__aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr0 __cxa_atexit LIBC libc.so gralloc.poplar.so __cxa_finalize __register_atfork HMI _Z23framebuffer_device_openPK11hw_module_tPKcPP11hw_device_t _Z24mali_gralloc_device_openPK11hw_module_tPKcPP11hw_device_t _ZN16private_module_tC1Ev _ZN16private_module_tC2Ev __aeabi_memclr LIBC_N pthread_mutex_init strncmp _Z17mali_gralloc_lockPK16private_module_tPK13native_handleyiiiiPPv _Z19compositionCompleteP20framebuffer_device_t _Z19mali_gralloc_unlockPK16private_module_tPK13native_handle _Z20fb_alloc_framebufferP16private_module_tyyPPK13native_handlePiS5_ _Z20gralloc_vsync_enableP20framebuffer_device_t _Z21gralloc_vsync_disableP20framebuffer_device_t raise _Z22gralloc_wait_for_vsyncP20framebuffer_device_t _Z25mali_gralloc_ion_allocateP16private_module_tPKyjPPK13native_handlePb _Z33pri_hisi_device_framebuffer_allocP16private_handle_tj _ZdlPv _Znwj __aeabi_memcpy __aeabi_memcpy4 __aeabi_memset4 __aeabi_uidiv __aeabi_uldivmod __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr1 __android_log_print __errno __stack_chk_fail __stack_chk_guard __vsnprintf_chk dup free getpid glFinish LIBGLESV1_CM libGLESv1_CM.so ioctl malloc mmap open property_get pthread_mutex_lock pthread_mutex_unlock strcmp strerror _Z24gralloc_buffer_attr_freeP16private_handle_t _Z28gralloc_buffer_attr_allocateP16private_handle_t __aeabi_memset ashmem_create_region close munmap _Z21mali_gralloc_ion_syncPK16private_module_tP16private_handle_t _Z23mali_gralloc_lock_asyncPK16private_module_tPK13native_handleyiiiiPPvi _Z23mali_gralloc_lock_ycbcrPK16private_module_tPK13native_handleyiiiiP13android_ycbcr _Z25mali_gralloc_unlock_asyncPK16private_module_tPK13native_handlePi _Z28mali_gralloc_lock_flex_asyncPK16private_module_tPK13native_handleyiiiiP19android_flex_layouti _Z29mali_gralloc_lock_ycbcr_asyncPK16private_module_tPK13native_handleyiiiiP13android_ycbcri _Z32mali_gralloc_get_num_flex_planesPK16private_module_tPK13native_handlePj sync_wait LIBSYNC libsync.so _Z21mali_gralloc_ion_freePK16private_handle_tP16private_module_t stderr _Z24mali_gralloc_buffer_freePK13native_handleP16private_module_t fprintf _Z26mali_gralloc_select_formaty24mali_gralloc_format_typeyi fflush _Z28mali_gralloc_buffer_allocateP16private_module_tPKyjPPK13native_handlePb _Z28mali_gralloc_dump_buffer_addP16private_handle_t _Z32pri_hisi_get_yuv_stride_and_sizeiiiPiS_Pj __aeabi_idiv _Z28mali_gralloc_query_getstridePK13native_handlePi _Z32mali_gralloc_get_format_internalPK13native_handlePi _Z32mali_gralloc_set_format_internalyi _Z36mali_gralloc_get_dimensions_internalPK13native_handlePjS2_ _Z36mali_gralloc_set_dimensions_internalyjj _Z39mali_gralloc_create_descriptor_internalPy _Z39mali_gralloc_get_backing_store_internalPK13native_handlePy _Z39mali_gralloc_set_consumerusage_internalyy abort _Z39mali_gralloc_set_producerusage_internalyy _Z40mali_gralloc_destroy_descriptor_internaly _Z40mali_gralloc_get_consumer_usage_internalPK13native_handlePy _Z40mali_gralloc_get_producer_usage_internalPK13native_handlePy _Z13pick_ion_heapy _Z13set_ion_flagsjyPjPi _Z20mali_gralloc_ion_mapP16private_handle_t _Z22mali_gralloc_ion_unmapP16private_handle_t _Z23pri_hisi_ion_get_heapidi _Z29mali_gralloc_ion_device_closeP11hw_device_t _Z33pri_hisi_device_layerbuffer_allocjP16private_module_tP16private_handle_t __aeabi_memset8 hw_get_module ion_alloc ion_close ion_free ion_open ion_share ion_sync_fd access dlclose libdl.so dlopen dlsym mali_gralloc_get_gpu_caps _Z19pri_hisi_device_mapP16private_handle_ti dladdr _Z20pri_hisi_device_freePK16private_handle_ti dl_iterate_phdr _Z21pri_hisi_device_unmapP16private_handle_tiPK13native_handle _Z29mali_gralloc_reference_retainPK16private_module_tPK13native_handle _Z30mali_gralloc_dump_buffer_eraseP16private_handle_t _Z30mali_gralloc_reference_releasePK16private_module_tPK13native_handleb _Z24mali_gralloc_dump_stringRN7android7String8EPKcz _Z25mali_gralloc_dump_buffersRN7android7String8EPj _Z26mali_gralloc_dump_internalPjPc _ZN7android7String813appendFormatVEPKcSt9__va_list _ZN7android7String85clearEv _ZN7android7String8C1Ev _ZN7android7String8D1Ev _ZNK7android7String86lengthEv _ZNKSt3__120__vector_base_commonILb1EE20__throw_length_errorEv _ZNSt3__113__vector_baseIP16private_handle_tNS_9allocatorIS2_EEED2Ev _ZNSt3__16removeINS_11__wrap_iterIPP16private_handle_tEES3_EET_S6_S6_RKT0_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIP16private_handle_tNS_9allocatorIS2_EEE21__push_back_slow_pathIRKS2_EEvOT_ _ZNSt3__16vectorIP16private_handle_tNS_9allocatorIS2_EEE26__swap_out_circular_bufferERNS_14__split_bufferIS2_RS4_EE __aeabi_memmove _Z20pri_hisi_device_openPK11hw_module_tPKcPP11hw_device_tP15gralloc1_device ion_import ion_iommu_map_ref ion_map_iommu ion_unmap_iommu _Z42mali_gralloc_private_interface_getFunctioni _Unwind_Complete _Unwind_DeleteException _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData _Unwind_GetRegionStart _Unwind_RaiseException _Unwind_Resume _Unwind_VRS_Get _Unwind_VRS_Interpret _Unwind_VRS_Pop _Unwind_VRS_Set __aeabi_unwind_cpp_pr2 __gnu_unwind_frame decode_eht_entry unw_get_fpreg unw_get_proc_info unw_get_reg unw_getcontext unw_init_local unw_resume unw_save_vfp_as_X unw_set_fpreg unw_set_reg unw_step unw_get_proc_name unw_is_fpreg unw_is_signal_frame unw_local_addr_space unw_regname __udivsi3 __aeabi_idiv0 __aeabi_uidivmod __divsi3 __aeabi_idivmod __aeabi_ldiv0 __gnu_uldivmod_helper __gnu_ldivmod_helper __divdi3 __udivdi3 __aeabi_llsl __aeabi_llsr __lshrdi3 __ashldi3 _end _edata __bss_start libhardware.so liblog.so libcutils.so libion.so libion_ext.so libutils.so libc++.so libm.so 
gralloc Graphics Memory Allocator Module ARM Ltd. fb0 [Gralloc-Warning] %s:%d fallback to single buffering. Virtual Y-res too small %d fb_alloc_framebuffer_locked [Gralloc-ERROR] %s:%d Fallback to single buffering. Unable to map framebuffer memory to handle:%p /dev/graphics/fb%u /dev/fb%u persist.sys.display.1080p false true %s:%d FBIOPUT_VSCREENINFO failed, page flipping not supported fd: %d init_frame_buffer_locked %s:%d page flipping not supported (yres_virtual=%d, requested=%d) %s:%d fbdev pixclock is zero for fd: %d [Gralloc] using (fd=%d) id = %s xres = %d px yres = %d px xres_virtual = %d px yres_virtual = %d px bpp = %d r = %2u:%u g = %2u:%u b = %2u:%u width = %d mm (%f dpi) height = %d mm (%f dpi) refresh rate = %.2f Hz CLCD FB ARM Mali HDLCD %s:%d Error mapping the framebuffer (%s) FBIOGET_DMABUF ioctl failed(%d). See gralloc_priv.h and the integration manual for