1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
17 #include "update_engine/update_manager/chromeos_policy.h"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <set>
21 #include <string>
22 #include <vector>
24 #include <base/logging.h>
25 #include <base/strings/string_util.h>
26 #include <base/time/time.h>
28 #include "update_engine/common/error_code.h"
29 #include "update_engine/common/error_code_utils.h"
30 #include "update_engine/common/utils.h"
31 #include "update_engine/update_manager/device_policy_provider.h"
32 #include "update_engine/update_manager/enough_slots_ab_updates_policy_impl.h"
33 #include "update_engine/update_manager/enterprise_device_policy_impl.h"
34 #include "update_engine/update_manager/interactive_update_policy_impl.h"
35 #include "update_engine/update_manager/official_build_check_policy_impl.h"
36 #include "update_engine/update_manager/out_of_box_experience_policy_impl.h"
37 #include "update_engine/update_manager/policy_utils.h"
38 #include "update_engine/update_manager/shill_provider.h"
39 #include "update_engine/update_manager/update_time_restrictions_policy_impl.h"
41 using base::Time;
42 using base::TimeDelta;
43 using chromeos_update_engine::ConnectionTethering;
44 using chromeos_update_engine::ConnectionType;
45 using chromeos_update_engine::ErrorCode;
46 using chromeos_update_engine::InstallPlan;
47 using std::get;
48 using std::min;
49 using std::set;
50 using std::string;
51 using std::vector;
53 namespace {
55 // Examines |err_code| and decides whether the URL index needs to be advanced,
56 // the error count for the URL incremented, or none of the above. In the first
57 // case, returns true; in the second case, increments |*url_num_error_p| and
58 // returns false; otherwise just returns false.
59 //
60 // TODO(garnold) Adapted from PayloadState::UpdateFailed() (to be retired).
61 bool HandleErrorCode(ErrorCode err_code, int* url_num_error_p) {
62   err_code = chromeos_update_engine::utils::GetBaseErrorCode(err_code);
63   switch (err_code) {
64     // Errors which are good indicators of a problem with a particular URL or
65     // the protocol used in the URL or entities in the communication channel
66     // (e.g. proxies). We should try the next available URL in the next update
67     // check to quickly recover from these errors.
68     case ErrorCode::kPayloadHashMismatchError:
69     case ErrorCode::kPayloadSizeMismatchError:
70     case ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadVerificationError:
71     case ErrorCode::kDownloadPayloadPubKeyVerificationError:
72     case ErrorCode::kSignedDeltaPayloadExpectedError:
73     case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataMagicString:
74     case ErrorCode::kDownloadSignatureMissingInManifest:
75     case ErrorCode::kDownloadManifestParseError:
76     case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureError:
77     case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureVerificationError:
78     case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMismatch:
79     case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashVerificationError:
80     case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationExecutionError:
81     case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashMismatch:
82     case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataSize:
83     case ErrorCode::kDownloadInvalidMetadataSignature:
84     case ErrorCode::kDownloadOperationHashMissingError:
85     case ErrorCode::kDownloadMetadataSignatureMissingError:
86     case ErrorCode::kPayloadMismatchedType:
87     case ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMajorPayloadVersion:
88     case ErrorCode::kUnsupportedMinorPayloadVersion:
89     case ErrorCode::kPayloadTimestampError:
90     case ErrorCode::kVerityCalculationError:
91       LOG(INFO) << "Advancing download URL due to error "
92                 << chromeos_update_engine::utils::ErrorCodeToString(err_code)
93                 << " (" << static_cast<int>(err_code) << ")";
94       return true;
96     // Errors which seem to be just transient network/communication related
97     // failures and do not indicate any inherent problem with the URL itself.
98     // So, we should keep the current URL but just increment the
99     // failure count to give it more chances. This way, while we maximize our
100     // chances of downloading from the URLs that appear earlier in the response
101     // (because download from a local server URL that appears earlier in a
102     // response is preferable than downloading from the next URL which could be
103     // an Internet URL and thus could be more expensive).
104     case ErrorCode::kError:
105     case ErrorCode::kDownloadTransferError:
106     case ErrorCode::kDownloadWriteError:
107     case ErrorCode::kDownloadStateInitializationError:
108     case ErrorCode::kOmahaErrorInHTTPResponse:  // Aggregate for HTTP errors.
