1 /*
2  * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #ifndef ANDROID_HW_EMU_HWC2_H
18 #define ANDROID_HW_EMU_HWC2_H
21 #define HWC2_USE_CPP11
22 #include <hardware/hwcomposer2.h>
24 #undef HWC2_USE_CPP11
25 #include <utils/Thread.h>
27 #include <android-base/unique_fd.h>
28 #include <atomic>
29 #include <map>
30 #include <memory>
31 #include <mutex>
32 #include <numeric>
33 #include <sstream>
34 #include <vector>
35 #include <unordered_set>
36 #include <unordered_map>
37 #include <set>
39 #include <cutils/native_handle.h>
41 #include "HostConnection.h"
43 namespace android {
45 class EmuHWC2 : public hwc2_device_t {
46 public:
47     EmuHWC2();
48     int populatePrimary();
49     int populateSecondaryDisplays();
51 private:
getHWC2(hwc2_device_t * device)52     static inline EmuHWC2* getHWC2(hwc2_device_t* device) {
53         return static_cast<EmuHWC2*>(device);
54     }
closeHook(hw_device_t * device)56     static int closeHook(hw_device_t* device) {
57         EmuHWC2 *ctx = reinterpret_cast<EmuHWC2*>(device);
58         delete ctx;
59         return 0;
60     }
62     // getCapabilities
63     void doGetCapabilities(uint32_t* outCount, int32_t* outCapabilities);
getCapabilitiesHook(hwc2_device_t * device,uint32_t * outCount,int32_t * outCapabilities)64     static void getCapabilitiesHook(hwc2_device_t* device, uint32_t* outCount,
65                                 int32_t* outCapabilities) {
66         getHWC2(device)->doGetCapabilities(outCount, outCapabilities);
67     }
69     // getFunction
70     hwc2_function_pointer_t doGetFunction(HWC2::FunctionDescriptor descriptor);
getFunctionHook(hwc2_device_t * device,int32_t desc)71     static hwc2_function_pointer_t getFunctionHook(hwc2_device_t* device,
72             int32_t desc) {
73         auto descriptor = static_cast<HWC2::FunctionDescriptor>(desc);
74         return getHWC2(device)->doGetFunction(descriptor);
75     }
77     // Device functions
78     HWC2::Error createVirtualDisplay(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
79             int32_t* format, hwc2_display_t* outDisplay);
createVirtualDisplayHook(hwc2_device_t * device,uint32_t width,uint32_t height,int32_t * format,hwc2_display_t * outDisplay)80     static int32_t createVirtualDisplayHook(hwc2_device_t* device,
81             uint32_t width, uint32_t height, int32_t* format,
82             hwc2_display_t* outDisplay) {
83         auto error = getHWC2(device)->createVirtualDisplay(width, height,
84                 format, outDisplay);
85         return static_cast<int32_t>(error);
86     }
88     HWC2::Error destroyVirtualDisplay(hwc2_display_t display);
destroyVirtualDisplayHook(hwc2_device_t * device,hwc2_display_t display)89     static int32_t destroyVirtualDisplayHook(hwc2_device_t* device,
90             hwc2_display_t display) {
91         auto error = getHWC2(device)->destroyVirtualDisplay(display);
92         return static_cast<int32_t>(error);
93     }
95     std::string mDumpString;
96     void dump(uint32_t* outSize, char* outBuffer);
dumpHook(hwc2_device_t * device,uint32_t * outSize,char * outBuffer)97     static void dumpHook(hwc2_device_t* device, uint32_t* outSize,
98             char* outBuffer) {
99         getHWC2(device)->dump(outSize, outBuffer);
100     }
102     uint32_t getMaxVirtualDisplayCount();
getMaxVirtualDisplayCountHook(hwc2_device_t * device)103     static uint32_t getMaxVirtualDisplayCountHook(hwc2_device_t* device) {
104         return getHWC2(device)->getMaxVirtualDisplayCount();
105     }
107     HWC2::Error registerCallback(HWC2::Callback descriptor,
108             hwc2_callback_data_t callbackData, hwc2_function_pointer_t pointer);
registerCallbackHook(hwc2_device_t * device,int32_t intDesc,hwc2_callback_data_t callbackData,hwc2_function_pointer_t pointer)109     static int32_t registerCallbackHook(hwc2_device_t* device,
110             int32_t intDesc, hwc2_callback_data_t callbackData,
111             hwc2_function_pointer_t pointer) {
112         auto descriptor = static_cast<HWC2::Callback>(intDesc);
113         auto error = getHWC2(device)->registerCallback(descriptor,
114                 callbackData, pointer);
115         return static_cast<int32_t>(error);
116     }
118     class Layer;
119     class SortLayersByZ {
120     public:
121         bool operator()(const std::shared_ptr<Layer>& lhs,
122                     const std::shared_ptr<Layer>& rhs) const;
123     };
125     // SurfaceFlinger sets the ColorBuffer and its Fence handler for each
126     // layer. This class is a container for these two.
