1#!/usr/bin/env python3
3#   Copyright 2018 - The Android Open Source Project
5#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15#   limitations under the License.
17import os
18import re
19import select
20import subprocess
21import sys
22import time
23import uuid
24from logging import Logger
25from threading import Thread
27import serial
28from serial.tools import list_ports
30from acts.controllers.buds_lib import tako_trace_logger
32logging = tako_trace_logger.TakoTraceLogger(Logger(__file__))
37class LogSerialException(Exception):
38    """LogSerial Exception."""
41class PortCheck(object):
42    def get_serial_ports(self):
43        """Gets the computer available serial ports.
45        Returns:
46            Dictionary object with all the serial port names.
47        """
48        result = {}
49        ports = list_ports.comports()
50        for port_name, description, address in ports:
51            result[port_name] = (description, address)
52        return result
54    # TODO: Clean up this function. The boolean logic can be simplified.
55    def search_port_by_property(self, search_params):
56        """Search ports by a dictionary of the search parameters.
58        Args:
59            search_params: Dictionary object with the parameters
60                           to search. i.e:
61                           {'ID_SERIAL_SHORT':'213213',
62                           'ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM': '01'}
63        Returns:
64            Array with the ports found
65        """
66        ports_result = []
67        for port in self.get_serial_ports():
68            properties = self.get_port_properties(port=port)
69            if properties:
70                properties_exists = True
71                for port_property in search_params:
72                    properties_exists *= (port_property in properties)
73                properties_exists = True if properties_exists == 1 else False
74                if properties_exists:
75                    found = True
76                    for port_property in search_params.keys():
77                        search_value = search_params[port_property]
78                        if properties[port_property] == search_value:
79                            found *= True
80                        else:
81                            found = False
82                            break
83                    found = True if found == 1 else False
84                    if found:
85                        ports_result.append(port)
86        return ports_result
88    def get_port_properties(self, port):
89        """Get all the properties from a given port.
91        Args:
92            port: String object with the port name. i.e. '/dev/ttyACM1'
94        Returns:
95            dictionary object with all the properties.
96        """
97        ports = self.get_serial_ports()
98        if port in ports:
99            result = {}
100            port_address = ports[port][1]
101            property_list = None
102            if sys.platform.startswith('linux') or sys.platform.startswith(
103                    'cygwin'):
104                try:
105                    command = 'udevadm info -q property -n {}'.format(port)
106                    property_list = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
107                    property_list = property_list.decode(errors='replace')
108                except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error:
109                    logging.error(error)
110                if property_list:
111                    properties = filter(None, property_list.split('\n'))
112                    for prop in properties:
113                        p = prop.split('=')
114                        result[p[0]] = p[1]
115            elif sys.platform.startswith('win'):
116                regex = ('(?P<type>[A-Z]*)\sVID\:PID\=(?P<vid>\w*)'
117                         '\:(?P<pid>\w*)\s+(?P<adprop>.*$)')
118                m = re.search(regex, port_address)
119                if m:
120                    result['type'] = m.group('type')
121                    result['vid'] = m.group('vid')
122                    result['pid'] = m.group('pid')
123                    adprop = m.group('adprop').strip()
124                    if adprop:
125                        prop_array = adprop.split(' ')
126                        for prop in prop_array:
127                            p = prop.split('=')
128                            result[p[0]] = p[1]
129                    if 'LOCATION' in result:
130                        interface = int(result['LOCATION'].split('.')[1])
131                        if interface < 10:
132                            result['ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM'] = '0{}'.format(
133                                interface)
134                        else:
135                            result['ID_USB_INTERFACE_NUM'] = '{}'.format(
136                                interface)
137                    win_vid_pid = '*VID_{}*PID_{}*'.format(result['vid'],
138                                                           result['pid'])
139                    command = (
140                            'powershell gwmi "Win32_USBControllerDevice |' +
141                            ' %{[wmi]($_.Dependent)} |' +
142                            ' Where-Object -Property PNPDeviceID -Like "' +
143                            win_vid_pid + '" |' +
144                            ' Where-Object -Property Service -Eq "usbccgp" |' +
145                            ' Select-Object -Property PNPDeviceID"')
146                    res = subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True)
147                    r = res.decode('ascii')
148                    m = re.search('USB\\\\.*', r)
149                    if m:
150                        result['ID_SERIAL_SHORT'] = (
151                            m.group().strip().split('\\')[2])
152            return result
154    def port_exists(self, port):
155        """Check if a serial port exists in the computer by the port name.