vendor framebuffer integration %s:%d FBIOPAN_DISPLAY failed for fd: %d fb_post %s:%d Gralloc wait for vsync failed for fd: %d Warning share attribute fd already exists during create. Closing. gralloc_shared_attr Failed to allocate page for shared attribute region Failed to mmap shared attribute region Shared attribute region not avail to free Warning shared attribute region mapped at free. Unmapping %s:%d Locking invalid buffer %p, returning error mali_gralloc_lock %s:%d Buffers with format YCbCr_420_888 must be locked using (*lock_ycbcr) mali_gralloc_lock_ycbcr %s:%d Can't lock buffer %p: wrong format %llx %s:%d Don't support to lock buffer %p: with format %llx %s:%d Unlocking invalid buffer %p, returning error mali_gralloc_unlock %s:%d Invalid buffer %p, returning error mali_gralloc_get_num_flex_planes %s:%d Can't get planes number of buffer %p: with format %llx mali_gralloc_lock_flex_async Unrecognized and/or unsupported format 0x%llx and usage 0x%llx Unsupported format. Splitblk in tiled header configuration. ERROR: Width for HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW12 buffers has to be multiple of 4. ERROR: Width for HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_RAW10 buffers has to be multiple of 4. ERROR: Height for HAL_PIXEL_FORMAT_BLOB must be 1. get_yuv420_10bit_afbc_stride_and_size %s:%d GRALLOC_USAGE_PRIVATE_2 (64byte header row alignment for AFBC) is not supported for YUV get_yuv422_10bit_afbc_stride_and_size %s:%d Buffer must be allocated with AFBC mode for internal pixel format YUV422_8BIT_AFBC! get_afbc_yuv422_8bit_stride_and_size %s:%d failed to create buffer descriptor mali_gralloc_create_descriptor_internal mali_gralloc_get_backing_store_internal mali_gralloc_get_consumer_usage_internal mali_gralloc_get_dimensions_internal mali_gralloc_get_format_internal mali_gralloc_get_producer_usage_internal %s:%d Protected ION memory is not supported on this platform. pick_ion_heap %s:%d ion_open failed with %s mali_gralloc_ion_allocate %s:%d Failed to find an appropriate ion heap %s:%d ion_alloc failed form client: ( %d ) %s:%d munmap failed for base:%p size: %zd %s:%d ion_free( %d ) failed %s:%d ion_alloc failed from client ( %d ) %s:%d mmap failed from client ( %d ), fd ( %d ) %s:%d Failed to munmap handle %p mali_gralloc_ion_free %s:%d Failed to ion_free( ion_client: %d ion_hnd: %d ) %s:%d Could not get gralloc module for handle: %p mali_gralloc_ion_map %s:%d Could not open ion device for handle: %p %s:%d mmap( share_fd:%d ) failed with %s %s:%d Could not munmap base:%p size:%zd '%s' mali_gralloc_ion_unmap %s:%d Failed to close ion_client: %d err=%s mali_gralloc_ion_device_close %s:%d ion_share( %d ) failed alloc_from_ion_heap It is invalid to specify NO_AFBC usage flags when allocating YUV formats. Requested fmt: 0x%llx Re-Mapped fmt: 0x%llx hwcomposer /vendor/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so /system/lib/egl/libGLES_mali.so Failed to find GPU block configuration in %s. Using static build configuration. libGLES_mali.so mali_gralloc_format_capabilities Internal format contains multiple mutually exclusive modifier bits: %llx Internal base format requested is unrecognized: %llx %s:%d Registering/Retaining invalid buffer %p, returning