1import imp
2import marshal
3import os
4import py_compile
5import random
6import stat
7import sys
8import unittest
9from test.test_support import (unlink, TESTFN, unload, run_unittest, rmtree,
10                               is_jython, check_warnings, EnvironmentVarGuard)
11import textwrap
12from test import script_helper
14def remove_files(name):
15    for f in (name + os.extsep + "py",
16              name + os.extsep + "pyc",
17              name + os.extsep + "pyo",
18              name + os.extsep + "pyw",
19              name + "$py.class"):
20        unlink(f)
23class ImportTests(unittest.TestCase):
25    def tearDown(self):
26        unload(TESTFN)
27    setUp = tearDown
29    def test_case_sensitivity(self):
30        # Brief digression to test that import is case-sensitive:  if we got
31        # this far, we know for sure that "random" exists.
32        try:
33            import RAnDoM
34        except ImportError:
35            pass
36        else:
37            self.fail("import of RAnDoM should have failed (case mismatch)")
39    def test_double_const(self):
40        # Another brief digression to test the accuracy of manifest float
41        # constants.
42        from test import double_const  # don't blink -- that *was* the test
44    def test_import(self):
45        def test_with_extension(ext):
46            # The extension is normally ".py", perhaps ".pyw".
47            source = TESTFN + ext
48            pyo = TESTFN + os.extsep + "pyo"
49            if is_jython:
50                pyc = TESTFN + "$py.class"
51            else:
52                pyc = TESTFN + os.extsep + "pyc"
54            with open(source, "w") as f:
55                print >> f, ("# This tests Python's ability to import a", ext,
56                             "file.")
57                a = random.randrange(1000)
58                b = random.randrange(1000)
59                print >> f, "a =", a
60                print >> f, "b =", b
62            try:
63                mod = __import__(TESTFN)
64            except ImportError, err:
65                self.fail("import from %s failed: %s" % (ext, err))
66            else:
67                self.assertEqual(mod.a, a,
68                    "module loaded (%s) but contents invalid" % mod)
69                self.assertEqual(mod.b, b,
70                    "module loaded (%s) but contents invalid" % mod)
71            finally:
72                unlink(source)
74            try:
75                imp.reload(mod)
76            except ImportError, err:
77                self.fail("import from .pyc/.pyo failed: %s" % err)
78            finally:
79                unlink(pyc)
80                unlink(pyo)
81                unload(TESTFN)
83        sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir)
84        try:
85            test_with_extension(os.extsep + "py")
86            if sys.platform.startswith("win"):
87                for ext in [".PY", ".Py", ".pY", ".pyw", ".PYW", ".pYw"]:
88                    test_with_extension(ext)
89        finally:
90            del sys.path[0]
92    @unittest.skipUnless(os.name == 'posix', "test meaningful only on posix systems")
93    def test_execute_bit_not_copied(self):
94        # Issue 6070: under posix .pyc files got their execute bit set if
95        # the .py file had the execute bit set, but they aren't executable.
96        oldmask = os.umask(022)
97        sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir)
98        try:
99            fname = TESTFN + os.extsep + "py"
100            f = open(fname, 'w').close()
101            os.chmod(fname, (stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH |
102                             stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH))
103            __import__(TESTFN)
104            fn = fname + 'c'
105            if not os.path.exists(fn):
106                fn = fname + 'o'
107                if not os.path.exists(fn):
108                    self.fail("__import__ did not result in creation of "
109                              "either a .pyc or .pyo file")
110            s = os.stat(fn)
111            self.assertEqual(stat.S_IMODE(s.st_mode),
112                             stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP | stat.S_IROTH)
113        finally:
114            os.umask(oldmask)
115            remove_files(TESTFN)
116            unload(TESTFN)
117            del sys.path[0]
119    def test_imp_module(self):
120        # Verify that the imp module can correctly load and find .py files
122        # XXX (ncoghlan): It would be nice to use test_support.CleanImport
123        # here, but that breaks because the os module registers some
124        # handlers in copy_reg on import. Since CleanImport doesn't
125        # revert that registration, the module is left in a broken
126        # state after reversion. Reinitialising the module contents
127        # and just reverting os.environ to its previous state is an OK
128        # workaround
129        orig_path = os.path
130        orig_getenv = os.getenv
131        with EnvironmentVarGuard():
132            x = imp.find_module("os")
133            new_os = imp.load_module("os", *x)
134            self.assertIs(os, new_os)
135            self.assertIs(orig_path, new_os.path)
136            self.assertIsNot(orig_getenv, new_os.getenv)
138    def test_module_with_large_stack(self, module='longlist'):
139        # Regression test for http://bugs.python.org/issue561858.