157        Args:
158            port: String object with the port name. i.e. '/dev/ttyACM1'
160        Returns:
161            True if it was found, False if not.
162        """
163        exists = port in self.get_serial_ports()
164        return exists
167class LogSerial(object):
168    def __init__(self,
169                 port,
170                 baudrate,
171                 bytesize=8,
172                 parity='N',
173                 stopbits=1,
174                 timeout=0.15,
175                 retries=0,
176                 flush_output=True,
177                 terminator='\n',
178                 output_path=None,
179                 serial_logger=None):
180        global RETRIES
181        self.set_log = False
182        self.output_path = None
183        self.set_output_path(output_path)
184        if serial_logger:
185            self.set_logger(serial_logger)
186        self.monitor_port = PortCheck()
187        if self.monitor_port.port_exists(port=port):
188            self.connection_handle = serial.Serial()
189            RETRIES = retries
190            self.reading = True
191            self.log = []
192            self.log_thread = Thread()
193            self.command_ini_index = None
194            self.is_logging = False
195            self.flush_output = flush_output
196            self.terminator = terminator
197            if port:
198                self.connection_handle.port = port
199            if baudrate:
200                self.connection_handle.baudrate = baudrate
201            if bytesize:
202                self.connection_handle.bytesize = bytesize
203            if parity:
204                self.connection_handle.parity = parity
205            if stopbits:
206                self.connection_handle.stopbits = stopbits
207            if timeout:
208                self.connection_handle.timeout = timeout
209            try:
210                self.open()
211            except Exception as e:
212                self.close()
213                logging.error(e)
214        else:
215            raise LogSerialException(
216                'The port {} does not exist'.format(port))
218    def set_logger(self, serial_logger):
219        global logging
220        logging = serial_logger
221        self.set_output_path(getattr(logging, 'output_path', '/tmp'))
222        self.set_log = True
224    def set_output_path(self, output_path):
225        """Set the output path for the flushed log.
227        Args:
228            output_path: String object with the path
229        """
230        if output_path:
231            if os.path.exists(output_path):
232                self.output_path = output_path
233            else:
234                raise LogSerialException('The output path does not exist.')
236    def refresh_port_connection(self, port):
237        """Will update the port connection without closing the read thread.
239        Args:
240            port: String object with the new port name. i.e. '/dev/ttyACM1'
242        Raises:
243            LogSerialException if the port is not alive.
244        """
245        if self.monitor_port.port_exists(port=port):
246            self.connection_handle.port = port
247            self.open()
248        else:
249            raise LogSerialException(
250                'The port {} does not exist'.format(port))
252    def is_port_alive(self):
253        """Verify if the current port is alive in the computer.
255        Returns:
256            True if its alive, False if its missing.
257        """
258        alive = self.monitor_port.port_exists(port=self.connection_handle.port)
259        return alive
261    # @retry(Exception, tries=RETRIES, delay=1, backoff=2)
262    def open(self):
263        """Will open the connection with the current port settings."""
264        while self.connection_handle.isOpen():
265            self.connection_handle.close()
266            time.sleep(0.5)
267        self.connection_handle.open()
268        if self.flush_output:
269            self.flush()
270        self.start_reading()
271        logging.info('Connection Open')
273    def close(self):
274        """Will close the connection and the read thread."""
