1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  */
17 #include <android-base/logging.h>
19 #include <VtsCoreUtil.h>
20 #include <android/hardware/wifi/1.0/IWifi.h>
21 #include <android/hardware/wifi/supplicant/1.0/ISupplicant.h>
22 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
23 #include <hidl/GtestPrinter.h>
24 #include <hidl/ServiceManagement.h>
26 #include "supplicant_hidl_test_utils.h"
28 using ::android::sp;
29 using ::android::hardware::hidl_vec;
30 using ::android::hardware::wifi::supplicant::V1_0::IfaceType;
31 using ::android::hardware::wifi::supplicant::V1_0::ISupplicant;
32 using ::android::hardware::wifi::supplicant::V1_0::ISupplicantIface;
33 using ::android::hardware::wifi::supplicant::V1_0::SupplicantStatus;
34 using ::android::hardware::wifi::supplicant::V1_0::SupplicantStatusCode;
35 using ::android::hardware::wifi::V1_0::IWifi;
37 class SupplicantHidlTest
38     : public ::testing::TestWithParam<std::tuple<std::string, std::string>> {
39    public:
SetUp()40     virtual void SetUp() override {
41         wifi_instance_name_ = std::get<0>(GetParam());
42         supplicant_instance_name_ = std::get<1>(GetParam());
43         stopSupplicant(wifi_instance_name_);
44         startSupplicantAndWaitForHidlService(wifi_instance_name_,
45                                              supplicant_instance_name_);
46         isP2pOn_ =
47             testing::deviceSupportsFeature("android.hardware.wifi.direct");
48         supplicant_ = getSupplicant(supplicant_instance_name_, isP2pOn_);
49         ASSERT_NE(supplicant_.get(), nullptr);
50     }
TearDown()52     virtual void TearDown() override { stopSupplicant(wifi_instance_name_); }
54    protected:
55     // ISupplicant object used for all tests in this fixture.
56     sp<ISupplicant> supplicant_;
57     bool isP2pOn_ = false;
58     std::string wifi_instance_name_;
59     std::string supplicant_instance_name_;
60 };
62 /*
63  * Create:
64  * Ensures that an instance of the ISupplicant proxy object is
65  * successfully created.
66  */
TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest,Create)67 TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest, Create) {
68     // Stop the proxy object created in setup.
69     stopSupplicant(wifi_instance_name_);
70     startSupplicantAndWaitForHidlService(wifi_instance_name_,
71                                          supplicant_instance_name_);
72     EXPECT_NE(nullptr,
73               getSupplicant(supplicant_instance_name_, isP2pOn_).get());
74 }
76 /*
77  * ListInterfaces
78  */
TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest,ListInterfaces)79 TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest, ListInterfaces) {
80     std::vector<ISupplicant::IfaceInfo> ifaces;
81     supplicant_->listInterfaces(
82         [&](const SupplicantStatus& status,
83             const hidl_vec<ISupplicant::IfaceInfo>& hidl_ifaces) {
84             EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS, status.code);
85             ifaces = hidl_ifaces;
86         });
88     EXPECT_NE(ifaces.end(),
89               std::find_if(ifaces.begin(), ifaces.end(), [](const auto& iface) {
90                   return iface.type == IfaceType::STA;
91               }));
92     if (isP2pOn_) {
93         EXPECT_NE(
94             ifaces.end(),
95             std::find_if(ifaces.begin(), ifaces.end(), [](const auto& iface) {
96                 return iface.type == IfaceType::P2P;
97             }));
98     }
99 }
101 /*
102  * GetInterface
103  */
TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest,GetInterface)104 TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest, GetInterface) {
105     std::vector<ISupplicant::IfaceInfo> ifaces;
106     supplicant_->listInterfaces(
107         [&](const SupplicantStatus& status,
108             const hidl_vec<ISupplicant::IfaceInfo>& hidl_ifaces) {
109             EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS, status.code);
110             ifaces = hidl_ifaces;
111         });
113     ASSERT_NE(0u, ifaces.size());
114     supplicant_->getInterface(
115         ifaces[0],
116         [&](const SupplicantStatus& status, const sp<ISupplicantIface>& iface) {
117             EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS, status.code);
118             EXPECT_NE(nullptr, iface.get());
119         });
120 }
122 /*
123  * SetDebugParams
124  */
TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest,SetDebugParams)125 TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest, SetDebugParams) {
126     bool show_timestamp = true;
127     bool show_keys = true;
128     ISupplicant::DebugLevel level = ISupplicant::DebugLevel::EXCESSIVE;
130     supplicant_->setDebugParams(level,
131                                 show_timestamp,  // show timestamps
132                                 show_keys,       // show keys
133                                 [](const SupplicantStatus& status) {
134                                     EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS,
135                                               status.code);
136                                 });
137 }
139 /*
140  * GetDebugLevel
141  */
TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest,GetDebugLevel)142 TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest, GetDebugLevel) {
143     bool show_timestamp = true;
144     bool show_keys = true;
145     ISupplicant::DebugLevel level = ISupplicant::DebugLevel::EXCESSIVE;
147     supplicant_->setDebugParams(level,
148                                 show_timestamp,  // show timestamps
149                                 show_keys,       // show keys
150                                 [](const SupplicantStatus& status) {
151                                     EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS,
152                                               status.code);
153                                 });
154     EXPECT_EQ(level, supplicant_->getDebugLevel());
155 }
157 /*
158  * IsDebugShowTimestampEnabled
159  */
TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest,IsDebugShowTimestampEnabled)160 TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest, IsDebugShowTimestampEnabled) {
161     bool show_timestamp = true;
162     bool show_keys = true;
163     ISupplicant::DebugLevel level = ISupplicant::DebugLevel::EXCESSIVE;
165     supplicant_->setDebugParams(level,
166                                 show_timestamp,  // show timestamps
167                                 show_keys,       // show keys
168                                 [](const SupplicantStatus& status) {
169                                     EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS,
170                                               status.code);
171                                 });
172     EXPECT_EQ(show_timestamp, supplicant_->isDebugShowTimestampEnabled());
173 }
175 /*
176  * IsDebugShowKeysEnabled
177  */
TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest,IsDebugShowKeysEnabled)178 TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest, IsDebugShowKeysEnabled) {
179     bool show_timestamp = true;
180     bool show_keys = true;
181     ISupplicant::DebugLevel level = ISupplicant::DebugLevel::EXCESSIVE;
183     supplicant_->setDebugParams(level,
184                                 show_timestamp,  // show timestamps
185                                 show_keys,       // show keys
186                                 [](const SupplicantStatus& status) {
187                                     EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS,
188                                               status.code);
189                                 });
190     EXPECT_EQ(show_keys, supplicant_->isDebugShowKeysEnabled());
191 }
193 /*
194  * SetConcurrenyPriority
195  */
TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest,SetConcurrencyPriority)196 TEST_P(SupplicantHidlTest, SetConcurrencyPriority) {
197     supplicant_->setConcurrencyPriority(
198         IfaceType::STA, [](const SupplicantStatus& status) {
199             EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS, status.code);
200         });
201     if (isP2pOn_) {
202         supplicant_->setConcurrencyPriority(
203             IfaceType::P2P, [](const SupplicantStatus& status) {
204                 EXPECT_EQ(SupplicantStatusCode::SUCCESS, status.code);
205             });
206     }
207 }
210     PerInstance, SupplicantHidlTest,
211     testing::Combine(
212         testing::ValuesIn(
213             android::hardware::getAllHalInstanceNames(IWifi::descriptor)),
214         testing::ValuesIn(android::hardware::getAllHalInstanceNames(
215             ISupplicant::descriptor))),
216     android::hardware::PrintInstanceTupleNameToString<>);