140        filename = module + os.extsep + 'py'
142        # Create a file with a list of 65000 elements.
143        with open(filename, 'w+') as f:
144            f.write('d = [\n')
145            for i in range(65000):
146                f.write('"",\n')
147            f.write(']')
149        # Compile & remove .py file, we only need .pyc (or .pyo).
150        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
151            py_compile.compile(filename)
152        unlink(filename)
154        # Need to be able to load from current dir.
155        sys.path.append('')
157        # This used to crash.
158        exec 'import ' + module
160        # Cleanup.
161        del sys.path[-1]
162        unlink(filename + 'c')
163        unlink(filename + 'o')
165    def test_failing_import_sticks(self):
166        source = TESTFN + os.extsep + "py"
167        with open(source, "w") as f:
168            print >> f, "a = 1 // 0"
170        # New in 2.4, we shouldn't be able to import that no matter how often
171        # we try.
172        sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir)
173        try:
174            for i in [1, 2, 3]:
175                self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, __import__, TESTFN)
176                self.assertNotIn(TESTFN, sys.modules,
177                                 "damaged module in sys.modules on %i try" % i)
178        finally:
179            del sys.path[0]
180            remove_files(TESTFN)
182    def test_failing_reload(self):
183        # A failing reload should leave the module object in sys.modules.
184        source = TESTFN + os.extsep + "py"
185        with open(source, "w") as f:
186            print >> f, "a = 1"
187            print >> f, "b = 2"
189        sys.path.insert(0, os.curdir)
190        try:
191            mod = __import__(TESTFN)
192            self.assertIn(TESTFN, sys.modules)
193            self.assertEqual(mod.a, 1, "module has wrong attribute values")
194            self.assertEqual(mod.b, 2, "module has wrong attribute values")
196            # On WinXP, just replacing the .py file wasn't enough to
197            # convince reload() to reparse it.  Maybe the timestamp didn't
198            # move enough.  We force it to get reparsed by removing the
199            # compiled file too.
200            remove_files(TESTFN)
202            # Now damage the module.
203            with open(source, "w") as f:
204                print >> f, "a = 10"
205                print >> f, "b = 20//0"
207            self.assertRaises(ZeroDivisionError, imp.reload, mod)
209            # But we still expect the module to be in sys.modules.
210            mod = sys.modules.get(TESTFN)
211            self.assertIsNot(mod, None, "expected module to be in sys.modules")
213            # We should have replaced a w/ 10, but the old b value should
214            # stick.
215            self.assertEqual(mod.a, 10, "module has wrong attribute values")
216            self.assertEqual(mod.b, 2, "module has wrong attribute values")
218        finally:
219            del sys.path[0]
220            remove_files(TESTFN)
221            unload(TESTFN)
223    def test_infinite_reload(self):
224        # http://bugs.python.org/issue742342 reports that Python segfaults
225        # (infinite recursion in C) when faced with self-recursive reload()ing.
227        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(__file__))
228        try:
229            import infinite_reload
230        finally:
231            del sys.path[0]
233    def test_import_name_binding(self):
234        # import x.y.z binds x in the current namespace.
235        import test as x
236        import test.test_support
237        self.assertIs(x, test, x.__name__)
238        self.assertTrue(hasattr(test.test_support, "__file__"))
240        # import x.y.z as w binds z as w.