109       LOG(INFO) << "Incrementing URL failure count due to error "
110                 << chromeos_update_engine::utils::ErrorCodeToString(err_code)
111                 << " (" << static_cast<int>(err_code) << ")";
112       *url_num_error_p += 1;
113       return false;
115     // Errors which are not specific to a URL and hence shouldn't result in
116     // the URL being penalized. This can happen in two cases:
117     // 1. We haven't started downloading anything: These errors don't cost us
118     // anything in terms of actual payload bytes, so we should just do the
119     // regular retries at the next update check.
120     // 2. We have successfully downloaded the payload: In this case, the
121     // payload attempt number would have been incremented and would take care
122     // of the back-off at the next update check.
123     // In either case, there's no need to update URL index or failure count.
124     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestError:
125     case ErrorCode::kOmahaResponseHandlerError:
126     case ErrorCode::kPostinstallRunnerError:
127     case ErrorCode::kFilesystemCopierError:
128     case ErrorCode::kInstallDeviceOpenError:
129     case ErrorCode::kKernelDeviceOpenError:
130     case ErrorCode::kDownloadNewPartitionInfoError:
131     case ErrorCode::kNewRootfsVerificationError:
132     case ErrorCode::kNewKernelVerificationError:
133     case ErrorCode::kPostinstallBootedFromFirmwareB:
134     case ErrorCode::kPostinstallFirmwareRONotUpdatable:
135     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestEmptyResponseError:
136     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestXMLParseError:
137     case ErrorCode::kOmahaResponseInvalid:
138     case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateIgnoredPerPolicy:
139     case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateDeferredPerPolicy:
140     case ErrorCode::kNonCriticalUpdateInOOBE:
141     case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateDeferredForBackoff:
142     case ErrorCode::kPostinstallPowerwashError:
143     case ErrorCode::kUpdateCanceledByChannelChange:
144     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestXMLHasEntityDecl:
145     case ErrorCode::kFilesystemVerifierError:
146     case ErrorCode::kUserCanceled:
147     case ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateIgnoredOverCellular:
148     case ErrorCode::kUpdatedButNotActive:
149     case ErrorCode::kNoUpdate:
150     case ErrorCode::kRollbackNotPossible:
151     case ErrorCode::kFirstActiveOmahaPingSentPersistenceError:
152     case ErrorCode::kInternalLibCurlError:
153     case ErrorCode::kUnresolvedHostError:
154     case ErrorCode::kUnresolvedHostRecovered:
155     case ErrorCode::kNotEnoughSpace:
156     case ErrorCode::kDeviceCorrupted:
157       LOG(INFO) << "Not changing URL index or failure count due to error "
158                 << chromeos_update_engine::utils::ErrorCodeToString(err_code)
159                 << " (" << static_cast<int>(err_code) << ")";
160       return false;
162     case ErrorCode::kSuccess:                       // success code
163     case ErrorCode::kUmaReportedMax:                // not an error code
164     case ErrorCode::kOmahaRequestHTTPResponseBase:  // aggregated already
165     case ErrorCode::kDevModeFlag:                   // not an error code
166     case ErrorCode::kResumedFlag:                   // not an error code
167     case ErrorCode::kTestImageFlag:                 // not an error code
168     case ErrorCode::kTestOmahaUrlFlag:              // not an error code
169     case ErrorCode::kSpecialFlags:                  // not an error code
170       // These shouldn't happen. Enumerating these  explicitly here so that we
171       // can let the compiler warn about new error codes that are added to
172       // action_processor.h but not added here.
173       LOG(WARNING) << "Unexpected error "
174                    << chromeos_update_engine::utils::ErrorCodeToString(err_code)
175                    << " (" << static_cast<int>(err_code) << ")";
176       // Note: Not adding a default here so as to let the compiler warn us of
177       // any new enums that were added in the .h but not listed in this switch.
178   }
179   return false;
180 }
182 // Checks whether |url| can be used under given download restrictions.
183 bool IsUrlUsable(const string& url, bool http_allowed) {
184   return http_allowed ||
185          !base::StartsWith(
186              url, "http://", base::CompareCase::INSENSITIVE_ASCII);
187 }
189 }  // namespace
191 namespace chromeos_update_manager {
193 const NextUpdateCheckPolicyConstants
194     ChromeOSPolicy::kNextUpdateCheckPolicyConstants = {
195         .timeout_initial_interval = 7 * 60,
196         .timeout_periodic_interval = 45 * 60,
197         .timeout_max_backoff_interval = 4 * 60 * 60,
198         .timeout_regular_fuzz = 10 * 60,
199         .attempt_backoff_max_interval_in_days = 16,
200         .attempt_backoff_fuzz_in_hours = 12,
201 };
203 const int ChromeOSPolicy::kMaxP2PAttempts = 10;
204 const int ChromeOSPolicy::kMaxP2PAttemptsPeriodInSeconds = 5 * 24 * 60 * 60;
206 EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateCheckAllowed(EvaluationContext* ec,
207                                               State* state,
208                                               string* error,
209                                               UpdateCheckParams* result) const {
210   // Set the default return values.
