforms'] for atten_idx in range(atten_waveforms['length']): start_time = time.time() for network, atten_waveform in atten_waveforms.items(): for idx, atten in enumerate(self.attenuators): nets_on_port = [ item["network"] for item in self.rf_map_by_atten[idx] ] if network in nets_on_port: atten.set_atten(atten_waveform[atten_idx]) measure_time = time.time() - start_time time.sleep(step_duration - measure_time) def compile_atten_waveforms(self, waveform_params): """Function to compile all attenuation waveforms for roaming test. Args: waveform_params: list of dicts representing waveforms to generate """ atten_waveforms = {} for network in list(waveform_params[0]): atten_waveforms[network] = [] for waveform in waveform_params: for network, network_waveform in waveform.items(): waveform_vector = self.gen_single_atten_waveform( network_waveform) atten_waveforms[network] += waveform_vector waveform_lengths = { len(atten_waveforms[network]) for network in atten_waveforms.keys() } if len(waveform_lengths) != 1: raise ValueError( 'Attenuation waveform length should be equal for all networks.' ) else: atten_waveforms['length'] = waveform_lengths.pop() return atten_waveforms def gen_single_atten_waveform(self, waveform_params): """Function to generate a single attenuation waveform for roaming test. Args: waveform_params: dict representing waveform to generate """ waveform_vector = [] for section in range(len(waveform_params['atten_levels']) - 1): section_limits = waveform_params['atten_levels'][section:section + 2] up_down = (1 - 2 * (section_limits[1] < section_limits[0])) temp_section = list( range(section_limits[0], section_limits[1] + up_down, up_down * waveform_params['step_size'])) temp_section = [ val for val in temp_section for _ in range(waveform_params['step_duration']) ] waveform_vector += temp_section waveform_vector *= waveform_params['repetitions'] return waveform_vector def parse_test_params(self, testcase_params): """Function that generates test params based on the test name. Args: test_name: current test name Returns: testcase_params: dict including all test params encoded in test name """ if testcase_params["waveform_type"] == 'smooth': testcase_params[ 'roaming_waveforms_params'] = self.testclass_params[ 'smooth_roaming_waveforms'] elif testcase_params["waveform_type"] == 'failover': testcase_params[ 'roaming_waveforms_params'] = self.testclass_params[ 'failover_roaming_waveforms'] elif testcase_params["waveform_type"] == 'consistency': testcase_params[ 'roaming_waveforms_params'] = self.testclass_params[ 'consistency_waveforms'] return testcase_params def _test_traffic_continuity(self, testcase_params): """Test function for traffic continuity""" # Compile test parameters from config and test name testcase_params = self.parse_test_params(testcase_params) testcase_params.update(self.testclass_params) testcase_params['atten_waveforms'] = self.compile_atten_waveforms( testcase_params['roaming_waveforms_params']) # Run traffic test self.setup_roaming_test(testcase_params) if testcase_params['traffic_type'] == 'iperf': result = self.run_iperf_test(testcase_params) elif testcase_params['traffic_type'] == 'ping': result = self.run_ping_test(testcase_params) # Postprocess results self.process_traffic_continuity_results(testcase_params, result) self.pass_fail_traffic_continuity(result) def _test_roam_consistency(self, testcase_params): """Test function for roaming consistency""" testcase_params = self.parse_test_params(testcase_params) testcase_params.update(self.testclass_params) # Run traffic test secondary_attens = range( self.testclass_params['consistency_waveforms']['secondary_loop'] ['atten_levels'][0], self.testclass_params['consistency_waveforms'] ['secondary_loop']['atten_levels'][1], self.testclass_params['consistency_waveforms']['secondary_loop'] ['step_size']) results = collections.OrderedDict() for secondary_atten in secondary_attens: primary_waveform = self.gen_single_atten_waveform( testcase_params['roaming_waveforms_params']['primary_sweep']) secondary_waveform_params = { 'atten_levels': [secondary_atten, secondary_atten], 'step_size': 1, 'step_duration': len(primary_waveform), 'repetitions': 1 } secondary_waveform = self.gen_single_atten_waveform( secondary_waveform_params) testcase_params['atten_waveforms'] = { 'length': len(primary_waveform) } for network_key, network_info in self.main_network.items(): if 'primary' in network_info['roaming_label']: testcase_params['atten_waveforms'][ network_key] = primary_waveform else: testcase_params['atten_waveforms'][ network_key] = secondary_waveform results[secondary_atten] = [] for run in range(self.testclass_params['consistency_num_runs']): self.setup_roaming_test(testcase_params) results[secondary_atten].append( self.run_ping_test(testcase_params)) # Postprocess results self.process_consistency_results(testcase_params, results) self.pass_fail_roaming_consistency(results) def test_consistency_roaming_screen_on_ping(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "consistency", "screen_on": 1, "traffic_type": "ping" } self._test_roam_consistency(testcase_params) def test_smooth_roaming_screen_on_ping_continuity(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "smooth", "screen_on": 1, "traffic_type": "ping" } self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params) def test_smooth_roaming_screen_on_iperf_continuity(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "smooth", "screen_on": 1, "traffic_type": "iperf" } self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params) def test_failover_roaming_screen_on_ping_continuity(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "failover", "screen_on": 1, "traffic_type": "ping" } self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params) def test_failover_roaming_screen_on_iperf_continuity(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "failover", "screen_on": 1, "traffic_type": "iperf" } self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params) def test_smooth_roaming_screen_off_ping_continuity(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "smooth", "screen_on": 0, "traffic_type": "ping" } self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params) def test_smooth_roaming_screen_off_iperf_continuity(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "smooth", "screen_on": 0, "traffic_type": "iperf" } self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params) def test_failover_roaming_screen_off_ping_continuity(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "failover", "screen_on": 0, "traffic_type": "ping" } self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params) def test_failover_roaming_screen_off_iperf_continuity(self): testcase_params = { "waveform_type": "failover", "screen_on": 0, "traffic_type": "iperf" } self._test_traffic_continuity(testcase_params)