1// /**
3// (C) Copyright 2013-2015 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.<BR>
4// Copyright (c) 2009 - 2015, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
5// This program and the accompanying materials
6// are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7// which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
8// http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
13// Module Name:
15// UefiShellLevel2CommandsLib.uni
17// Abstract:
19// String definitions for UEFI Shell 2.0 level 2 commands
22// **/
26#langdef   en-US "english"
28#string STR_GEN_NO_MEM            #language en-US "%H%s%N: Memory is not available.\r\n"
29#string STR_GEN_TOO_MANY          #language en-US "%H%s%N: Too many arguments.\r\n"
30#string STR_GEN_TOO_FEW           #language en-US "%H%s%N: Too few arguments.\r\n"
31#string STR_GEN_PARAM_INV         #language en-US "%H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
32#string STR_GEN_PROBLEM           #language en-US "%H%s%N: Unknown flag - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
33#string STR_GEN_PROBLEM_VAL       #language en-US "%H%s%N: Bad value - '%H%s%N' for flag - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
34#string STR_GEN_ATTRIBUTE         #language en-US "%H%s%N: Invalid argument - '%H-a%s%N'\r\n"
35#string STR_GEN_NO_VALUE          #language en-US "%H%s%N: Missing argument for flag - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
36#string STR_GEN_ERR_AD            #language en-US "%H%s%N: Access denied.\r\n"
37#string STR_GEN_ERR_FILE          #language en-US "%H%s%N: File '%H%s%N' error - %r\r\n"
38#string STR_GEN_ERR_UK            #language en-US "%H%s%N: Status: %r\r\n"
39#string STR_GEN_PARAM_CON         #language en-US "%H%s%N: Parameters conflict.\r\n"
40#string STR_GEN_PARAM_CONFLICT    #language en-US "%H%s%N: Flags conflict with - '%H%s%N' and '%H%s%N'\r\n"
41#string STR_GEN_FILE_OPEN_FAIL    #language en-US "%H%s%N: Cannot open file - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
42#string STR_GEN_FILE_CLOSE_FAIL   #language en-US "%H%s%N: Cannot close file - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
43#string STR_GEN_FILE_AD           #language en-US "%H%s%N: File access error - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
44#string STR_GEN_FILE_NF           #language en-US "%H%s%N: File not found - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
45#string STR_GEN_CRLF              #language en-US "\r\n"
46#string STR_GEN_NO_CWD            #language en-US "%H%s%N: Current directory not specified.\r\n"
47#string STR_GEN_NO_FILES          #language en-US "%H%s%N: No matching files were found.\r\n"
48#string STR_GEN_DIR_NF            #language en-US "%H%s%N: Directory not found - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
49#string STR_GEN_RES_OK            #language en-US "- [ok]\r\n"
50#string STR_GEN_NOT_DIR           #language en-US "%H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is not a directory.\r\n"
51#string STR_GEN_NOT_FILE          #language en-US "%H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is not a file.\r\n"
52#string STR_GEN_SFO_HEADER        #language en-US "ShellCommand,"%s"\r\n"
53#string STR_GEN_MARG_ERROR        #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination '%H%s%N' is ambiguous.\r\n"
54#string STR_GEN_FILE_ERROR        #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination is an existing file '%H%s%N'.\r\n"
55#string STR_GEN_UEFI_FUNC_ERROR   #language en-US "%H%s%N: UEFI function '%H%s%N' returned an incorrect value for: %s (%x).\r\n"
56#string STR_GEN_UEFI_FUNC_WARN    #language en-US "%H%s%N: UEFI function '%H%s%N' returned: %r\r\n"
57#string STR_GEN_DEST_EXIST_OVR    #language en-US "Destination file already exists.  Overwrite? %BY%Nes, %BN%No, %BA%Nll, %BC%Nancel "
58#string STR_GEN_CPY_FAIL          #language en-US "%H%s%N: Copy failure: insufficient capacity on destination media.\r\n"
59#string STR_GEN_CPY_READ_ERROR    #language en-US "%H%s%N: reading '%B%s%N': IO Error \r\n"
60#string STR_GEN_CPY_WRITE_ERROR   #language en-US "%H%s%N: writing '%B%s%N': IO Error \r\n"
61#string STR_GEN_OUT_MEM           #language en-US "%H%s%N: Memory allocation was not successful.\r\n"
63#string STR_SET_DISP              #language en-US "%V%8s %N= %H%s%N\r\n"
64#string STR_SET_NF                #language en-US "%H%s%N: Environment Variable '%H%s%N' not defined.\r\n"
65#string STR_SET_ND                #language en-US "%H%s%N: Environment Variable '%H%s%N' could not be deleted.\r\n"
66#string STR_SET_ERROR_SET         #language en-US "%H%s%N: Unable to set %H%s%N\r\n"
68#string STR_CD_PRINT              #language en-US "%s\r\n"
69#string STR_CD_NF                 #language en-US "%H%s%N: No mapping found.\r\n"
71#string STR_MAP_NF                #language en-US "%H%s%N: Cannot find mapped device - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
72#string STR_MAP_NOF               #language en-US "%H%s%N: No mappable target found - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
73#string STR_MAP_SFO_MAPPINGS      #language en-US "Mappings,"%s","%s","%s"\r\n"
74#string STR_MAP_HEADER            #language en-US "%EMapping table%N\r\n"
75#string STR_MAP_ENTRY             #language en-US "%E%10s%N %HAlias(s):%N%s\r\n          %s\r\n"
76#string STR_MAP_ENTRY_VERBOSE     #language en-US "         Handle:      [%H%02x%N]\r\n"
77                                                  "         Media Type:  %s\r\n"
78                                                  "         Removable:   %s\r\n"
79                                                  "         Current Dir: %s\r\n"
81#string STR_ATTRIB_OUTPUT_LINE    #language en-US "Attrib: %1c%1c%1c%1c%1c %s\r\n"
83#string STR_MAP_MEDIA_FLOPPY      #language en-US "Floppy"
84#string STR_MAP_MEDIA_UNKNOWN     #language en-US "Unknown"
85#string STR_MAP_MEDIA_HARDDISK    #language en-US "HardDisk"
86#string STR_MAP_MEDIA_CDROM       #language en-US "CD-Rom"
88#string STR_MKDIR_ALREADY         #language en-US "Directory '%B%s%N' already exists.\r\n"
89#string STR_MKDIR_CREATEFAIL      #language en-US "Directory '%B%s%N' unable to create.\r\n"
91#string STR_DATE_FORMAT           #language en-US "%02d/%02d/%04d\r\n"