211   result->updates_enabled = true;
212   result->target_channel.clear();
213   result->target_version_prefix.clear();
214   result->rollback_allowed = false;
215   result->rollback_allowed_milestones = -1;
216   result->interactive = false;
218   EnoughSlotsAbUpdatesPolicyImpl enough_slots_ab_updates_policy;
219   EnterpriseDevicePolicyImpl enterprise_device_policy;
220   OnlyUpdateOfficialBuildsPolicyImpl only_update_official_builds_policy;
221   InteractiveUpdatePolicyImpl interactive_update_policy;
222   OobePolicyImpl oobe_policy;
223   NextUpdateCheckTimePolicyImpl next_update_check_time_policy(
224       kNextUpdateCheckPolicyConstants);
226   vector<Policy const*> policies_to_consult = {
227       // Do not perform any updates if there are not enough slots to do A/B
228       // updates.
229       &enough_slots_ab_updates_policy,
231       // Check to see if Enterprise-managed (has DevicePolicy) and/or
232       // Kiosk-mode.  If so, then defer to those settings.
233       &enterprise_device_policy,
235       // Check to see if an interactive update was requested.
236       &interactive_update_policy,
238       // Unofficial builds should not perform periodic update checks.
239       &only_update_official_builds_policy,
241       // If OOBE is enabled, wait until it is completed.
242       &oobe_policy,
244       // Ensure that periodic update checks are timed properly.
245       &next_update_check_time_policy,
246   };
248   // Now that the list of policy implementations, and the order to consult them,
249   // has been setup, consult the policies. If none of the policies make a
250   // definitive decisions about whether or not to check for updates, then allow
251   // the update check to happen.
252   EvalStatus status = ConsultPolicies(policies_to_consult,
253                                       &Policy::UpdateCheckAllowed,
254                                       ec,
255                                       state,
256                                       error,
257                                       result);
258   if (EvalStatus::kContinue != status) {
259     return status;
260   } else {
261     // It is time to check for an update.
262     LOG(INFO) << "Allowing update check.";
263     return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
264   }
265 }
267 EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateCanBeApplied(EvaluationContext* ec,
268                                               State* state,
269                                               std::string* error,
270                                               ErrorCode* result,
271                                               InstallPlan* install_plan) const {
272   UpdateTimeRestrictionsPolicyImpl update_time_restrictions_policy;
273   InteractiveUpdatePolicyImpl interactive_update_policy;
275   vector<Policy const*> policies_to_consult = {
276       // Check to see if an interactive update has been requested.
277       &interactive_update_policy,
279       // Do not apply or download an update if we are inside one of the
280       // restricted times.
281       &update_time_restrictions_policy,
282   };
284   EvalStatus status = ConsultPolicies(policies_to_consult,
285                                       &Policy::UpdateCanBeApplied,
286                                       ec,
287                                       state,
288                                       error,
289                                       result,
290                                       install_plan);
291   if (EvalStatus::kContinue != status) {
292     return status;
293   } else {
294     // The update can proceed.
295     LOG(INFO) << "Allowing update to be applied.";
296     *result = ErrorCode::kSuccess;
297     return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
298   }
299 }
301 EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateCanStart(
302     EvaluationContext* ec,
303     State* state,
304     string* error,
305     UpdateDownloadParams* result,
306     const UpdateState update_state) const {
307   // Set the default return values. Note that we set persisted values (backoff,
308   // scattering) to the same values presented in the update state. The reason is
309   // that preemptive returns, such as the case where an update check is due,
310   // should not clear off the said values; rather, it is the deliberate
311   // inference of new values that should cause them to be reset.
312   result->update_can_start = false;
313   result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kUndefined;
314   result->download_url_idx = -1;
315   result->download_url_allowed = true;
316   result->download_url_num_errors = 0;
317   result->p2p_downloading_allowed = false;
318   result->p2p_sharing_allowed = false;
319   result->do_increment_failures = false;
320   result->backoff_expiry = update_state.backoff_expiry;
321   result->scatter_wait_period = update_state.scatter_wait_period;
322   result->scatter_check_threshold = update_state.scatter_check_threshold;
324   // Make sure that we're not due for an update check.
