1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
17 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/payload_generation_config.h"
19 #include <base/logging.h>
20 #include <base/strings/string_number_conversions.h>
21 #include <base/strings/string_split.h>
22 #include <brillo/secure_blob.h>
23 #include <fec/io.h>
24 #include <libavb/libavb.h>
25 #include <verity/hash_tree_builder.h>
27 #include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
28 #include "update_engine/payload_consumer/verity_writer_android.h"
29 #include "update_engine/payload_generator/extent_ranges.h"
31 namespace chromeos_update_engine {
33 namespace {
34 bool AvbDescriptorCallback(const AvbDescriptor* descriptor, void* user_data) {
35   PartitionConfig* part = static_cast<PartitionConfig*>(user_data);
36   AvbDescriptor desc;
38       avb_descriptor_validate_and_byteswap(descriptor, &desc));
39   if (desc.tag != AVB_DESCRIPTOR_TAG_HASHTREE)
40     return true;
42   AvbHashtreeDescriptor hashtree;
43   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(avb_hashtree_descriptor_validate_and_byteswap(
44       reinterpret_cast<const AvbHashtreeDescriptor*>(descriptor), &hashtree));
45   // We only support version 1 right now, will need to introduce a new
46   // payload minor version to support new dm verity version.
47   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(hashtree.dm_verity_version == 1);
48   part->verity.hash_tree_algorithm =
49       reinterpret_cast<const char*>(hashtree.hash_algorithm);
51   const uint8_t* salt = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(descriptor) +
52                         sizeof(AvbHashtreeDescriptor) +
53                         hashtree.partition_name_len;
54   part->verity.hash_tree_salt.assign(salt, salt + hashtree.salt_len);
56   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(hashtree.data_block_size ==
57                         part->fs_interface->GetBlockSize());
58   part->verity.hash_tree_data_extent =
59       ExtentForBytes(hashtree.data_block_size, 0, hashtree.image_size);
61   TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(hashtree.hash_block_size ==
62                         part->fs_interface->GetBlockSize());
63   part->verity.hash_tree_extent = ExtentForBytes(
64       hashtree.hash_block_size, hashtree.tree_offset, hashtree.tree_size);
66   if (!part->disable_fec_computation) {
67     part->verity.fec_data_extent =
68         ExtentForBytes(hashtree.data_block_size, 0, hashtree.fec_offset);
69     part->verity.fec_extent = ExtentForBytes(
70         hashtree.data_block_size, hashtree.fec_offset, hashtree.fec_size);
71     part->verity.fec_roots = hashtree.fec_num_roots;
72   }
73   return true;
74 }
76 // Generate hash tree and FEC based on the verity config and verify that it
77 // matches the hash tree and FEC stored in the image.
78 bool VerifyVerityConfig(const PartitionConfig& part) {
79   const size_t block_size = part.fs_interface->GetBlockSize();
80   if (part.verity.hash_tree_extent.num_blocks() != 0) {
81     auto hash_function =
82         HashTreeBuilder::HashFunction(part.verity.hash_tree_algorithm);
83     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(hash_function != nullptr);
84     HashTreeBuilder hash_tree_builder(block_size, hash_function);
85     uint64_t data_size =
86         part.verity.hash_tree_data_extent.num_blocks() * block_size;
87     uint64_t tree_size = hash_tree_builder.CalculateSize(data_size);
89         tree_size == part.verity.hash_tree_extent.num_blocks() * block_size);
91         hash_tree_builder.Initialize(data_size, part.verity.hash_tree_salt));
93     brillo::Blob buffer;
94     for (uint64_t offset = part.verity.hash_tree_data_extent.start_block() *
95                            block_size,
96                   data_end = offset + data_size;
97          offset < data_end;) {
98       constexpr uint64_t kBufferSize = 1024 * 1024;
99       size_t bytes_to_read = std::min(kBufferSize, data_end - offset);
101           utils::ReadFileChunk(part.path, offset, bytes_to_read, &buffer));
103           hash_tree_builder.Update(buffer.data(), buffer.size()));
104       offset += buffer.size();
105       buffer.clear();
106     }
107     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(hash_tree_builder.BuildHashTree());
108     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::ReadFileChunk(
109         part.path,
110         part.verity.hash_tree_extent.start_block() * block_size,
111         tree_size,
112         &buffer));
113     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(hash_tree_builder.CheckHashTree(buffer));
114   }
116   if (part.verity.fec_extent.num_blocks() != 0) {
117     TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(VerityWriterAndroid::EncodeFEC(
118         part.path,
119         part.verity.fec_data_extent.start_block() * block_size,
120         part.verity.fec_data_extent.num_blocks() * block_size,
121         part.verity.fec_extent.start_block() * block_size,
122         part.verity.fec_extent.num_blocks() * block_size,
123         part.verity.fec_roots,
124         block_size,
125         true /* verify_mode */));
126   }
127   return true;
128 }
129 }  // namespace
131 bool ImageConfig::LoadVerityConfig() {
132   for (PartitionConfig& part : partitions) {
133     // Parse AVB devices.
