1 /* 2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project 3 * 4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at 7 * 8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 9 * 10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 14 * limitations under the License. 15 */ 16 17 package art; 18 19 import java.util.Base64; 20 public class Test1957 { 21 22 static class Transform { sayHi()23 public void sayHi() { 24 // Use lower 'h' to make sure the string will have a different string id 25 // than the transformation (the transformation code is the same except 26 // the actual printed String, which was making the test inacurately passing 27 // in JIT mode when loading the string from the dex cache, as the string ids 28 // of the two different strings were the same). 29 // We know the string ids will be different because lexicographically: 30 // "Goodbye" < "LTransform;" < "hello". 31 System.out.println("hello"); 32 } 33 } 34 35 /** 36 * base64 encoded class/dex file for 37 * class Transform { 38 * } 39 */ 40 private static final byte[] CLASS_BYTES = Base64.getDecoder().decode( 41 "yv66vgAAADUAEQoAAwAKBwAMBwAPAQAGPGluaXQ+AQADKClWAQAEQ29kZQEAD0xpbmVOdW1iZXJU" + 42 "YWJsZQEAClNvdXJjZUZpbGUBAA1UZXN0MTk1Ny5qYXZhDAAEAAUHABABABZhcnQvVGVzdDE5NTck" + 43 "VHJhbnNmb3JtAQAJVHJhbnNmb3JtAQAMSW5uZXJDbGFzc2VzAQAQamF2YS9sYW5nL09iamVjdAEA" + 44 "DGFydC9UZXN0MTk1NwAgAAIAAwAAAAAAAQAAAAQABQABAAYAAAAdAAEAAQAAAAUqtwABsQAAAAEA" + 45 "BwAAAAYAAQAAAAYAAgAIAAAAAgAJAA4AAAAKAAEAAgALAA0ACA=="); 46 private static final byte[] DEX_BYTES = Base64.getDecoder().decode( 47 "ZGV4CjAzNQAQiK+oahCb4T18bDge0pSvp7rka4UQ2AY0AwAAcAAAAHhWNBIAAAAAAAAAAIgCAAAN" + 48 "AAAAcAAAAAYAAACkAAAAAQAAALwAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIAAADIAAAAAQAAANgAAAA8AgAA+AAAABQB" + 49 "AAAcAQAANgEAAEYBAABqAQAAigEAAJ4BAACtAQAAuAEAALsBAADIAQAAzgEAANUBAAABAAAAAgAA" + 50 "AAMAAAAEAAAABQAAAAgAAAAIAAAABQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAAA" + 51 "AAAAAAYAAAB4AgAAWwIAAAAAAAABAAEAAQAAABABAAAEAAAAcBABAAAADgAGAA4ABjxpbml0PgAY" + 52 "TGFydC9UZXN0MTk1NyRUcmFuc2Zvcm07AA5MYXJ0L1Rlc3QxOTU3OwAiTGRhbHZpay9hbm5vdGF0" + 53 "aW9uL0VuY2xvc2luZ0NsYXNzOwAeTGRhbHZpay9hbm5vdGF0aW9uL0lubmVyQ2xhc3M7ABJMamF2" + 54 "YS9sYW5nL09iamVjdDsADVRlc3QxOTU3LmphdmEACVRyYW5zZm9ybQABVgALYWNjZXNzRmxhZ3MA" + 55 "BG5hbWUABXZhbHVlAHV+fkQ4eyJjb21waWxhdGlvbi1tb2RlIjoiZGVidWciLCJtaW4tYXBpIjox" + 56 "LCJzaGEtMSI6Ijg0NjI2ZDE0MmRiMmY4NzVhY2E2YjVlOWVmYWU3OThjYWQ5ZDlhNTAiLCJ2ZXJz" + 57 "aW9uIjoiMS40LjItZGV2In0AAgIBCxgBAgMCCQQIChcHAAABAACAgAT4AQAAAAAAAAACAAAATAIA" + 58 "AFICAABsAgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADgAAAAAAAAABAAAAAAAAAAEAAAANAAAAcAAAAAIAAAAGAAAA" + 59 "pAAAAAMAAAABAAAAvAAAAAUAAAACAAAAyAAAAAYAAAABAAAA2AAAAAEgAAABAAAA+AAAAAMgAAAB" + 60 "AAAAEAEAAAIgAAANAAAAFAEAAAQgAAACAAAATAIAAAAgAAABAAAAWwIAAAMQAAACAAAAaAIAAAYg" + 61 "AAABAAAAeAIAAAAQAAABAAAAiAIAAA=="); 62 run()63 public static void run() { 64 Redefinition.setTestConfiguration(Redefinition.Config.COMMON_REDEFINE); 65 Transform t = new Transform(); 66 System.out.println("LastError is: " + getLastErrorOrException()); 67 try { 68 Redefinition.doCommonClassRedefinition(Transform.class, CLASS_BYTES, DEX_BYTES); 69 } catch (Throwable e) { 70 System.out.println("Got " + e.getClass().toString() + ": " + e.getMessage()); 71 } 72 System.out.println("LastError is: " + getLastErrorOrException()); 73 clearLastError(); 74 System.out.println("LastError is: " + getLastErrorOrException()); 75 } 76 getLastErrorOrException()77 public static String getLastErrorOrException() { 78 try { 79 return getLastError(); 80 } catch (Throwable t) { 81 return "<call returned error: " + t.getClass().toString() + ": " + t.getMessage() + ">"; 82 } 83 } getLastError()84 public static native String getLastError(); clearLastError()85 public static native void clearLastError(); 86 } 87