325   UpdateCheckParams check_result;
326   EvalStatus check_status = UpdateCheckAllowed(ec, state, error, &check_result);
327   if (check_status == EvalStatus::kFailed)
328     return EvalStatus::kFailed;
329   bool is_check_due = (check_status == EvalStatus::kSucceeded &&
330                        check_result.updates_enabled == true);
332   // Check whether backoff applies, and if not then which URL can be used for
333   // downloading. These require scanning the download error log, and so they are
334   // done together.
335   UpdateBackoffAndDownloadUrlResult backoff_url_result;
336   EvalStatus backoff_url_status = UpdateBackoffAndDownloadUrl(
337       ec, state, error, &backoff_url_result, update_state);
338   if (backoff_url_status == EvalStatus::kFailed)
339     return EvalStatus::kFailed;
340   result->download_url_idx = backoff_url_result.url_idx;
341   result->download_url_num_errors = backoff_url_result.url_num_errors;
342   result->do_increment_failures = backoff_url_result.do_increment_failures;
343   result->backoff_expiry = backoff_url_result.backoff_expiry;
344   bool is_backoff_active =
345       (backoff_url_status == EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater) ||
346       !backoff_url_result.backoff_expiry.is_null();
348   DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
349   bool is_scattering_active = false;
350   EvalStatus scattering_status = EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
352   const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p =
353       ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_device_policy_is_loaded());
354   if (device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p) {
355     // Check whether scattering applies to this update attempt. We should not be
356     // scattering if this is an interactive update check, or if OOBE is enabled
357     // but not completed.
358     //
359     // Note: current code further suppresses scattering if a "deadline"
360     // attribute is found in the Omaha response. However, it appears that the
361     // presence of this attribute is merely indicative of an OOBE update, during
362     // which we suppress scattering anyway.
363     bool is_scattering_applicable = false;
364     result->scatter_wait_period = kZeroInterval;
365     result->scatter_check_threshold = 0;
366     if (!update_state.interactive) {
367       const bool* is_oobe_enabled_p =
368           ec->GetValue(state->config_provider()->var_is_oobe_enabled());
369       if (is_oobe_enabled_p && !(*is_oobe_enabled_p)) {
370         is_scattering_applicable = true;
371       } else {
372         const bool* is_oobe_complete_p =
373             ec->GetValue(state->system_provider()->var_is_oobe_complete());
374         is_scattering_applicable = (is_oobe_complete_p && *is_oobe_complete_p);
375       }
376     }
378     // Compute scattering values.
379     if (is_scattering_applicable) {
380       UpdateScatteringResult scatter_result;
381       scattering_status =
382           UpdateScattering(ec, state, error, &scatter_result, update_state);
383       if (scattering_status == EvalStatus::kFailed) {
384         return EvalStatus::kFailed;
385       } else {
386         result->scatter_wait_period = scatter_result.wait_period;
387         result->scatter_check_threshold = scatter_result.check_threshold;
388         if (scattering_status == EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater ||
389             scatter_result.is_scattering)
390           is_scattering_active = true;
391       }
392     }
393   }
395   // Find out whether P2P is globally enabled.
396   bool p2p_enabled;
397   EvalStatus p2p_enabled_status = P2PEnabled(ec, state, error, &p2p_enabled);
398   if (p2p_enabled_status != EvalStatus::kSucceeded)
399     return EvalStatus::kFailed;
401   // Is P2P is enabled, consider allowing it for downloading and/or sharing.
402   if (p2p_enabled) {
403     // Sharing via P2P is allowed if not disabled by Omaha.
404     if (update_state.p2p_sharing_disabled) {
405       LOG(INFO) << "Blocked P2P sharing because it is disabled by Omaha.";
406     } else {
407       result->p2p_sharing_allowed = true;
408     }
410     // Downloading via P2P is allowed if not disabled by Omaha, an update is not
411     // interactive, and other limits haven't been reached.
412     if (update_state.p2p_downloading_disabled) {
413       LOG(INFO) << "Blocked P2P downloading because it is disabled by Omaha.";
414     } else if (update_state.interactive) {
415       LOG(INFO) << "Blocked P2P downloading because update is interactive.";
416     } else if (update_state.p2p_num_attempts >= kMaxP2PAttempts) {
417       LOG(INFO) << "Blocked P2P downloading as it was attempted too many "
418                    "times.";
419     } else if (!update_state.p2p_first_attempted.is_null() &&
420                ec->IsWallclockTimeGreaterThan(
421                    update_state.p2p_first_attempted +
422                    TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kMaxP2PAttemptsPeriodInSeconds))) {
423       LOG(INFO) << "Blocked P2P downloading as its usage timespan exceeds "
424                    "limit.";
425     } else {
426       // P2P download is allowed; if backoff or scattering are active, be sure
427       // to suppress them, yet prevent any download URL from being used.