241        import test.test_support as y
242        self.assertIs(y, test.test_support, y.__name__)
244    def test_import_initless_directory_warning(self):
245        with check_warnings(('', ImportWarning)):
246            # Just a random non-package directory we always expect to be
247            # somewhere in sys.path...
248            self.assertRaises(ImportError, __import__, "site-packages")
250    def test_import_by_filename(self):
251        path = os.path.abspath(TESTFN)
252        with self.assertRaises(ImportError) as c:
253            __import__(path)
254        self.assertEqual("Import by filename is not supported.",
255                         c.exception.args[0])
257    def test_import_in_del_does_not_crash(self):
258        # Issue 4236
259        testfn = script_helper.make_script('', TESTFN, textwrap.dedent("""\
260            import sys
261            class C:
262               def __del__(self):
263                  import imp
264            sys.argv.insert(0, C())
265            """))
266        script_helper.assert_python_ok(testfn)
269class PycRewritingTests(unittest.TestCase):
270    # Test that the `co_filename` attribute on code objects always points
271    # to the right file, even when various things happen (e.g. both the .py
272    # and the .pyc file are renamed).
274    module_name = "unlikely_module_name"
275    module_source = """
276import sys
277code_filename = sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename
278module_filename = __file__
279constant = 1
280def func():
281    pass
282func_filename = func.func_code.co_filename
284    dir_name = os.path.abspath(TESTFN)
285    file_name = os.path.join(dir_name, module_name) + os.extsep + "py"
286    compiled_name = file_name + ("c" if __debug__ else "o")
288    def setUp(self):
289        self.sys_path = sys.path[:]
290        self.orig_module = sys.modules.pop(self.module_name, None)
291        os.mkdir(self.dir_name)
292        with open(self.file_name, "w") as f:
293            f.write(self.module_source)
294        sys.path.insert(0, self.dir_name)
296    def tearDown(self):
297        sys.path[:] = self.sys_path
298        if self.orig_module is not None:
299            sys.modules[self.module_name] = self.orig_module
300        else:
301            unload(self.module_name)
302        unlink(self.file_name)
303        unlink(self.compiled_name)
304        rmtree(self.dir_name)
306    def import_module(self):
307        ns = globals()
308        __import__(self.module_name, ns, ns)
309        return sys.modules[self.module_name]
311    def test_basics(self):
312        mod = self.import_module()
313        self.assertEqual(mod.module_filename, self.file_name)
314        self.assertEqual(mod.code_filename, self.file_name)
315        self.assertEqual(mod.func_filename, self.file_name)
316        del sys.modules[self.module_name]
317        mod = self.import_module()
318        self.assertEqual(mod.module_filename, self.compiled_name)
319        self.assertEqual(mod.code_filename, self.file_name)
320        self.assertEqual(mod.func_filename, self.file_name)
322    def test_incorrect_code_name(self):
323        py_compile.compile(self.file_name, dfile="another_module.py")
324        mod = self.import_module()
325        self.assertEqual(mod.module_filename, self.compiled_name)
326        self.assertEqual(mod.code_filename, self.file_name)
327        self.assertEqual(mod.func_filename, self.file_name)
329    def test_module_without_source(self):
330        target = "another_module.py"
331        py_compile.compile(self.file_name, dfile=target)
332        os.remove(self.file_name)
333        mod = self.import_module()
334        self.assertEqual(mod.module_filename, self.compiled_name)
335        self.assertEqual(mod.code_filename, target)
336        self.assertEqual(mod.func_filename, target)
338    def test_foreign_code(self):
339        py_compile.compile(self.file_name)
340        with open(self.compiled_name, "rb") as f:
341            header = f.read(8)
342            code = marshal.load(f)
343        constants = list(code.co_consts)
344        foreign_code = test_main.func_code
345        pos = constants.index(1)
346        constants[pos] = foreign_code
347        code = type(code)(code.co_argcount, code.co_nlocals, code.co_stacksize,
348                          code.co_flags, code.co_code, tuple(constants),
349                          code.co_names, code.co_varnames, code.co_filename,
350                          code.co_name, code.co_firstlineno, code.co_lnotab,
351                          code.co_freevars, code.co_cellvars)
352        with open(self.compiled_name, "wb") as f:
353            f.write(header)
354            marshal.dump(code, f)
355        mod = self.import_module()
356        self.assertEqual(mod.constant.co_filename, foreign_code.co_filename)
359class PathsTests(unittest.TestCase):
360    path = TESTFN
362    def setUp(self):
363        os.mkdir(self.path)
364        self.syspath = sys.path[:]
366    def tearDown(self):
367        rmtree(self.path)
368        sys.path[:] = self.syspath
370    # Regression test for http://bugs.python.org/issue1293.