127     class FencedBuffer {
128         public:
FencedBuffer()129             FencedBuffer() : mBuffer(nullptr) {}
setBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer)131             void setBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer) { mBuffer = buffer; }
setFence(int fenceFd)132             void setFence(int fenceFd) {
133                 mFence = std::make_shared<base::unique_fd>(fenceFd);
134             }
getBuffer()136             buffer_handle_t getBuffer() const { return mBuffer; }
getFence()137             int getFence() const { return mFence ? dup(mFence->get()) : -1; }
139         private:
140             buffer_handle_t mBuffer;
141             std::shared_ptr<base::unique_fd> mFence;
142     };
144     typedef struct compose_layer {
145         uint32_t cbHandle;
146         hwc2_composition_t composeMode;
147         hwc_rect_t displayFrame;
148         hwc_frect_t crop;
149         int32_t blendMode;
150         float alpha;
151         hwc_color_t color;
152         hwc_transform_t transform;
153     } ComposeLayer;
154     typedef struct compose_device {
155         uint32_t version;
156         uint32_t targetHandle;
157         uint32_t numLayers;
158         struct compose_layer layer[0];
159     } ComposeDevice;
160     typedef struct compose_device_v2 {
161         uint32_t version;
162         uint32_t displayId;
163         uint32_t targetHandle;
164         uint32_t numLayers;
165         struct compose_layer layer[0];
166     } ComposeDevice_v2;
168     class ComposeMsg {
169     public:
170         ComposeMsg(uint32_t layerCnt = 0) :
171           mData(sizeof(ComposeDevice) + layerCnt * sizeof(ComposeLayer))
172         {
173             mComposeDevice = reinterpret_cast<ComposeDevice*>(mData.data());
174             mLayerCnt = layerCnt;
175         }
get()177         ComposeDevice* get() { return mComposeDevice; }
getLayerCnt()179         uint32_t getLayerCnt() { return mLayerCnt; }
181     private:
182         std::vector<uint8_t> mData;
183         uint32_t mLayerCnt;
184         ComposeDevice* mComposeDevice;
185     };
187     class ComposeMsg_v2 {
188     public:
189         ComposeMsg_v2(uint32_t layerCnt = 0) :
190           mData(sizeof(ComposeDevice_v2) + layerCnt * sizeof(ComposeLayer))
191         {
192             mComposeDevice = reinterpret_cast<ComposeDevice_v2*>(mData.data());
193             mLayerCnt = layerCnt;
194         }
get()196         ComposeDevice_v2* get() { return mComposeDevice; }
getLayerCnt()198         uint32_t getLayerCnt() { return mLayerCnt; }
200     private:
201         std::vector<uint8_t> mData;
202         uint32_t mLayerCnt;
203         ComposeDevice_v2* mComposeDevice;
204     };
206     class Display {
207     public:
208         Display(EmuHWC2& device, HWC2::DisplayType type);
209         ~Display();
getId()210         hwc2_display_t getId() const {return mId;}
212         // HWC2 Display functions
213         HWC2::Error acceptChanges();
214         HWC2::Error createLayer(hwc2_layer_t* outLayerId);
215         HWC2::Error destroyLayer(hwc2_layer_t layerId);
216         HWC2::Error getActiveConfig(hwc2_config_t* outConfigId);
217         HWC2::Error getDisplayAttribute(hwc2_config_t configId,
218                 int32_t attribute, int32_t* outValue);
219         HWC2::Error getChangedCompositionTypes(uint32_t* outNumElements,
220                 hwc2_layer_t* outLayers, int32_t* outTypes);
221         HWC2::Error getColorModes(uint32_t* outNumModes, int32_t* outModes);
222         HWC2::Error getConfigs(uint32_t* outNumConfigs,
223                 hwc2_config_t* outConfigIds);