428       result->p2p_downloading_allowed = true;
429       if (is_backoff_active || is_scattering_active) {
430         is_backoff_active = is_scattering_active = false;
431         result->download_url_allowed = false;
432       }
433     }
434   }
436   // Check for various deterrents.
437   if (is_check_due) {
438     result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kCheckDue;
439     return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
440   }
441   if (is_backoff_active) {
442     result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kBackoff;
443     return backoff_url_status;
444   }
445   if (is_scattering_active) {
446     result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kScattering;
447     return scattering_status;
448   }
449   if (result->download_url_idx < 0 && !result->p2p_downloading_allowed) {
450     result->cannot_start_reason = UpdateCannotStartReason::kCannotDownload;
451     return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
452   }
454   // Update is good to go.
455   result->update_can_start = true;
456   return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
457 }
459 // TODO(garnold) Logic in this method is based on
460 // ConnectionManager::IsUpdateAllowedOver(); be sure to deprecate the latter.
461 //
462 // TODO(garnold) The current logic generally treats the list of allowed
463 // connections coming from the device policy as a whitelist, meaning that it
464 // can only be used for enabling connections, but not disable them. Further,
465 // certain connection types (like Bluetooth) cannot be enabled even by policy.
466 // In effect, the only thing that device policy can change is to enable
467 // updates over a cellular network (disabled by default). We may want to
468 // revisit this semantics, allowing greater flexibility in defining specific
469 // permissions over all types of networks.
470 EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateDownloadAllowed(EvaluationContext* ec,
471                                                  State* state,
472                                                  string* error,
473                                                  bool* result) const {
474   // Get the current connection type.
475   ShillProvider* const shill_provider = state->shill_provider();
476   const ConnectionType* conn_type_p =
477       ec->GetValue(shill_provider->var_conn_type());
478   POLICY_CHECK_VALUE_AND_FAIL(conn_type_p, error);
479   ConnectionType conn_type = *conn_type_p;
481   // If we're tethering, treat it as a cellular connection.
482   if (conn_type != ConnectionType::kCellular) {
483     const ConnectionTethering* conn_tethering_p =
484         ec->GetValue(shill_provider->var_conn_tethering());
485     POLICY_CHECK_VALUE_AND_FAIL(conn_tethering_p, error);
486     if (*conn_tethering_p == ConnectionTethering::kConfirmed)
487       conn_type = ConnectionType::kCellular;
488   }
490   // By default, we allow updates for all connection types, with exceptions as
491   // noted below. This also determines whether a device policy can override the
492   // default.
493   *result = true;
494   bool device_policy_can_override = false;
495   switch (conn_type) {
496     case ConnectionType::kBluetooth:
497       *result = false;
498       break;
500     case ConnectionType::kCellular:
501       *result = false;
502       device_policy_can_override = true;
503       break;
505     case ConnectionType::kUnknown:
506       if (error)
507         *error = "Unknown connection type";
508       return EvalStatus::kFailed;
510     default:
511       break;  // Nothing to do.
512   }
514   // If update is allowed, we're done.
515   if (*result)
516     return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
518   // Check whether the device policy specifically allows this connection.
519   if (device_policy_can_override) {
520     DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
521     const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p =
522         ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_device_policy_is_loaded());
523     if (device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p) {
524       const set<ConnectionType>* allowed_conn_types_p =
525           ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_allowed_connection_types_for_update());
526       if (allowed_conn_types_p) {
527         if (allowed_conn_types_p->count(conn_type)) {
528           *result = true;
529           return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
530         }
531       } else if (conn_type == ConnectionType::kCellular) {
532         // Local user settings can allow updates over cellular iff a policy was
533         // loaded but no allowed connections were specified in it.
534         const bool* update_over_cellular_allowed_p =
535             ec->GetValue(state->updater_provider()->var_cellular_enabled());
536         if (update_over_cellular_allowed_p && *update_over_cellular_allowed_p)
537           *result = true;
538       }
539     }
540   }
542   return (*result ? EvalStatus::kSucceeded : EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater);
543 }
545 EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::P2PEnabled(EvaluationContext* ec,
546                                       State* state,
547                                       string* error,
548                                       bool* result) const {
549   bool enabled = false;
551   // Determine whether use of P2P is allowed by policy. Even if P2P is not
552   // explicitly allowed, we allow it if the device is enterprise enrolled (that
553   // is, missing or empty owner string).