92#string STR_DATE_SFO_FORMAT       #language en-US "Date,"%02d","%02d","%04d"\r\n"
94#string STR_TIME_FORMAT           #language en-US "%02d:%02d:%02d (UTC%1s%02d:%02d)"
95#string STR_TIME_FORMAT_LOCAL     #language en-US "%02d:%02d:%02d (LOCAL)"
96#string STR_TIME_DST0             #language en-US " DST: Not Affected\r\n"
97#string STR_TIME_DST1             #language en-US " DST: Affected\r\n"
98#string STR_TIME_DST2             #language en-US " DST: Adjusted\r\n"
99#string STR_TIME_DST3             #language en-US " DST: Affected and Adjusted\r\n"
101#string STR_TIMEZONE_M12          #language en-US "UTC-12:00, International Date Line West\r\n"
102#string STR_TIMEZONE_M11          #language en-US "UTC-11:00, Midway Island, Samoa\r\n"
103#string STR_TIMEZONE_M10          #language en-US "UTC-10:00, Hawaii\r\n"
104#string STR_TIMEZONE_M9           #language en-US "UTC-09:00, Alaska\r\n"
105#string STR_TIMEZONE_M8           #language en-US "UTC-08:00, Pacific Time(US & Canada), Tijuana, Portland\r\n"
106#string STR_TIMEZONE_M7           #language en-US "UTC-07:00, Arizona, Chihuahua, La Paz, Mazatlan, Mountain Time (US & Canada)\r\n"
107#string STR_TIMEZONE_M6           #language en-US "UTC-06:00, Central America, Central Time(US & Canada)\r\n"
108#string STR_TIMEZONE_M5           #language en-US "UTC-05:00, Bogota, Lima, Quito, Eastern Time(US & Canada)\r\n"
109#string STR_TIMEZONE_M430         #language en-US "UTC-04:30, Caracas\r\n"
110#string STR_TIMEZONE_M4           #language en-US "UTC-04:00, Atlantic Time(Canada), Caracas, Santiago\r\n"
111#string STR_TIMEZONE_M330         #language en-US "UTC-03:30, Newfoundland\r\n"
112#string STR_TIMEZONE_M3           #language en-US "UTC-03:00, Brasilia, Buenos Aires, Georgetown, Greenland\r\n"
113#string STR_TIMEZONE_M2           #language en-US "UTC-02:00, Mid-Atlantic\r\n"
114#string STR_TIMEZONE_M1           #language en-US "UTC-01:00, Azores, Cape Verde Is.\r\n"
115#string STR_TIMEZONE_0            #language en-US "UTC      , Greenwich Mean Time, Casablanca, Monrovia, Dublin, London\r\n"
116#string STR_TIMEZONE_P1           #language en-US "UTC+01:00, Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Rome, Paris, West Central Africa\r\n"
117#string STR_TIMEZONE_P2           #language en-US "UTC+02:00, Athens, Istanbul, Bucharest, Cairo, Jerusalem\r\n"
118#string STR_TIMEZONE_P3           #language en-US "UTC+03:00, Baghdad, Kuwait, Riyadh, Moscow, Nairobi\r\n"
119#string STR_TIMEZONE_P330         #language en-US "UTC+03:30, Tehran\r\n"
120#string STR_TIMEZONE_P4           #language en-US "UTC+04:00, Abu Dhabi, Muscat, Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan\r\n"
121#string STR_TIMEZONE_P430         #language en-US "UTC+04:30, Kabul\r\n"
122#string STR_TIMEZONE_P5           #language en-US "UTC+05:00, Ekaterinburg, Islamabad, Karachi, Tashkent\r\n"
123#string STR_TIMEZONE_P530         #language en-US "UTC+05:30, Chennai, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi\r\n"
124#string STR_TIMEZONE_P545         #language en-US "UTC+05:45, Kathmandu\r\n"
125#string STR_TIMEZONE_P6           #language en-US "UTC+06:00, Almaty, Novosibirsk, Astana, Dhaka, Sri Jayawardenepura\r\n"
126#string STR_TIMEZONE_P630         #language en-US "UTC+06:30, Rangoon\r\n"
127#string STR_TIMEZONE_P7           #language en-US "UTC+07:00, Bangkok, Hanio, Jakarta, Krasnoyarsk\r\n"
128#string STR_TIMEZONE_P8           #language en-US "UTC+08:00, Beijing, Chongqing, Hong Kong, Urumqi, Taipei, Perth\r\n"
129#string STR_TIMEZONE_P9           #language en-US "UTC+09:00, Osaka, Sapporo, Tokyo, Seoul, Yakutsk\r\n"
130#string STR_TIMEZONE_P930         #language en-US "UTC+09:30, Adelaide, Darwin\r\n"
131#string STR_TIMEZONE_P10          #language en-US "UTC+10:00, Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney, Guam, Hobart, Vladivostok\r\n"
132#string STR_TIMEZONE_P11          #language en-US "UTC+11:00, Magadan, Solomon Is., New Caledonia\r\n"
133#string STR_TIMEZONE_P12          #language en-US "UTC+12:00, Auckland, Wellington, Fiji, Kamchatka, Marshall Is.\r\n"
134#string STR_TIMEZONE_P13          #language en-US "UTC+13:00, Nuku'alofa\r\n"
135#string STR_TIMEZONE_P14          #language en-US "UTC+14:00, Line Islands\r\n"
136#string STR_TIMEZONE_LOCAL        #language en-US "LOCAL    , Local Time\r\n"
137#string STR_TIMEZONE_SIMPLE       #language en-US "UTC%1s%02d:%02d\r\n"
138#string STR_TIMEZONE_SIMPLE_LOCAL #language en-US "LOCAL\r\n"
139#string STR_TIMEZONE_NI           #language en-US "No additional information known."
141#string STR_LOAD_NOT_IMAGE        #language en-US "Image '%s' is not an image.\r\n"
142#string STR_LOAD_NOT_DRIVER       #language en-US "Image '%s' is not a driver.\r\n"
143#string STR_LOAD_LOADED           #language en-US "Image '%s' loaded at %x - %r\r\n"
144#string STR_LOAD_ERROR            #language en-US "Image '%s' error in StartImage: %r\r\n"
146#string STR_LS_LINE_START_ALL     #language en-US "%t %5s %1c % ,L11d  "
147#string STR_LS_LINE_END_FILE      #language en-US "%s\r\n"
148#string STR_LS_LINE_END_EXE       #language en-US "%V%s%N\r\n"
149#string STR_LS_LINE_END_DIR       #language en-US "%B%s%N\r\n"
150#string STR_LS_FOOTER_LINE        #language en-US "% ,L11d File(s) % ,L11d bytes\r\n% ,L11d Dir(s)\r\n"
151#string STR_LS_HEADER_LINE1       #language en-US "Directory of: %H%s%N\r\n"
152#string STR_LS_FILE_NOT_FOUND     #language en-US "%H%s%N: File Not Found - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
153#string STR_LS_SFO_VOLINFO        #language en-US "VolumeInfo,"%s","%Ld","%5s","%Ld","%Ld"\r\n"
154#string STR_LS_SFO_FILEINFO       #language en-US "FileInfo,"%s","%Ld","%Ld","%s%s%s%s%s","%02d:%02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d","%02d:%02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d","%02d:%02d:%02d","%02d.%02d.%04d"\r\n"
156#string STR_VOL_VOLINFO           #language en-US "Volume %s (%s)\r\n"
157                                                  "%Ld bytes total disk space\r\n"
158                                                  "%Ld bytes available on disk\r\n"
159                                                  "%d bytes in each allocation unit\r\n"
161#string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_CONF    #language en-US "Remove Subtree '%B%s%N' [y/n]?"