error mali_gralloc_reference_retain %s:%d unkown buffer flags not supported. flags = %d %s:%d unregistering/releasing invalid buffer %p, returning error mali_gralloc_reference_release %s:%d Buffer %p should have already been released <%s> Line %d: ion_unmap returns -1, skipping unmap %s:%d Unregistering/Releasing unknown buffer is not supported. Flags = %d %s:%d Trying to unregister buffer %p from process %d that was not imported into current process: %d Invalid handle %p and return Invalid pointer to dump buffer size and return -------------------------Start to dump Gralloc buffers info------------------------ handle | width | height | stride | req format |internal format|consumer usage|producer usage| shared fd | AFBC | ------------+-------+--------+--------+----------------+---------------+--------------+--------------+-----------+------+ %08x | %5d | %5d | %5d | %08x | %09llx | %09llx | %09llx | %08x | %4d | ---------------------End dump Gralloc buffers info with num %zu---------------------- %s:%d Failed to ion_map_iommu from ion_client:%d pri_hisi_device_layerbuffer_alloc %s:%d Failed to alloc metadata buffer from ion_client:%d %s:%d Failed to share metadata buffer from ion_client:%d %s:%d Failed to map metadata buffer smmu address from ion_client:%d %s:%d Failed to unmap metadata buffer( ion_client: %d ion_hnd: %d ) pri_hisi_device_free %s:%d Failed to free metadata buffer( ion_client: %d ion_hnd: %d ) %s:%d Failed to unmap ion buffer( ion_client: %d ion_hnd: %p ) %s:%d Failed to map ion buffer from ion_client:%d pri_hisi_device_map %s:%d Failed to map metadata buffer from ion_client:%d %s:%d Failed to ion_unmap_iommu ion buffer( ion_client: %d ion_hnd: %p ) pri_hisi_device_unmap %s:%d Failed to ion_unmap_iommu metadata buffer( ion_client: %d ion_hnd: %p ) Invalid pointer to outSize and return Failed to allocate buffer. Shared attribute region not available to be mapped Failed to mmap shared attribute region err=%s libunwind: %s %s:%d - %s _Unwind_Resume external/libunwind_llvm/src/Unwind-EHABI.cpp _Unwind_Resume() can't return _Unwind_VRS_Set unsupported register class _Unwind_VRS_Pop unwind_phase2 during phase1 personality function said it would stop here, but now in phase2 it did not stop here _Unwind_VRS_Get_Internal external/libunwind_llvm/src/UnwindCursor.hpp getRegister external/libunwind_llvm/src/Registers.hpp unsupported arm register setRegister getFloatRegister Unknown ARM float register setFloatRegister %s getInfoFromEHABISection unknown personality routine index inlined table detected but pr function requires extra words pc lr sp r0 r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 r11 r12 s0 s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10 s11 s12 s13 s14 s15 s16 s17 s18 s19 s20 s21 s22 s23 s24 s25 s26 s27 s28 s29 s30 s31 d0 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10 d11 d12 d13 d14 d15 d16 d17 d18 d19 d20 d21 d22 d23 d24 d25 d26 d27 d28 d29 d30 d31 unknown register
.shstrtab .note.android.ident .note.gnu.build-id .dynsym .dynstr .gnu.hash .gnu.version .gnu.version_d .gnu.version_r .rel.dyn .rel.plt .text .ARM.exidx .rodata .ARM.extab .fini_array .init_array .data.rel.ro .dynamic .got .data .bss .note.gnu.gold-version .ARM.attributes .gnu_debugdata