224         HWC2::Error getDozeSupport(int32_t* outSupport);
225         HWC2::Error getHdrCapabilities(uint32_t* outNumTypes,
226                 int32_t* outTypes, float* outMaxLuminance,
227                 float* outMaxAverageLuminance, float* outMinLuminance);
228         HWC2::Error getName(uint32_t* outSize, char* outName);
229         HWC2::Error getReleaseFences(uint32_t* outNumElements,
230                 hwc2_layer_t* outLayers, int32_t* outFences);
231         HWC2::Error getRequests(int32_t* outDisplayRequests,
232                 uint32_t* outNumElements, hwc2_layer_t* outLayers,
233                 int32_t* outLayerRequests);
234         HWC2::Error getType(int32_t* outType);
235         HWC2::Error present(int32_t* outRetireFence);
236         HWC2::Error setActiveConfig(hwc2_config_t configId);
237         HWC2::Error setClientTarget(buffer_handle_t target,
238                 int32_t acquireFence, int32_t dataspace,
239                 hwc_region_t damage);
240         HWC2::Error setColorMode(int32_t mode);
241         HWC2::Error setColorTransform(const float* matrix,
242                 int32_t hint);
243         HWC2::Error setOutputBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer,
244                 int32_t releaseFence);
245         HWC2::Error setPowerMode(int32_t mode);
246         HWC2::Error setVsyncEnabled(int32_t enabled);
247         HWC2::Error validate(uint32_t* outNumTypes,
248                 uint32_t* outNumRequests);
249         HWC2::Error updateLayerZ(hwc2_layer_t layerId, uint32_t z);
250         HWC2::Error getClientTargetSupport(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
251                  int32_t format, int32_t dataspace);
252         // 2.3 required functions
253         HWC2::Error getDisplayIdentificationData(uint8_t* outPort,
254                  uint32_t* outDataSize, uint8_t* outData);
255         HWC2::Error getDisplayCapabilities(uint32_t* outNumCapabilities,
256                  uint32_t* outCapabilities);
257         HWC2::Error getDisplayBrightnessSupport(bool *out_support);
258         HWC2::Error setDisplayBrightness(float brightness);
260         // Read configs from PRIMARY Display
261         int populatePrimaryConfigs(int width, int height, int dpiX, int dpiY);
262         HWC2::Error populateSecondaryConfigs(uint32_t width, uint32_t height,
263                  uint32_t dpi, uint32_t idx);
265     private:
266         void post(HostConnection *hostCon, ExtendedRCEncoderContext *rcEnc,
267                   buffer_handle_t h);
269         class Config {
270         public:
Config(Display & display)271             Config(Display& display)
272               : mDisplay(display),
273                 mId(0),
274                 mAttributes() {}
isOnDisplay(const Display & display)276             bool isOnDisplay(const Display& display) const {
277                 return display.getId() == mDisplay.getId();
278             }
279             void setAttribute(HWC2::Attribute attribute, int32_t value);
280             int32_t getAttribute(HWC2::Attribute attribute) const;
setId(hwc2_config_t id)281             void setId(hwc2_config_t id) {mId = id; }
getId()282             hwc2_config_t getId() const {return mId; }
283             std::string toString() const;
285         private:
286             Display& mDisplay;
287             hwc2_config_t mId;
288             std::unordered_map<HWC2::Attribute, int32_t> mAttributes;
289         };
291         // Stores changes requested from the device upon calling prepare().
292         // Handles change request to:
293         //   - Layer composition type.
294         //   - Layer hints.