162#string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE         #language en-US "Deleting '%B%s%N'\r\n"
163#string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_ERR     #language en-US "Delete error: %r\r\n"
164#string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_ERR2    #language en-US "Delete error.  Couldn't open file: %r\r\n"
165#string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_ERR3    #language en-US "Delete error.  Invalid target '%B%s%N'\r\n"
166#string STR_RM_LOG_DELETE_COMP    #language en-US "Delete successful.\r\n"
167#string STR_RM_LOG_DETELE_RO      #language en-US "%H%s%N: '%H%s%N' is read-only\r\n"
169#string STR_MV_OUTPUT             #language en-US "Moving %s -> %s\r\n"
170#string STR_MV_INV_SUB            #language en-US "Cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectory.\r\n"
171#string STR_MV_INV_RO             #language en-US "Cannot move to or from a read-only file or directory '%B%s%N'\r\n"
172#string STR_MV_INV_CWD            #language en-US "Cannot move current working directory or its subdirectory.\r\n"
174#string STR_CP_OUTPUT             #language en-US "Copying %s -> %s\r\n"
175#string STR_CP_ERROR              #language en-US "%H%s%N: Could not copy - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
176#string STR_CP_DIR_REQ            #language en-US "%H%s%N: Copying a directory requires -r.\r\n"
177#string STR_CP_DIR_WNF            #language en-US "%H%s%N: The specified path does not exist - '%H%s%N'\r\n"
178#string STR_CP_SD_SAME            #language en-US "%H%s%N: The source and destination are the same.\r\n"
179#string STR_CP_SD_PARENT          #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination is a parent of the source.\r\n"
180#string STR_CP_DEST_ERROR         #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination is read-only.\r\n"
181#string STR_CP_DEST_OPEN_FAIL     #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination file '%B%s%N' failed to open with create.\r\n"
182#string STR_CP_DEST_DIR_FAIL      #language en-US "%H%s%N: The destination directory '%B%s%N' could not be created.\r\n"
183#string STR_CP_SRC_OPEN_FAIL     #language en-US "%H%s%N: The source file '%B%s%N' failed to open with read.\r\n"
185#string STR_GET_HELP_ATTRIB       #language en-US ""
186".TH attrib 0 "Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories."\r\n"
187".SH NAME\r\n"
188"Displays or modifies the attributes of files or directories.\r\n"
189".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
190" \r\n"
191"ATTRIB [+a|-a] [+s|-s] [+h|-h] [+r|-r] [file...] [directory...]\r\n"
192".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
193" \r\n"
194"  +a|-a     - Sets or clears the 'archive' attribute.\r\n"
195"  +s|-s     - Sets or clears the 'system' attribute.\r\n"
196"  +h|-h     - Sets or clears the 'hidden' attribute.\r\n"
197"  +r|-r     - Sets or clears the 'read-only' attribute.\r\n"
198"  file      - Specifies the file name (wild cards are permitted).\r\n"
199"  directory - Specifies the directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
201" \r\n"
203"  1. Four attribute types are supported in the UEFI file system:\r\n"
204"     - Archive [A]\r\n"
205"     - System [S]\r\n"
206"     - Hidden [H]\r\n"
207"     - Read only [R]\r\n"
208"  2. If a file (in general meaning) is a directory, then it is also shown\r\n"
209"     to have the attribute [D].\r\n"
210"  3. If any file in the file list that is specified \r\n"
211"     does not exist, attrib will continue processing the remaining files\r\n"
212"     while reporting the error.\r\n"
213"  4. If no attributes parameters are specified, the current attributes of\r\n"
214"     the specified files or directories are displayed.\r\n"
215"  5. If no files or directories are specified, the command applies to\r\n"
216"     all files and sub-directories within the current directory.\r\n"
217".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
218" \r\n"
220"  * To display the attributes of a directory:\r\n"
221"    fs0:\> attrib fs0:\ \r\n"
222" \r\n"
223"  * To display the attributes of all files and sub-directories in the current\r\n"
224"    directory:\r\n"
225"    fs0:\> attrib *\r\n"
226" \r\n"
227"  * To add the system attribute to all files with extension '.efi':\r\n"
228"    fs0:\> attrib +s *.efi\r\n"
229" \r\n"
230"  * To remove the read-only attribute from all files with extension '.inf':\r\n"
231"    fs0:\> attrib -r *.inf\r\n"
233" \r\n"
235"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
236"  SHELL_NOT_FOUND           The requested file was not found.\r\n"
237"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
238"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
239"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
240"                            violation.\r\n"
241"  SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED     The media that the action was to take place on is\r\n"
242"                            write-protected.\r\n"
244#string STR_GET_HELP_CD           #language en-US ""
245".TH cd 0 "Displays or changes the current directory."\r\n"
246".SH NAME\r\n"
247"Displays or changes the current directory.\r\n"
248".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
249" \r\n"
250"CD [path]\r\n"
251".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
252" \r\n"
253"  path - Specifies the relative or absolute directory path.\r\n"
255" \r\n"
257"  1. This command changes the current working directory that is used by the\r\n"
258"     UEFI Shell environment. If a file system mapping is specified, then the\r\n"
259"     current working directory is changed for that device. Otherwise, the\r\n"
260"     current working directory is changed for the current device.\r\n"
261"  2. If path is not present, then the current working directory (including\r\n"
262"     file system mapping) is displayed to standard out.\r\n"
263"  3. The table below describes the conventions that are used to refer to the\r\n"
264"     directory, its parent, and the root directory in the UEFI Shell\r\n"
265"     environment.\r\n"
266"     Convention  Description\r\n"
267"      '.'        Refers to the current directory.\r\n"
268"      '..'       Refers to the directory's parent.\r\n"
269"      '\\\'        Refers to the root of the current file system.\r\n"
270"  4. The current working directory is maintained in the environment\r\n"
271"     variable %cwd%.\r\n"
272".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
273" \r\n"
275"  * To change the current file system to the mapped fs0 file system:\r\n"
276"    Shell> fs0:\r\n"
277" \r\n"
278"  * To change the current directory to subdirectory 'efi':\r\n"
279"    fs0:\> cd efi\r\n"
280" \r\n"
281"  * To change the current directory to the parent directory (fs0:\):\r\n"
282"    fs0:\efi\> cd ..\r\n"
283" \r\n"
284"  * To change the current directory to 'fs0:\efi\Tools':\r\n"
285"    fs0:\> cd efi\Tools\r\n"
286" \r\n"
287"  * To change the current directory to the root of the current fs (fs0):\r\n"
288"    fs0:\efi\Tools\> cd \ \r\n"
289" \r\n"
290"  * To move between volumes and maintain the current path, and then copy\r\n"
291"    all of files in fs0:\efi\Tools into the fs1:\Tmp directory:\r\n"
292"    fs0:\> cd \efi\Tools\r\n"
293"    fs0:\efi\Tools\> fs1:\r\n"
294"    fs1:\> cd Tmp\r\n"
296" \r\n"
298"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
299"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