275        self.stop_reading()
276        if self.connection_handle:
277            self.connection_handle.close()
278        if not self.set_log:
279            logging.flush_log()
280        self.flush_log()
281        logging.info('Connection Closed')
283    def flush(self):
284        """Will flush any input from the serial connection."""
285        self.write('\n')
286        self.connection_handle.flushInput()
287        self.connection_handle.flush()
288        flushed = 0
289        while True:
290            ready_r, _, ready_x = (select.select([self.connection_handle], [],
291                                                 [self.connection_handle], 0))
292            if ready_x:
293                logging.exception('exception from serial port')
294                return
295            elif ready_r:
296                flushed += 1
297                # This may cause underlying buffering.
298                self.connection_handle.read(1)
299                # Flush the underlying buffer too.
300                self.connection_handle.flush()
301            else:
302                break
303            if flushed > 0:
304                logging.debug('dropped >{} bytes'.format(flushed))
306    def write(self, command, wait_time=0.2):
307        """Will write into the serial connection.
309        Args:
310            command: String object with the text to write.
311            wait_time: Float object with the seconds to wait after the
312                       command was issued.
313        """
314        if command:
315            if self.terminator:
316                command += self.terminator
317            self.command_ini_index = len(self.log)
318            self.connection_handle.write(command.encode())
319            if wait_time:
320                time.sleep(wait_time)
321            logging.info('cmd [{}] sent.'.format(command.strip()))
323    def flush_log(self):
324        """Will output the log into a CSV file."""
325        if len(self.log) > 0:
326            path = ''
327            if not self.output_path:
328                self.output_path = os.getcwd()
329            elif not os.path.exists(self.output_path):
330                self.output_path = os.getcwd()
331            path = os.path.join(self.output_path,
332                                str(uuid.uuid4()) + '_serial.log')
333            with open(path, 'a') as log_file:
334                for info in self.log:
335                    log_file.write('{}, {}\n'.format(info[0], info[1]))
337    def read(self):
338        """Will read from the log the output from the serial connection
339        after a write command was issued. It will take the initial time
340        of the command as a reference.
342        Returns:
343            Array object with the log lines.
344        """
345        buf_read = []
346        command_end_index = len(self.log)
347        info = self.query_serial_log(self.command_ini_index, command_end_index)
348        for line in info:
349            buf_read.append(line[1])
350        self.command_ini_index = command_end_index
351        return buf_read
353    def get_all_log(self):
354        """Gets the log object that collects the logs.
356        Returns:
357            DataFrame object with all the logs.
358        """
359        return self.log
361    def query_serial_log(self, from_index, to_index):
362        """Will query the session log from a given time in EPOC format.
364        Args:
365            from_timestamp: Double value with the EPOC timestamp to start
366                            the search.
367            to_timestamp: Double value with the EPOC timestamp to finish the
368                          rearch.
370        Returns:
371            DataFrame with the result query.
372        """
373        if from_index < to_index:
374            info = self.log[from_index:to_index]
375            return info
377    def _start_reading_thread(self):
378        if self.connection_handle.isOpen():
379            self.reading = True
380            while self.reading:
381                try:
382                    data = self.connection_handle.readline().decode('utf-8')
383                    if data:
384                        self.is_logging = True
385                        data.replace('/n', '')
386                        data.replace('/r', '')
387                        data = data.strip()
388                        self.log.append([time.time(), data])
389                    else:
390                        self.is_logging = False
391                except Exception:
392                    time.sleep(1)
393            logging.info('Read thread closed')
395    def start_reading(self):
396        """Method to start the log collection."""
397        if not self.log_thread.isAlive():
398            self.log_thread = Thread(target=self._start_reading_thread, args=())
399            self.log_thread.daemon = True
400            try:
401                self.log_thread.start()
402            except(KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
403                self.close()
404        else:
405            logging.warning('Not running log thread, is already alive')
407    def stop_reading(self):
408        """Method to stop the log collection."""
409        self.reading = False
410        self.log_thread.join(timeout=600)