1 /*
2 * Copyright 2011 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17 #ifndef __GRALLOC_CB_H__
18 #define __GRALLOC_CB_H__
20 #include <cutils/native_handle.h>
21 #include <qemu_pipe_types_bp.h>
23 const uint32_t CB_HANDLE_MAGIC_MASK = 0xFFFFFFF0;
24 const uint32_t CB_HANDLE_MAGIC_BASE = 0xABFABFA0;
26 #define CB_HANDLE_NUM_INTS(nfd) \
27     ((sizeof(*this)-sizeof(native_handle_t)-nfd*sizeof(int32_t))/sizeof(int32_t))
29 struct cb_handle_t : public native_handle_t {
cb_handle_tcb_handle_t30     cb_handle_t(int32_t p_bufferFd,
31                 QEMU_PIPE_HANDLE p_hostHandleRefCountFd,
32                 uint32_t p_magic,
33                 uint32_t p_hostHandle,
34                 int32_t p_usage,
35                 int32_t p_width,
36                 int32_t p_height,
37                 int32_t p_format,
38                 int32_t p_glFormat,
39                 int32_t p_glType,
40                 uint32_t p_bufSize,
41                 void* p_bufPtr,
42                 uint64_t p_mmapedOffset)
43         : bufferFd(p_bufferFd),
44           hostHandleRefCountFd(p_hostHandleRefCountFd),
45           magic(p_magic),
46           hostHandle(p_hostHandle),
47           usage(p_usage),
48           width(p_width),
49           height(p_height),
50           format(p_format),
51           glFormat(p_glFormat),
52           glType(p_glType),
53           bufferSize(p_bufSize),
54           mmapedOffsetLo(static_cast<uint32_t>(p_mmapedOffset)),
55           mmapedOffsetHi(static_cast<uint32_t>(p_mmapedOffset >> 32)),
56           lockedLeft(0),
57           lockedTop(0),
58           lockedWidth(0),
59           lockedHeight(0) {
60         version = sizeof(native_handle);
61         numFds = ((bufferFd >= 0) ? 1 : 0) + (qemu_pipe_valid(hostHandleRefCountFd) ? 1 : 0);
62         numInts = 0; // has to be overwritten in children classes
63         setBufferPtr(p_bufPtr);
64     }
getBufferPtrcb_handle_t66     void* getBufferPtr() const {
67         const uint64_t addr = (uint64_t(bufferPtrHi) << 32) | bufferPtrLo;
68         return reinterpret_cast<void*>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(addr));
69     }
setBufferPtrcb_handle_t71     void setBufferPtr(void* ptr) {
72         const uint64_t addr = static_cast<uint64_t>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr));
73         bufferPtrLo = uint32_t(addr);
74         bufferPtrHi = uint32_t(addr >> 32);
75     }
getMmapedOffsetcb_handle_t77     uint64_t getMmapedOffset() const {
78         return (uint64_t(mmapedOffsetHi) << 32) | mmapedOffsetLo;
79     }
allocatedSizecb_handle_t81     uint32_t allocatedSize() const {
82         return getBufferPtr() ? bufferSize : 0;
83     }
isValidcb_handle_t85     bool isValid() const {
86         return (version == sizeof(native_handle))
87                && (magic & CB_HANDLE_MAGIC_MASK) == CB_HANDLE_MAGIC_BASE;
88     }
fromcb_handle_t90     static cb_handle_t* from(void* p) {
91         if (!p) { return NULL; }
92         cb_handle_t* cb = static_cast<cb_handle_t*>(p);
93         return cb->isValid() ? cb : NULL;
94     }
fromcb_handle_t96     static const cb_handle_t* from(const void* p) {
97         return from(const_cast<void*>(p));
98     }
from_unconstcb_handle_t100     static cb_handle_t* from_unconst(const void* p) {
101         return from(const_cast<void*>(p));
102     }
104     // fds
105     int32_t bufferFd;       // underlying buffer file handle
106     QEMU_PIPE_HANDLE hostHandleRefCountFd; // guest side refcounter to hostHandle
108     // ints
109     uint32_t magic;         // magic number in order to validate a pointer
110     uint32_t hostHandle;    // the host reference to this buffer
111     int32_t  usage;         // usage bits the buffer was created with
112     int32_t  width;         // buffer width
113     int32_t  height;        // buffer height
114     int32_t  format;        // real internal pixel format format
115     int32_t  glFormat;      // OpenGL format enum used for host h/w color buffer
116     int32_t  glType;        // OpenGL type enum used when uploading to host
117     uint32_t bufferSize;    // buffer size and location
118     uint32_t bufferPtrLo;
119     uint32_t bufferPtrHi;
120     uint32_t mmapedOffsetLo;
121     uint32_t mmapedOffsetHi;
122     int32_t  lockedLeft;    // region of buffer locked for s/w write
123     int32_t  lockedTop;
124     int32_t  lockedWidth;
125     int32_t  lockedHeight;
126 };
128 #endif //__GRALLOC_CB_H__