300"                            violation.\r\n"
301"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
302"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
304#string STR_GET_HELP_CP           #language en-US ""
305".TH cp 0 "Copies files or directories."\r\n"
306".SH NAME\r\n"
307"Copies one or more files or directories to another location.\r\n"
308".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
309" \r\n"
310"CP [-r] [-q] src [src...] [dst]\r\n"
311".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
312" \r\n"
313"  -r  - Makes a recursive copy.\r\n"
314"  -q  - Makes a quiet copy (without a prompt).\r\n"
315"  src - Specifies a source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
316"  dst - Specifies a destination file/directory name (wildcards are not permitted). \r\n"
317"        If more than one directory is specified, the last directory is\r\n"
318"        assumed to be the destination.\r\n"
320" \r\n"
322"  1. '-r' must be specified if src is a directory. If '-r' is specified,\r\n"
323"     the source directory is recursively copied to the destination.\r\n"
324"     'src' itself is copied.\r\n"
325"  2. If a destination is not specified, the current working directory is\r\n"
326"     assumed to be the destination.\r\n"
327"  3. 'CP -r src1 src2 dst' copies all files and subdirectories in 'src1' and\r\n"
328"     'src2' to the destination 'dst'. 'src1' and 'src2' themselves are also\r\n"
329"     copied. The 'dst' parameter is interpreted as a directory.\r\n"
330"  4. Copying a directory or file to itself is not allowed.\r\n"
331"  5. If an error occurs, this command exits immediately and the remaining files or\r\n"
332"     directories are not copied.\r\n"
333"  6. When 'cp' is executed with a script file, it always performs quiet\r\n"
334"     copying, regardless of whether the '-q' option is specified.\r\n"
335"  7. If you are copying multiple files, the destination must be an existing\r\n"
336"     directory.\r\n"
337".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
338" \r\n"
340"  * To display the contents of the current directory:\r\n"
341"    fs0:\> ls\r\n"
342" \r\n"
343"  * To copy a file in the same directory and change the file name:\r\n"
344"    fs0:\> cp temp.txt readme.txt\r\n"
345" \r\n"
346"  * To copy multiple files to another directory:\r\n"
347"    fs0:\> cp temp.txt isaBus.efi \Test\r\n"
348" \r\n"
349"  * To copy multiple directories recursively to another directory:\r\n"
350"    fs0:\> cp -r test1 test2 boot \Test\r\n"
351" \r\n"
352"  * To see the results of the above operations:\r\n"
353"    fs0:\> ls \Test\r\n"
355" \r\n"
357"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
358"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly \r\n"
359"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
360"  SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    There was insufficient space to save the \r\n"
361"                            requested file at the destination.\r\n"
362"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security \r\n"
363"                            violation.\r\n"
364"  SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED     An attempt was made to create a file on media that\r\n"
365"                            was write-protected.\r\n"
367#string STR_GET_HELP_MAP          #language en-US ""
368".TH map 0 "Displays or defines file system mappings"\r\n"
369".SH NAME\r\n"
370"Displays or defines file system mappings.\r\n"
371".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
372" \r\n"
373"MAP [-d <sname>]\r\n"
374"MAP [[-r][-v][-c][-f][-u][-t <type[,type...]>][sname]]\r\n"
375"MAP [sname handle | mapping]\r\n"
376".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
377" \r\n"
378"  -d      - Deletes a file system mapping.\r\n"
379"  -r      - Resets file system mappings to default values.\r\n"
380"  -u      - Adds file system mappings for newly-installed devices and\r\n"
381"            removes mappings for uninstalled devices. This does not change\r\n"
382"            the mappings of existing devices and preserves user-defined mappings.\r\n"
383"  -v      - Displays verbose information about all file system mappings.\r\n"
384"  -c      - Displays the consistent mappings.\r\n"
385"  -f      - Displays the normal mappings (not the consistent mappings).\r\n"
386"  -t      - Displays the device mappings, filtered according to the device type.\r\n"
387"            Supported types are:\r\n"
388"              fp - Floppy\r\n"
389"              hd - Hard Disk\r\n"
390"              cd - CD-ROM\r\n"
391"            Types can be combined by putting a comma between two types. Spaces\r\n"
392"            are not allowed between types.\r\n"
393"  -sfo    - Displays information in Standard-Format Output.\r\n"
394"  sname   - Specifies a mapping name.\r\n"
395"  handle  - Specifies the number of a handle. Use the same value that is\r\n"
396"            displayed by the 'dh' command.\r\n"
397"  mapping - Specifies a new mapping name to assign to a device.\r\n"
398"            This value must end with a ':'.\r\n"
400" \r\n"
402"  1. This command creates a mapping between a user-defined name and a device.\r\n"
403"     The most common use of this command is to create a mapped name for\r\n"
404"     devices that support a file system protocol. After these mappings are\r\n"
405"     created, the names can be used with all the file manipulation commands.\r\n"
406"  2. The UEFI Shell environment creates default mappings for all of the\r\n"
407"     devices that support a recognized file system.\r\n"
408"  3. This command can be used to create additional mappings, or \r\n"
409"     when used with the -d option, to delete an existing mapping. If it is\r\n"
410"     used without any parameters, all of the current mappings are listed.\r\n"
411"     If the -v option is used, the mappings are shown with additional\r\n"
412"     information about each device.\r\n"
413"  4. The -r option is used to reset all the default mappings in a system,\r\n"
414"     which is useful if the system configuration has changed since the\r\n"
415"     last boot.\r\n"
416"  5. The -u option adds mappings for newly-installed devices and removes\r\n"
417"     mappings for uninstalled devices without changing the mappings of\r\n"
418"     existing devices. User-defined mappings are also preserved. A mapping\r\n"
419"     history is saved, which preserves the original mapping name for\r\n"
420"     a device with a specific device path. The current directory is also\r\n"
421"     preserved if the current device is not changed.\r\n"
422"  6. Each device in the system has a consistent mapping. If the hardware\r\n"
423"     configuration has not changed, the device's consistent mappings do not\r\n"
424"     change. If two or more machines have the same hardware configurations,\r\n"
425"     the device's consistent mapping remains the same. Use the -c option to\r\n"
426"     list all the consistent mappings in the system.\r\n"
427"  7. The mapping value must consist of digits and characters. Other\r\n"
428"     characters are illegal.\r\n"
429"  8. This command support wildcards. You can use the wildcards to delete\r\n"
430"     or show the mapping. However, when you assign the mapping, wildcards\r\n"
431"     are forbidden.\r\n"
432".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
433" \r\n"
435"  * To display verbose mapping table information:\r\n"