371    def test_trailing_slash(self):
372        with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'test_trailing_slash.py'), 'w') as f:
373            f.write("testdata = 'test_trailing_slash'")
374        sys.path.append(self.path+'/')
375        mod = __import__("test_trailing_slash")
376        self.assertEqual(mod.testdata, 'test_trailing_slash')
377        unload("test_trailing_slash")
379    # Regression test for http://bugs.python.org/issue3677.
380    def _test_UNC_path(self):
381        with open(os.path.join(self.path, 'test_trailing_slash.py'), 'w') as f:
382            f.write("testdata = 'test_trailing_slash'")
383        # Create the UNC path, like \\myhost\c$\foo\bar.
384        path = os.path.abspath(self.path)
385        import socket
386        hn = socket.gethostname()
387        drive = path[0]
388        unc = "\\\\%s\\%s$"%(hn, drive)
389        unc += path[2:]
390        sys.path.append(path)
391        mod = __import__("test_trailing_slash")
392        self.assertEqual(mod.testdata, 'test_trailing_slash')
393        unload("test_trailing_slash")
395    if sys.platform == "win32":
396        test_UNC_path = _test_UNC_path
399class RelativeImportTests(unittest.TestCase):
401    def tearDown(self):
402        unload("test.relimport")
403    setUp = tearDown
405    def test_relimport_star(self):
406        # This will import * from .test_import.
407        from . import relimport
408        self.assertTrue(hasattr(relimport, "RelativeImportTests"))
410    def test_issue3221(self):
411        # Regression test for http://bugs.python.org/issue3221.
412        def check_absolute():
413            exec "from os import path" in ns
414        def check_relative():
415            exec "from . import relimport" in ns
417        # Check both OK with __package__ and __name__ correct
418        ns = dict(__package__='test', __name__='test.notarealmodule')
419        check_absolute()
420        check_relative()
422        # Check both OK with only __name__ wrong
423        ns = dict(__package__='test', __name__='notarealpkg.notarealmodule')
424        check_absolute()
425        check_relative()
427        # Check relative fails with only __package__ wrong
428        ns = dict(__package__='foo', __name__='test.notarealmodule')
429        with check_warnings(('.+foo', RuntimeWarning)):
430            check_absolute()
431        self.assertRaises(SystemError, check_relative)
433        # Check relative fails with __package__ and __name__ wrong
434        ns = dict(__package__='foo', __name__='notarealpkg.notarealmodule')
435        with check_warnings(('.+foo', RuntimeWarning)):
436            check_absolute()
437        self.assertRaises(SystemError, check_relative)
439        # Check both fail with package set to a non-string
440        ns = dict(__package__=object())
441        self.assertRaises(ValueError, check_absolute)
442        self.assertRaises(ValueError, check_relative)
444    def test_absolute_import_without_future(self):
445        # If explicit relative import syntax is used, then do not try
446        # to perform an absolute import in the face of failure.
447        # Issue #7902.
448        with self.assertRaises(ImportError):
449            from .os import sep
450            self.fail("explicit relative import triggered an "
451                      "implicit absolute import")
454def test_main(verbose=None):
455    run_unittest(ImportTests, PycRewritingTests, PathsTests, RelativeImportTests)
457if __name__ == '__main__':
458    # Test needs to be a package, so we can do relative imports.
459    from test.test_import import test_main
460    test_main()