295         class Changes {
296             public:
getNumTypes()297                 uint32_t getNumTypes() const {
298                     return static_cast<uint32_t>(mTypeChanges.size());
299                 }
getNumLayerRequests()301                 uint32_t getNumLayerRequests() const {
302                     return static_cast<uint32_t>(mLayerRequests.size());
303                 }
305                 const std::unordered_map<hwc2_layer_t, HWC2::Composition>&
getTypeChanges()306                         getTypeChanges() const {
307                     return mTypeChanges;
308                 }
310                 const std::unordered_map<hwc2_layer_t, HWC2::LayerRequest>&
getLayerRequests()311                         getLayerRequests() const {
312                     return mLayerRequests;
313                 }
addTypeChange(hwc2_layer_t layerId,HWC2::Composition type)315                 void addTypeChange(hwc2_layer_t layerId,
316                         HWC2::Composition type) {
317                     mTypeChanges.insert({layerId, type});
318                 }
clearTypeChanges()320                 void clearTypeChanges() { mTypeChanges.clear(); }
addLayerRequest(hwc2_layer_t layerId,HWC2::LayerRequest request)322                 void addLayerRequest(hwc2_layer_t layerId,
323                         HWC2::LayerRequest request) {
324                     mLayerRequests.insert({layerId, request});
325                 }
327             private:
328                 std::unordered_map<hwc2_layer_t, HWC2::Composition>
329                         mTypeChanges;
330                 std::unordered_map<hwc2_layer_t, HWC2::LayerRequest>
331                         mLayerRequests;
332         };
334         // Generate sw vsync signal
335         class VsyncThread : public Thread {
336         public:
VsyncThread(Display & display)337             VsyncThread(Display& display)
338               : mDisplay(display) {}
~VsyncThread()339             virtual ~VsyncThread() {}
340         private:
341             Display& mDisplay;
342             bool threadLoop() final;
343         };
345     private:
346         EmuHWC2& mDevice;
347         // Display ID generator.
348         static std::atomic<hwc2_display_t> sNextId;
349         static const uint32_t hostDisplayIdStart = 6;
350         const hwc2_display_t mId;
351         // emulator side displayId
352         uint32_t mHostDisplayId;
353         std::string mName;
354         HWC2::DisplayType mType;
355         HWC2::PowerMode mPowerMode;
356         HWC2::Vsync mVsyncEnabled;
357         uint32_t mVsyncPeriod;
358         VsyncThread mVsyncThread;
359         FencedBuffer mClientTarget;
360         // Will only be non-null after the Display has been validated and
361         // before it has been presented
362         std::unique_ptr<Changes> mChanges;
363         // All layers this Display is aware of.
364         std::multiset<std::shared_ptr<Layer>, SortLayersByZ> mLayers;
365         std::vector<hwc2_display_t> mReleaseLayerIds;
366         std::vector<int32_t> mReleaseFences;
367         std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Config>> mConfigs;
368         std::shared_ptr<const Config> mActiveConfig;
369         std::set<android_color_mode_t> mColorModes;
370         android_color_mode_t mActiveColorMode;
371         bool mSetColorTransform;
372         // The state of this display should only be modified from
373         // SurfaceFlinger's main loop, with the exception of when dump is
374         // called. To prevent a bad state from crashing us during a dump
375         // call, all public calls into Display must acquire this mutex.
376         mutable std::mutex mStateMutex;
377         std::unique_ptr<ComposeMsg> mComposeMsg;
378         std::unique_ptr<ComposeMsg_v2> mComposeMsg_v2;
379         int mSyncDeviceFd;
380         const native_handle_t* mTargetCb;
381     };
383     template<typename MF, MF memFunc, typename ...Args>
displayHook(hwc2_device_t * device,hwc2_display_t displayId,Args...args)384     static int32_t displayHook(hwc2_device_t* device, hwc2_display_t displayId,
385             Args... args) {
386         auto display = getHWC2(device)->getDisplay(displayId);
387         if (!display) {
388             return static_cast<int32_t>(HWC2::Error::BadDisplay);
389         }
390         auto error = ((*display).*memFunc)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
391         return static_cast<int32_t>(error);
392     }
394     class Layer {
395     public:
