1Directory structure of the audio HIDL related code.
3Run `common/all-versions/copyHAL.sh` to create a new version of the audio HAL
4based on an existing one.
7|-- 2.0              <== core 2.0 HIDL API. .hal can not be moved into the core directory
8|                        because that would change its namespace and include path
9|-- 4.0              <== Version 4.0 of the core API
11|-- ...
13|-- common           <== code common to audio core and effect API
14|   |-- 2.0          <== HIDL API of V2
15|   |-- 4.0
16|   |-- ...
17|   `-- all-versions <== code common to all version of both core and effect API
18|       |-- default  <== implementation shared code between core and effect impl
19|       |-- test     <== utilities used by tests
20|       `-- util     <== utilities used by both implementation and tests
22|-- core             <== VTS and default implementation of the core API (not HIDL, see /audio/2.0))
23|   `-- all-versions <== Code is version independent through #if and separate files
24|       |-- default  <== code that wraps the legacy API
25|       `-- vts      <== vts of core API
26|           |-- 2.0  <== 2.0 specific tests and helpers
27|           |-- 4.0
28|           |-- ...
30`-- effect           <== idem for the effect API
31    |-- 2.0
32    |-- 4.0
33    |-- ...
34    `-- all-versions
35        |-- default
36        `-- vts