554   DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
555   const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p =
556       ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_device_policy_is_loaded());
557   if (device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p) {
558     const bool* policy_au_p2p_enabled_p =
559         ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_au_p2p_enabled());
560     if (policy_au_p2p_enabled_p) {
561       enabled = *policy_au_p2p_enabled_p;
562     } else {
563       const string* policy_owner_p = ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_owner());
564       if (!policy_owner_p || policy_owner_p->empty())
565         enabled = true;
566     }
567   }
569   // Enable P2P, if so mandated by the updater configuration. This is additive
570   // to whether or not P2P is enabled by device policy.
571   if (!enabled) {
572     const bool* updater_p2p_enabled_p =
573         ec->GetValue(state->updater_provider()->var_p2p_enabled());
574     enabled = updater_p2p_enabled_p && *updater_p2p_enabled_p;
575   }
577   *result = enabled;
578   return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
579 }
581 EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::P2PEnabledChanged(EvaluationContext* ec,
582                                              State* state,
583                                              string* error,
584                                              bool* result,
585                                              bool prev_result) const {
586   EvalStatus status = P2PEnabled(ec, state, error, result);
587   if (status == EvalStatus::kSucceeded && *result == prev_result)
588     return EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater;
589   return status;
590 }
592 EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateBackoffAndDownloadUrl(
593     EvaluationContext* ec,
594     State* state,
595     string* error,
596     UpdateBackoffAndDownloadUrlResult* result,
597     const UpdateState& update_state) const {
598   // Sanity checks.
599   DCHECK_GE(update_state.download_errors_max, 0);
601   // Set default result values.
602   result->do_increment_failures = false;
603   result->backoff_expiry = update_state.backoff_expiry;
604   result->url_idx = -1;
605   result->url_num_errors = 0;
607   const bool* is_official_build_p =
608       ec->GetValue(state->system_provider()->var_is_official_build());
609   bool is_official_build = (is_official_build_p ? *is_official_build_p : true);
611   // Check whether backoff is enabled.
612   bool may_backoff = false;
613   if (update_state.is_backoff_disabled) {
614     LOG(INFO) << "Backoff disabled by Omaha.";
615   } else if (update_state.interactive) {
616     LOG(INFO) << "No backoff for interactive updates.";
617   } else if (update_state.is_delta_payload) {
618     LOG(INFO) << "No backoff for delta payloads.";
619   } else if (!is_official_build) {
620     LOG(INFO) << "No backoff for unofficial builds.";
621   } else {
622     may_backoff = true;
623   }
625   // If previous backoff still in effect, block.
626   if (may_backoff && !update_state.backoff_expiry.is_null() &&
627       !ec->IsWallclockTimeGreaterThan(update_state.backoff_expiry)) {
628     LOG(INFO) << "Previous backoff has not expired, waiting.";
629     return EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater;
630   }
632   // Determine whether HTTP downloads are forbidden by policy. This only
633   // applies to official system builds; otherwise, HTTP is always enabled.
634   bool http_allowed = true;
635   if (is_official_build) {
636     DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
637     const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p =
638         ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_device_policy_is_loaded());
639     if (device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p) {
640       const bool* policy_http_downloads_enabled_p =
641           ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_http_downloads_enabled());
642       http_allowed = (!policy_http_downloads_enabled_p ||
643                       *policy_http_downloads_enabled_p);
644     }
645   }
647   int url_idx = update_state.last_download_url_idx;
648   if (url_idx < 0)
649     url_idx = -1;
650   bool do_advance_url = false;
651   bool is_failure_occurred = false;
652   Time err_time;
654   // Scan the relevant part of the download error log, tracking which URLs are
655   // being used, and accounting the number of errors for each URL. Note that
656   // this process may not traverse all errors provided, as it may decide to bail
657   // out midway depending on the particular errors exhibited, the number of
658   // failures allowed, etc. When this ends, |url_idx| will point to the last URL
659   // used (-1 if starting fresh), |do_advance_url| will determine whether the
660   // URL needs to be advanced, and |err_time| the point in time when the last
661   // reported error occurred.  Additionally, if the error log indicates that an
662   // update attempt has failed (abnormal), then |is_failure_occurred| will be
663   // set to true.