436"    Shell> map -v\r\n"
437" \r\n"
438"  * To assign a different name to fs0:\r\n"
439"    Shell> map floppy fs0:\r\n"
440" \r\n"
441"  * To operate with the mapped name:\r\n"
442"    Shell> floppy:\r\n"
443" \r\n"
444"  * To delete a mapped name:\r\n"
445"    Shell> map -d floppy:\r\n"
446" \r\n"
447"  * To display all the mapped names starting with 'f': \r\n"
448"    Shell> map f* \r\n"
450" \r\n"
452"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
453"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
454"                            violation.\r\n"
455"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
456"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
458#string STR_GET_HELP_MKDIR        #language en-US ""
459".TH mkdir 0 "Creates directories."\r\n"
460".SH NAME\r\n"
461"Creates one or more new directories.\r\n"
462".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
463" \r\n"
464"MKDIR dir [dir...]\r\n"
465".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
466" \r\n"
467"  dir - Specifies the name of a directory or directories to create. (Wildcards are not\r\n"
468"        allowed) \r\n"
470" \r\n"
472"  1. The parent directory must already exist.\r\n"
473"  2. If the directory already exists, mkdir will abort.\r\n"
474"  3. Specifying additional directory parameters dependent on previous\r\n"
475"     directory parameters is not allowed:\r\n"
476"     For example, mkdir new new\Test is not allowed.\r\n"
477"  4. Redirecting output to a file that exists under the directory specified\r\n"
478"     by this command is not allowed.\r\n"
479".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
480" \r\n"
482"  * To create a new directory:\r\n"
483"    fs0:\> mkdir rafter\r\n"
484" \r\n"
485"  * To create multiple directories:\r\n"
486"    fs0:\> mkdir temp1 temp2\r\n"
488" \r\n"
490"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
491"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly \r\n"
492"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
493"  SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    There was insufficient space on the destination \r\n"
494"                            to create the requested directory.\r\n"
495"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security \r\n"
496"                            violation.\r\n"
497"  SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED     An attempt was made to create a directory when the\r\n"
498"                            target media was write-protected.\r\n"
500#string STR_GET_HELP_MV           #language en-US ""
501".TH mv 0 "Moves files."\r\n"
502".SH NAME\r\n"
503"Moves one or more files to a destination within or between file systems.\r\n"
504".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
505" \r\n"
506"MV src [src...] [dst]\r\n"
507".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
508" \r\n"
509"  src - Specifies a source file/directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
510"  dst - Specifies a destination file/directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
512" \r\n"
514"  1. This command moves one or more files to a destination within or between\r\n"
515"     file systems.\r\n"
516"  2. If the destination is an existing directory, the sources are moved\r\n"
517"     into that directory. You cannot move the sources to a non-existing\r\n"
518"     directory.\r\n"
519"  3. If a destination is not specified, the current directory is assumed to be\r\n"
520"     the destination. If there is more than one argument on the command line,\r\n"
521"     the last one is assumed to be the destination.\r\n"
522"  4. Attempting to move a read-only file/directory results in an error.\r\n"
523"     Moving a directory that contains read-only files is allowed.\r\n"
524"  5. You cannot move a directory into itself or its subdirectories.\r\n"
525"  6. You cannot move a directory if the current working directory is itself or\r\n"
526"     its subdirectories.\r\n"
527"  7. If an error occurs, the remaining files or directories are still be\r\n"
528"     moved.\r\n"
529".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
530" \r\n"
532"  * To rename a file:\r\n"
533"    fs0:\> mv IsaBus.efi Bus.efi\r\n"
534" \r\n"
535"  * To move a directory to the current directory:\r\n"
536"    fs0:\> mkdir Test1\Temp\r\n"
537"    fs0:\> mv Test1\Temp\r\n"
538" \r\n"
539"  * To rename a directory:\r\n"
540"    fs0:\> mv efi efi1.1\r\n"
541" \r\n"
542"  * To move multiple directories at a time:\r\n"
543"    fs0:\> mv Test1 Test2 Test\r\n"
544" \r\n"
545"  * To attempt moving a read-only directory, which results in a failure:\r\n"
546"    fs0:\Test> attrib +r Temp1\r\n"
547"    DA  R fs0:\Test\Temp1\r\n"
548"    fs0:\Test> mv Temp1 Temp2\r\n"
550" \r\n"
552"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
553"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
554"                            violation.\r\n"
555"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
556"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
557"  SHELL_NOT_FOUND           The source file was not able to be found.\r\n"
558"  SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    There was insufficient free space to move the\r\n"
559"                            requested file to its destination.\r\n"
560"  SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED     An attempt was made to create a file on media that\r\n"
561"                            was write-protected.\r\n"
563#string STR_GET_HELP_PARSE        #language en-US ""
564".TH parse 0 "Parses standard format output files."\r\n"
565".SH NAME\r\n"
566"Retrieves a value from a standard format output file.\r\n"
567".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
568" \r\n"
569"PARSE filename tablename column [-i <Instance>] [-s <Instance>]\r\n"
570".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
571" \r\n"
572"  filename      - Specifies a source file name.\r\n"
573"  tablename     - Specifies the name of the table to be parsed.\r\n"
574"  column        - Specifies the one-based column index to use to determine which value\r\n"
575"                  from a particular record to parse.\r\n"
576"  -i <Instance> - Specifies an instance number to use to start parsing the ShellCommand table,\r\n"
577"                  and then the specified tablename. If not specified, all instances are returned.\r\n"
578"  -s <Instance> - Specifies an instance number to use to start parsing the ShellCommand\r\n"
579"                  table. If not present, then 1 is assumed.\r\n"
581" \r\n"
583"  1. This command enables you to parse data from a file that has been output\r\n"
584"     using the -sfo parameter.\r\n"
585"  2. Since the standard formatted output has a well known means of parsing,\r\n"
586"     this command is intended to provide an easy way of enabling\r\n"
587"     scripts to consume retrieved data from such constructed output files, and\r\n"
588"     use it in the logic of scripts written for the UEFI shell.\r\n"
589".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
590" \r\n"
592"  * The following data is contained in a temporary file (temp.txt):\r\n"
593"    ShellCommand,"ls"\r\n"
594"    VolumeInfo,"MikesVolume","400000000","FALSE","32000000","16000000"\r\n"
595"    FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\\boot\winloader.efi","45670","45900","arsh","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013"\r\n"