134     if (part.size > sizeof(AvbFooter)) {
135       uint64_t footer_offset = part.size - sizeof(AvbFooter);
136       brillo::Blob buffer;
137       TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::ReadFileChunk(
138           part.path, footer_offset, sizeof(AvbFooter), &buffer));
139       if (memcmp(buffer.data(), AVB_FOOTER_MAGIC, AVB_FOOTER_MAGIC_LEN) == 0) {
140         LOG(INFO) << "Parsing verity config from AVB footer for " << part.name;
141         AvbFooter footer;
142         TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(avb_footer_validate_and_byteswap(
143             reinterpret_cast<const AvbFooter*>(buffer.data()), &footer));
144         buffer.clear();
147             footer.vbmeta_offset + sizeof(AvbVBMetaImageHeader) <= part.size);
148         TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::ReadFileChunk(
149             part.path, footer.vbmeta_offset, footer.vbmeta_size, &buffer));
150         TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(avb_descriptor_foreach(
151             buffer.data(), buffer.size(), AvbDescriptorCallback, &part));
152       }
153     }
155     // Parse VB1.0 devices with FEC metadata, devices with hash tree without
156     // FEC will be skipped for now.
157     if (part.verity.IsEmpty() && part.size > FEC_BLOCKSIZE) {
158       brillo::Blob fec_metadata;
159       TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(utils::ReadFileChunk(part.path,
160                                                  part.size - FEC_BLOCKSIZE,
161                                                  sizeof(fec_header),
162                                                  &fec_metadata));
163       const fec_header* header =
164           reinterpret_cast<const fec_header*>(fec_metadata.data());
165       if (header->magic == FEC_MAGIC) {
166         LOG(INFO)
167             << "Parsing verity config from Verified Boot 1.0 metadata for "
168             << part.name;
169         const size_t block_size = part.fs_interface->GetBlockSize();
170         // FEC_VERITY_DISABLE skips verifying verity hash tree, because we will
171         // verify it ourselves later.
172         fec::io fh(part.path, O_RDONLY, FEC_VERITY_DISABLE);
173         TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(fh);
174         fec_verity_metadata verity_data;
175         if (fh.get_verity_metadata(verity_data)) {
176           auto verity_table = base::SplitString(verity_data.table,
177                                                 " ",
178                                                 base::KEEP_WHITESPACE,
179                                                 base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
180           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(verity_table.size() == 10);
181           size_t data_block_size = 0;
182           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(
183               base::StringToSizeT(verity_table[3], &data_block_size));
184           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(block_size == data_block_size);
185           size_t hash_block_size = 0;
186           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(
187               base::StringToSizeT(verity_table[4], &hash_block_size));
188           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(block_size == hash_block_size);
189           uint64_t num_data_blocks = 0;
190           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(
191               base::StringToUint64(verity_table[5], &num_data_blocks));
192           part.verity.hash_tree_data_extent =
193               ExtentForRange(0, num_data_blocks);
194           uint64_t hash_start_block = 0;
195           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(
196               base::StringToUint64(verity_table[6], &hash_start_block));
197           part.verity.hash_tree_algorithm = verity_table[7];
198           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(base::HexStringToBytes(
199               verity_table[9], &part.verity.hash_tree_salt));
200           auto hash_function =
201               HashTreeBuilder::HashFunction(part.verity.hash_tree_algorithm);
202           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(hash_function != nullptr);
203           HashTreeBuilder hash_tree_builder(block_size, hash_function);
204           uint64_t tree_size =
205               hash_tree_builder.CalculateSize(num_data_blocks * block_size);
206           part.verity.hash_tree_extent =
207               ExtentForRange(hash_start_block, tree_size / block_size);
208         }
209         fec_ecc_metadata ecc_data;
210         if (!part.disable_fec_computation && fh.get_ecc_metadata(ecc_data) &&
211             ecc_data.valid) {
212           TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(block_size == FEC_BLOCKSIZE);
213           part.verity.fec_data_extent = ExtentForRange(0, ecc_data.blocks);
214           part.verity.fec_extent =
215               ExtentForBytes(block_size, ecc_data.start, header->fec_size);
216           part.verity.fec_roots = ecc_data.roots;
217         }
218       }
219     }
221     if (!part.verity.IsEmpty()) {
222       TEST_AND_RETURN_FALSE(VerifyVerityConfig(part));
223     }
224   }
225   return true;
226 }
228 }  // namespace chromeos_update_engine