664   const int num_urls = update_state.download_urls.size();
665   int prev_url_idx = -1;
666   int url_num_errors = update_state.last_download_url_num_errors;
667   Time prev_err_time;
668   bool is_first = true;
669   for (const auto& err_tuple : update_state.download_errors) {
670     // Do some sanity checks.
671     int used_url_idx = get<0>(err_tuple);
672     if (is_first && url_idx >= 0 && used_url_idx != url_idx) {
673       LOG(WARNING) << "First URL in error log (" << used_url_idx
674                    << ") not as expected (" << url_idx << ")";
675     }
676     is_first = false;
677     url_idx = used_url_idx;
678     if (url_idx < 0 || url_idx >= num_urls) {
679       LOG(ERROR) << "Download error log contains an invalid URL index ("
680                  << url_idx << ")";
681       return EvalStatus::kFailed;
682     }
683     err_time = get<2>(err_tuple);
684     if (!(prev_err_time.is_null() || err_time >= prev_err_time)) {
685       // TODO(garnold) Monotonicity cannot really be assumed when dealing with
686       // wallclock-based timestamps. However, we're making a simplifying
687       // assumption so as to keep the policy implementation straightforward, for
688       // now. In general, we should convert all timestamp handling in the
689       // UpdateManager to use monotonic time (instead of wallclock), including
690       // the computation of various expiration times (backoff, scattering, etc).
691       // The client will do whatever conversions necessary when
692       // persisting/retrieving these values across reboots. See chromium:408794.
693       LOG(ERROR) << "Download error timestamps not monotonically increasing.";
694       return EvalStatus::kFailed;
695     }
696     prev_err_time = err_time;
698     // Ignore errors that happened before the last known failed attempt.
699     if (!update_state.failures_last_updated.is_null() &&
700         err_time <= update_state.failures_last_updated)
701       continue;
703     if (prev_url_idx >= 0) {
704       if (url_idx < prev_url_idx) {
705         LOG(ERROR) << "The URLs in the download error log have wrapped around ("
706                    << prev_url_idx << "->" << url_idx
707                    << "). This should not have happened and means that there's "
708                       "a bug. To be conservative, we record a failed attempt "
709                       "(invalidating the rest of the error log) and resume "
710                       "download from the first usable URL.";
711         url_idx = -1;
712         is_failure_occurred = true;
713         break;
714       }
716       if (url_idx > prev_url_idx) {
717         url_num_errors = 0;
718         do_advance_url = false;
719       }
720     }
722     if (HandleErrorCode(get<1>(err_tuple), &url_num_errors) ||
723         url_num_errors > update_state.download_errors_max)
724       do_advance_url = true;
726     prev_url_idx = url_idx;
727   }
729   // If required, advance to the next usable URL. If the URLs wraparound, we
730   // mark an update attempt failure. Also be sure to set the download error
731   // count to zero.
732   if (url_idx < 0 || do_advance_url) {
733     url_num_errors = 0;
734     int start_url_idx = -1;
735     do {
736       if (++url_idx == num_urls) {
737         url_idx = 0;
738         // We only mark failure if an actual advancing of a URL was required.
739         if (do_advance_url)
740           is_failure_occurred = true;
741       }
743       if (start_url_idx < 0)
744         start_url_idx = url_idx;
745       else if (url_idx == start_url_idx)
746         url_idx = -1;  // No usable URL.
747     } while (url_idx >= 0 &&
748              !IsUrlUsable(update_state.download_urls[url_idx], http_allowed));
749   }
751   // If we have a download URL but a failure was observed, compute a new backoff
752   // expiry (if allowed). The backoff period is generally 2 ^ (num_failures - 1)
753   // days, bounded by the size of int and kAttemptBackoffMaxIntervalInDays, and
754   // fuzzed by kAttemptBackoffFuzzInHours hours. Backoff expiry is computed from
755   // the latest recorded time of error.
756   Time backoff_expiry;
757   if (url_idx >= 0 && is_failure_occurred && may_backoff) {
758     CHECK(!err_time.is_null())
759         << "We must have an error timestamp if a failure occurred!";
760     const uint64_t* seed = ec->GetValue(state->random_provider()->var_seed());
761     POLICY_CHECK_VALUE_AND_FAIL(seed, error);
762     PRNG prng(*seed);
763     int exp =
764         min(update_state.num_failures, static_cast<int>(sizeof(int)) * 8 - 2);
765     TimeDelta backoff_interval = TimeDelta::FromDays(min(
766         1 << exp,
767         kNextUpdateCheckPolicyConstants.attempt_backoff_max_interval_in_days));
768     TimeDelta backoff_fuzz = TimeDelta::FromHours(
769         kNextUpdateCheckPolicyConstants.attempt_backoff_fuzz_in_hours);
770     TimeDelta wait_period = NextUpdateCheckTimePolicyImpl::FuzzedInterval(
771         &prng, backoff_interval.InSeconds(), backoff_fuzz.InSeconds());
772     backoff_expiry = err_time + wait_period;
774     // If the newly computed backoff already expired, nullify it.