596"    FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\\boot\mikesfile.txt","1250","1280","a","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013"\r\n"
597"    FileInfo,"FS0:\efi\\boot\\readme.txt","795","900","a","08:30:12","01.08.2013","00:00:00","01.08.2013","08:30:12","01.08.2013"\r\n"
598" \r\n"
599"  * To display VolumeInfo column 2 in temp.txt:\r\n"
600"    fs0:\> parse temp.txt VolumeInfo 2\r\n"
601"    MikesVolume\r\n"
602" \r\n"
603"  * To display FileInfo column 3 in temp.txt, starting with instance 3:\r\n"
604"    fs0:\> parse temp.txt FileInfo 3 -i 3\r\n"
605"    795\r\n"
607" \r\n"
609"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
610"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
611"                            violation.\r\n"
612"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
613"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
614"  SHELL_NOT_FOUND           The source file was not able to be found.\r\n"
616#string STR_GET_HELP_RESET        #language en-US ""
617".TH reset 0 "Reset the system."\r\n"
618".SH NAME\r\n"
619"Resets the system.\r\n"
620".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
621" \r\n"
622"RESET [-w [string]]\r\n"
623"RESET [-s [string]]\r\n"
624"RESET [-c [string]]\r\n"
625".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
626" \r\n"
627"  -s     - Performs a shutdown.\r\n"
628"  -w     - Performs a warm boot.\r\n"
629"  -c     - Performs a cold boot.\r\n"
630"  string - Describes a reason for the reset.\r\n"
632" \r\n"
634"  1. This command resets the system.\r\n"
635"  2. The default is to perform a cold reset unless the -w parameter is\r\n"
636"     specified.\r\n"
637"  3. If a reset string is specified, it is passed into the Reset() \r\n"
638"     function, and the system records the reason for the system reset.\r\n"
640" \r\n"
642"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed in parameters was incorrectly \r\n"
643"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
645#string STR_GET_HELP_RM           #language en-US ""
646".TH rm 0 "Deletes one or more files or directories."\r\n"
647".SH NAME\r\n"
648"Deletes one or more files or directories.\r\n"
649".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
650" \r\n"
651"RM [-q] file/directory [file/directory ...]\r\n"
652".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
653" \r\n"
654"  -q        - Specifies quiet mode. Does not prompt for a confirmation.\r\n"
655"  file      - Specifies a file name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
656"  directory - Specifies a directory name (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
658" \r\n"
660"  1. This command deletes one or more files or directories.\r\n"
661"  2. If the target is a directory, it deletes the directory, including all\r\n"
662"     its subdirectories.\r\n"
663"  3. Redirecting a file whose parent directory (or the file\r\n"
664"     itself) is being deleted is not allowed.\r\n"
665"  4. Removing a read-only file/directory results in a failure.\r\n"
666"  5. Removing a directory containing read-only file(s) results in\r\n"
667"     a failure. If an error occurs, the command exits immediately and stops\r\n"
668"     removing files/directories.\r\n"
669"  6. You cannot remove a directory when the current directory is itself or its\r\n"
670"     subdirectory. If a file contains wildcards, you are not prompted for\r\n"
671"     confirmation.\r\n"
672"  7. The root directory cannot be removed.\r\n"
673"  8. The current directory or its ancestor directories cannot be removed.\r\n"
674".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
675" \r\n"
677"  * To remove multiple directories at a time:\r\n"
678"    fs0:\> rm Test\Temp1 Temp2\r\n"
679" \r\n"
680"  * To remove multiple directories with wildcards:\r\n"
681"    fs0:\> rm Test\Temp*\r\n"
682" \r\n"
683"  * To attempt removing a directory that contains a read-only file,\r\n"
684"    which results in a failure:\r\n"
685"    fs0:\> attrib +r Test\Temp1\readme.txt\r\n"
686"    A R fs0:\Test\Temp1\readme.txt\r\n"
687"    fs0:\> rm Test\Temp1\r\n"
689" \r\n"
691"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
692"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
693"                            violation.\r\n"
694"  SHELL_NOT_FOUND           The source file was not able to be found.\r\n"
695"  SHELL_WRITE_PROTECTED     The target was write protected.\r\n"
697#string STR_GET_HELP_SET          #language en-US ""
698".TH set 0 "Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables."\r\n"
699".SH NAME\r\n"
700"Displays or modifies UEFI Shell environment variables.\r\n"
701".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
702" \r\n"
703"SET [-v] [sname [value]]\r\n"
704"SET [-d <sname>]\r\n"
705".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
706" \r\n"
707"  -d    - Deletes the environment variable.\r\n"
708"  -v    - Displays or modifies a volatile variable.\r\n"
709"  sname - Specifies an environment variable name.\r\n"
710"  value - Specifies an environment variable value.\r\n"
712" \r\n"
714"  1. This command is used to maintain the UEFI Shell environment variables.\r\n"
715"     This command can do the following:\r\n"
716"       - Display environment variables.\r\n"
717"       - Create new environment variables.\r\n"
718"       - Change the value of existing environment variables.\r\n"
719"       - Delete environment variables.\r\n"
720"  2. This command sets an environment variable to a specified \r\n"
721"     value. You can use it to create a new environment\r\n"
722"     variable or to modify an existing environment variable.\r\n"
723"  3. If used without any parameters, all the environment variables\r\n"
724"     are displayed.\r\n"
725"  4. If used with the -d option, the environment variable that\r\n"
726"     is specified by sname is deleted.\r\n"
727".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
728" \r\n"
730"  * To add an environment variable:\r\n"
731"    Shell> set DiagnosticPath fs0:\efi\diag;fs1:\efi\diag\r\n"
732" \r\n"
733"  * To display environment variables:\r\n"
734"    Shell> set\r\n"
735" \r\n"
736"  * To delete an environment variable:\r\n"
737"    Shell> set -d diagnosticpath\r\n"
738" \r\n"
739"  * To change an environment variable:\r\n"
740"    fs0:\> set src efi\r\n"
741"    fs0:\> set src efi1.1\r\n"
742" \r\n"
743"  * To append an environment variable:\r\n"
744"    Shell> set path %path%;fs0:\efi\Tools;fs0:\efi\boot;fs0:\\r\n"
745" \r\n"
746"  * To set a volatile variable that will disappear at the next boot:\r\n"
747"    Shell> set -v EFI_SOURCE c:\project\EFI1.1\r\n"
749" \r\n"
751"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
752"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
753"                            violation.\r\n"
754"  SHELL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES    A request to set a variable in a non-volatile \r\n"
755"                            fashion could not be completed. The resulting \r\n"
756"                            non-volatile request has been converted into a \r\n"
757"                            volatile request.\r\n"
759#string STR_GET_HELP_DATE         #language en-US ""
760".TH date 0 "Displays and sets the current date for the system."\r\n"
761".SH NAME\r\n"
762"Displays and sets the current date for the system.\r\n"
763".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
764" \r\n"
765"DATE [mm/dd/[yy]yy][-sfo]\r\n"