396         explicit Layer(Display& display);
getDisplay()397         Display& getDisplay() const {return mDisplay;}
getId()398         hwc2_layer_t getId() const {return mId;}
399         bool operator==(const Layer& other) { return mId == other.mId; }
400         bool operator!=(const Layer& other) { return !(*this == other); }
402         // HWC2 Layer functions
403         HWC2::Error setBuffer(buffer_handle_t buffer, int32_t acquireFence);
404         HWC2::Error setCursorPosition(int32_t x, int32_t y);
405         HWC2::Error setSurfaceDamage(hwc_region_t damage);
407         // HWC2 Layer state functions
408         HWC2::Error setBlendMode(int32_t mode);
409         HWC2::Error setColor(hwc_color_t color);
410         HWC2::Error setCompositionType(int32_t type);
411         HWC2::Error setDataspace(int32_t dataspace);
412         HWC2::Error setDisplayFrame(hwc_rect_t frame);
413         HWC2::Error setPlaneAlpha(float alpha);
414         HWC2::Error setSidebandStream(const native_handle_t* stream);
415         HWC2::Error setSourceCrop(hwc_frect_t crop);
416         HWC2::Error setTransform(int32_t transform);
417         HWC2::Error setVisibleRegion(hwc_region_t visible);
418         HWC2::Error setZ(uint32_t z);
getCompositionType()420         HWC2::Composition getCompositionType() const {
421             return mCompositionType;
422         }
getColor()423         hwc_color_t getColor() {return mColor; }
getZ()424         uint32_t getZ() {return mZ; }
getNumVisibleRegions()425         std::size_t getNumVisibleRegions() {return mVisibleRegion.size(); }
getLayerBuffer()426         FencedBuffer& getLayerBuffer() {return mBuffer; }
getBlendMode()427         int32_t getBlendMode() {return (int32_t)mBlendMode; }
getPlaneAlpha()428         float getPlaneAlpha() {return mPlaneAlpha; }
getSourceCrop()429         hwc_frect_t getSourceCrop() {return mSourceCrop; }
getDisplayFrame()430         hwc_rect_t getDisplayFrame() {return mDisplayFrame; }
getTransform()431         hwc_transform_t getTransform() {return (hwc_transform_t)mTransform; }
432     private:
433         static std::atomic<hwc2_layer_t> sNextId;
434         const hwc2_layer_t mId;
435         Display& mDisplay;
436         FencedBuffer mBuffer;
437         std::vector<hwc_rect_t> mSurfaceDamage;
439         HWC2::BlendMode mBlendMode;
440         hwc_color_t mColor;
441         HWC2::Composition mCompositionType;
442         hwc_rect_t mDisplayFrame;
443         float mPlaneAlpha;
444         const native_handle_t* mSidebandStream;
445         hwc_frect_t mSourceCrop;
446         HWC2::Transform mTransform;
447         std::vector<hwc_rect_t> mVisibleRegion;
448         uint32_t mZ;
449     };
451     template <typename MF, MF memFunc, typename ...Args>
layerHook(hwc2_device_t * device,hwc2_display_t displayId,hwc2_layer_t layerId,Args...args)452     static int32_t layerHook(hwc2_device_t* device, hwc2_display_t displayId,
453             hwc2_layer_t layerId, Args... args) {
454         auto result = getHWC2(device)->getLayer(displayId, layerId);
455         auto error = std::get<HWC2::Error>(result);
456         if (error == HWC2::Error::None) {
457             auto layer = std::get<Layer*>(result);
458             error = ((*layer).*memFunc)(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
459         }
460         return static_cast<int32_t>(error);
461     }
463     // helpers
464     void populateCapabilities();
465     Display* getDisplay(hwc2_display_t id);
466     std::tuple<Layer*, HWC2::Error> getLayer(hwc2_display_t displayId,
467             hwc2_layer_t layerId);
469     HWC2::Error initDisplayParameters();
470     const native_handle_t* allocateDisplayColorBuffer();
471     void freeDisplayColorBuffer(const native_handle_t* h);
473     std::unordered_set<HWC2::Capability> mCapabilities;
475     // These are potentially accessed from multiple threads, and are protected
476     // by this mutex.
477     std::mutex mStateMutex;
479     struct CallbackInfo {
480         hwc2_callback_data_t data;
481         hwc2_function_pointer_t pointer;
482     };
483     std::unordered_map<HWC2::Callback, CallbackInfo> mCallbacks;
485     // use map so displays can be pluged in by order of ID, 0, 1, 2, 3, etc.
486     std::map<hwc2_display_t, std::shared_ptr<Display>> mDisplays;
487     std::unordered_map<hwc2_layer_t, std::shared_ptr<Layer>> mLayers;
489     int mDisplayWidth;
490     int mDisplayHeight;
491     int mDisplayDpiX;
492     int mDisplayDpiY;
493 };
495 }
496 #endif