775     if (ec->IsWallclockTimeGreaterThan(backoff_expiry))
776       backoff_expiry = Time();
777   }
779   result->do_increment_failures = is_failure_occurred;
780   result->backoff_expiry = backoff_expiry;
781   result->url_idx = url_idx;
782   result->url_num_errors = url_num_errors;
783   return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
784 }
786 EvalStatus ChromeOSPolicy::UpdateScattering(
787     EvaluationContext* ec,
788     State* state,
789     string* error,
790     UpdateScatteringResult* result,
791     const UpdateState& update_state) const {
792   // Preconditions. These stem from the postconditions and usage contract.
793   DCHECK(update_state.scatter_wait_period >= kZeroInterval);
794   DCHECK_GE(update_state.scatter_check_threshold, 0);
796   // Set default result values.
797   result->is_scattering = false;
798   result->wait_period = kZeroInterval;
799   result->check_threshold = 0;
801   DevicePolicyProvider* const dp_provider = state->device_policy_provider();
803   // Ensure that a device policy is loaded.
804   const bool* device_policy_is_loaded_p =
805       ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_device_policy_is_loaded());
806   if (!(device_policy_is_loaded_p && *device_policy_is_loaded_p))
807     return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
809   // Is scattering enabled by policy?
810   const TimeDelta* scatter_factor_p =
811       ec->GetValue(dp_provider->var_scatter_factor());
812   if (!scatter_factor_p || *scatter_factor_p == kZeroInterval)
813     return EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
815   // Obtain a pseudo-random number generator.
816   const uint64_t* seed = ec->GetValue(state->random_provider()->var_seed());
817   POLICY_CHECK_VALUE_AND_FAIL(seed, error);
818   PRNG prng(*seed);
820   // Step 1: Maintain the scattering wait period.
821   //
822   // If no wait period was previously determined, or it no longer fits in the
823   // scatter factor, then generate a new one. Otherwise, keep the one we have.
824   TimeDelta wait_period = update_state.scatter_wait_period;
825   if (wait_period == kZeroInterval || wait_period > *scatter_factor_p) {
826     wait_period = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(
827         prng.RandMinMax(1, scatter_factor_p->InSeconds()));
828   }
830   // If we surpassed the wait period or the max scatter period associated with
831   // the update, then no wait is needed.
832   Time wait_expires = (update_state.first_seen +
833                        min(wait_period, update_state.scatter_wait_period_max));
834   if (ec->IsWallclockTimeGreaterThan(wait_expires))
835     wait_period = kZeroInterval;
837   // Step 2: Maintain the update check threshold count.
838   //
839   // If an update check threshold is not specified then generate a new
840   // one.
841   int check_threshold = update_state.scatter_check_threshold;
842   if (check_threshold == 0) {
843     check_threshold = prng.RandMinMax(update_state.scatter_check_threshold_min,
844                                       update_state.scatter_check_threshold_max);
845   }
847   // If the update check threshold is not within allowed range then nullify it.
848   // TODO(garnold) This is compliant with current logic found in
849   // OmahaRequestAction::IsUpdateCheckCountBasedWaitingSatisfied(). We may want
850   // to change it so that it behaves similarly to the wait period case, namely
851   // if the current value exceeds the maximum, we set a new one within range.
852   if (check_threshold > update_state.scatter_check_threshold_max)
853     check_threshold = 0;
855   // If the update check threshold is non-zero and satisfied, then nullify it.
856   if (check_threshold > 0 && update_state.num_checks >= check_threshold)
857     check_threshold = 0;
859   bool is_scattering = (wait_period != kZeroInterval || check_threshold);
860   EvalStatus ret = EvalStatus::kSucceeded;
861   if (is_scattering && wait_period == update_state.scatter_wait_period &&
862       check_threshold == update_state.scatter_check_threshold)
863     ret = EvalStatus::kAskMeAgainLater;
864   result->is_scattering = is_scattering;
865   result->wait_period = wait_period;
866   result->check_threshold = check_threshold;
867   return ret;
868 }
870 }  // namespace chromeos_update_manager