766".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
767" \r\n"
768"  -sfo    - Displays information in Standard-Format Output.\r\n"
769"  mm      - Specifies the month of the date to be set. (1-12)\r\n"
770"  dd      - Specifies the day of the date to be set (1-31)\r\n"
771"  yy/yyyy - Specifies the year of the date to be set. If only two digits,\r\n"
772"            then enter 9x = 199x. Otherwise enter 20xx.\r\n"
774" \r\n"
776"  1. This command displays and/or sets the current date for the system.\r\n"
777"     If no parameters are used, it shows the current date. If a valid month,\r\n"
778"     day, and year are specified, the system's date is updated.\r\n"
779"     The following rules apply:\r\n"
780"       - Except for numeric characters and /, all other characters in the\r\n"
781"         argument are invalid.\r\n"
782"       - The Shell reports an error if the number is in the wrong\r\n"
783"         month/date/year range.\r\n"
784"       - A space before or after the numeric character is not allowed. Inserting\r\n"
785"         a space into the number is invalid.\r\n"
786"       - Repeated zeros are allowed before the number. For example:\r\n"
787"           Shell > date 0000008/000004/000097\r\n"
788"           Shell > date\r\n"
789"           08/04/2097\r\n"
790"           Shell >\r\n"
791"       - The year range must be greater than or equal to 1998.\r\n"
792"       - Two numeric characters indicate the year. Numbers below 98 are\r\n"
793"         regarded as 20xx, and numbers equal to or above 98 are regarded as\r\n"
794"         19xx. 00 means 2000. For example:\r\n"
795"           Shell > date 8/4/97\r\n"
796"           Shell > date\r\n"
797"           08/04/2097\r\n"
798"           Shell >\r\n"
799"           Shell > date 8/4/98\r\n"
800"           Shell > date\r\n"
801"           08/04/1998\r\n"
802"           Shell >\r\n"
803"  2. The range of valid years is from 1998-2099.\r\n"
804".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
805" \r\n"
807"  * To display the current date in the system:\r\n"
808"    fs0:\> date\r\n"
809" \r\n"
810"  * To set the date with long year format:\r\n"
811"    fs0:\> date 01/01/2050\r\n"
812" \r\n"
813"  * To set the date with short year format:\r\n"
814"    fs0:\> date 06/18/01\r\n"
816" \r\n"
818"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
819"  SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR        There was a hardware error preventing the\r\n"
820"                            completion of this command.\r\n"
821"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
822"                            violation.\r\n"
823"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
824"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
826#string STR_GET_HELP_TIME         #language en-US ""
827".TH time 0 "Displays or sets the time for the system."\r\n"
828".SH NAME\r\n"
829"Displays or sets the current time for the system.\r\n"
830".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
831" \r\n"
832"TIME [hh:mm[:ss]] [-tz tz] [-d dl]\r\n"
833".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
834" \r\n"
835"  -d  - Sets or displays a daylight savings time value.\r\n"
836"  -tz - Specifies a time zone adjustment, measured in minutes offset from UTC. Valid values\r\n"
837"        are between -1440 and 1440 or 2047. If not present or set to 2047,\r\n"
838"        time is interpreted as local time.\r\n"
839"  hh  - Specifies a new hour (0-23) (required).\r\n"
840"  mm  - Specifies a new minute (0-59) (required).\r\n"
841"  ss  - Specifies a new second (0-59). If not specified, zero is used.\r\n"
842"  dl  - Specifies a daylight saving time value to set.\r\n"
843"          0 : Time is not affected.\r\n"
844"          1 : Time is affected, and has not been adjusted for daylight\r\n"
845"              savings.\r\n"
846"          3 : Time is affected, and has been adjusted for daylight savings.\r\n"
847"        All other values are invalid. If no value follows -d, the\r\n"
848"        current daylight savings time is displayed.\r\n"
850" \r\n"
852"  1. This command displays or sets the current time for the system.\r\n"
853"     If no parameters are used, it shows the current time. If valid hours, \r\n"
854"     minutes, and seconds are provided, the system time is\r\n"
855"     updated. Note the following rules:\r\n"
856"       - Except for numeric characters and the : character, all other\r\n"
857"         characters in the argument are invalid.\r\n"
858"       - The Shell reports an error if the number is in the wrong \r\n"
859"         hour/minute/second range.\r\n"
860"       - Spaces before or after the numeric character and spaces inserted into\r\n"
861"         the number are not allowed.\r\n"
862"       - Repeated zeros are allowed before the number. For example:\r\n"
863"           Shell> time 00000017:000004:0000\r\n"
864"           Shell> time\r\n"
865"           17:04:00 (UTC+08:00)\r\n"
866"  2. The seconds parameter is optional. If none is specified, it is\r\n"
867"     set to zero.\r\n"
868".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
869" \r\n"
871"  * To display current system time:\r\n"
872"    fs0:\> time\r\n"
873" \r\n"
874"  * To set the system time:\r\n"
875"    fs0:\> time 9:51:30\r\n"
876" \r\n"
877"  * To display the system time, including daylight savings time:\r\n"
878"    fs0:\> time -d\r\n"
880" \r\n"
882"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
883"  SHELL_DEVICE_ERROR        There was a hardware error preventing the\r\n"
884"                            completion of this command\r\n"
885"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
886"                            violation.\r\n"
887"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
888"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
890#string STR_GET_HELP_TIMEZONE     #language en-US ""
891".TH timezone 0 "Displays or sets time zone information."\r\n"
892".SH NAME\r\n"
893"Displays or sets time zone information.\r\n"
894".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
895" \r\n"
896"TIMEZONE [-s hh:mm | -l] [-b] [-f]\r\n"
897".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
898" \r\n"
899"  -s - Sets the time zone associated with hh:mm offset from UTC.\r\n"
900"  -l - Displays a list of all time zones.\r\n"
901"  -b - Displays one screen at a time.\r\n"
902"  -f - Displays full information for the specified time zone.\r\n"
904" \r\n"
906"  1. This command displays and sets the current time zone for the system.\r\n"
907"  2. If no parameters are used, it shows the current time zone.\r\n"
908"  3. If a valid hh:mm parameter is provided, the time zone\r\n"
909"     information is updated.\r\n"
910".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
911" \r\n"
913"  * To display all available time zones:\r\n"
914"    Shell> timezone -l\r\n"
915" \r\n"
916"  * To set the time zone:\r\n"
917"    Shell> timezone -s -7:00\r\n"
918" \r\n"
919"  * To display detailed information for the current time zone:\r\n"
920"    Shell> timezone -f\r\n"
922#string STR_GET_HELP_LS           #language en-US ""
923".TH ls 0 "Lists the contents of a directory or file information."\r\n"
924".SH NAME\r\n"
925"Lists the contents of a directory or file information.\r\n"
926".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
927" \r\n"
928"LS [-r] [-a[attrib]][-sfo][file]\r\n"
929".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
930" \r\n"
931"  -r     - Displays recursively (including subdirectories).\r\n"
932"  -a     - Displays files with a specified attribute. If \r\n"
933"           attribute is not specified, all files are listed. If -a is not\r\n"
934"           specified, all non-system and non-hidden files are listed.\r\n"
935"  -sfo   - Displays information in Standard-Format Output.\r\n"
936"  attrib - Specifies a file attribute list value:\r\n"
937"             a - Archive\r\n"
938"             s - System\r\n"
939"             h - Hidden\r\n"
940"             r - Read-only\r\n"
941"             d - Directory\r\n"
942"  file   - Specifies a name of a file or directory (wildcards are permitted).\r\n"
944" \r\n"
946"  1. This command lists directory contents or file information. If no file\r\n"
947"     name or directory name is specified, the current working directory\r\n"
948"     is assumed.\r\n"
949"  2. The contents of a directory are listed if all of the following are true:\r\n"
950"       - If option -r is not specified.\r\n"
951"       - If no wildcard characters are specified in the file parameter.\r\n"
952"       - If the file specified represents an existing directory.\r\n"
953"  3. In all other cases, the command functions as follows:\r\n"
954"       - All files/directories that match the specified name are displayed.\r\n"
955"       - The -r flag determines whether a recursive search is performed.\r\n"
956"       - The option flag -a[attrib] only displays those\r\n"
957"         files with the attributes that are specified.\r\n"
958"       - If more than one attribute is specified, only the files that have all\r\n"
959"         those attributes are listed.\r\n"
960"       - If -a is followed by nothing, then all files/directories are\r\n"
961"         displayed, regardless of their attributes.\r\n"
962"       - If -a itself is not specified, then all files except system and\r\n"
963"         hidden files are displayed.\r\n"
964".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
965" \r\n"
967"  * To hide files by adding the hidden or system attribute to them:\r\n"
968"    fs0:\> attrib +s +h *.efi\r\n"
969" \r\n"
970"  * To display all, except the files/directories with 'h' or 's' attribute:\r\n"
971"    fs0:\> ls\r\n"
972" \r\n"
973"  * To display files with all attributes in the current directory:\r\n"
974"    fs0:\> ls -a\r\n"
975" \r\n"
976"  * To display files with read-only attributes in the current directory:\r\n"
977"    fs0:\> ls -ar\r\n"
978" \r\n"
979"  * To display the files with attribute of 's':\r\n"
980"    fs0:\> ls -as isabus.efi\r\n"
981" \r\n"
982"  * To display all in fs0:\efi directory recursively:\r\n"
983"    fs0:\> ls -r -a efi\r\n"
984" \r\n"
985"  * To display files with a specified type in the current directory: \r\n"
986"    recursively:\r\n"
987"    fs0:\> ls -r -a *.efi -b\r\n"
989" \r\n"
991"  SHELL_SUCCESS             The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
992"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER   One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
993"                            formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
994"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION  This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
995"                            violation.\r\n"
996"  SHELL_NOT_FOUND           The requested file or directory was not found.\r\n"
998#string STR_GET_HELP_LOAD         #language en-US ""
999".TH load 0 "Loads a UEFI driver into memory."\r\n"
1000".SH NAME\r\n"
1001"Loads a UEFI driver into memory.\r\n"
1002".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
1003" \r\n"
1004"LOAD [-nc] file [file...]\r\n"
1005".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
1006" \r\n"
1007"  -nc  - Loads the driver, but does not connect the driver.\r\n"
1008"  File - Specifies a file that contains the image of the UEFI driver (wildcards are\r\n"
1009"         permitted).\r\n"
1011" \r\n"
1013"  1. This command loads a driver into memory. It can load multiple files at\r\n"
1014"     one time. The file name supports wildcards.\r\n"
1015"  2. If the -nc flag is not specified, this command attempts to connect the\r\n"
1016"     driver to a proper device. It might also cause previously loaded drivers\r\n"
1017"     to be connected to their corresponding devices.\r\n"
1018"  3. Use the 'UNLOAD' command to unload a driver.\r\n"
1019".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
1020" \r\n"
1022"  * To load a driver:\r\n"
1023"    fs0:\> load Isabus.efi\r\n"
1024" \r\n"
1025"  * To load multiple drivers:\r\n"
1026"    fs0:\> load Isabus.efi IsaSerial.efi\r\n"
1027" \r\n"
1028"  * To load multiple drivers using file name wildcards:\r\n"
1029"    fs0:\> load Isa*.efi\r\n"
1030" \r\n"
1031"  * To load a driver without connecting it to a device:\r\n"
1032"    fs0:\> load -nc IsaBus.efi\r\n"
1034" \r\n"
1035"RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
1036"  SHELL_SUCCESS              The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
1037"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER    One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
1038"                             formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
1039"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION   This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
1040"                             violation.\r\n"
1041"  SHELL_NOT_FOUND            The requested file was not found.\r\n"
1043#string STR_GET_HELP_VOL         #language en-US ""
1044".TH vol 0 "Displays or modifies information about a disk volume."\r\n"
1045".SH NAME\r\n"
1046"Displays or modifies information about a disk volume.\r\n"
1047".SH SYNOPSIS\r\n"
1048" \r\n"
1049"VOL [fs] [-n <VolumeLabel>]\r\n"
1050"VOL [fs] [-d]\r\n"
1051".SH OPTIONS\r\n"
1052" \r\n"
1053"  -n          - Displays or modifies a new volume label.\r\n"
1054"  -d          - Displays or modifies an empty volume label.\r\n"
1055"  fs          - Specifies the name of the file system.\r\n"
1056"  VolumeLabel - Specifies a volume label.\r\n"
1058" \r\n"
1060"  1. The following characters cannot be used in a volume label:\r\n"
1061"     % ^ * + = [ ] | : ; \" < > ? / . \r\n"
1062"  2. No spaces are allowed in a volume label.\r\n"
1063"  3. This command displays the volume information for the specified file\r\n"
1064"     system. If fs is not specified, the current file system is used.\r\n"
1065"  4. If -n is specified, the volume label for fs is set to\r\n"
1066"     VolumeLabel.\r\n"
1067"  5. The maximum length for volume label is 11 characters.\r\n"
1068".SH EXAMPLES\r\n"
1069" \r\n"
1071"  * To display the volume of the current file system:\r\n"
1072"    fs0:\> vol\r\n"
1073" \r\n"
1074"  * To change the label of fs0:\r\n"
1075"    Shell> vol fs0 -n help_test\r\n"
1076" \r\n"
1077"  * To delete the volume label of fs0:\r\n"
1078"    fs0:\> vol fs0 -d\r\n"
1080" \r\n"
1081"RETURN VALUES:\r\n"
1082"  SHELL_SUCCESS              The action was completed as requested.\r\n"
1083"  SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER    One of the passed-in parameters was incorrectly\r\n"
1084"                             formatted or its value was out of bounds.\r\n"
1085"  SHELL_SECURITY_VIOLATION   This function was not performed due to a security\r\n"
1086"                             violation.\r\n"
1087"  SHELL_NOT_FOUND            The target file-system was not found.\r\n"