1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
16 #include "update_engine/update_manager/real_shill_provider.h"
18 #include <memory>
19 #include <utility>
21 #include <base/memory/ptr_util.h>
22 #include <base/time/time.h>
23 #include <brillo/message_loops/fake_message_loop.h>
24 #include <gmock/gmock.h>
25 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
26 #include <shill/dbus-constants.h>
27 #include <shill/dbus-proxies.h>
28 #include <shill/dbus-proxy-mocks.h>
30 #include "update_engine/common/fake_clock.h"
31 #include "update_engine/common/test_utils.h"
32 #include "update_engine/dbus_test_utils.h"
33 #include "update_engine/fake_shill_proxy.h"
34 #include "update_engine/update_manager/umtest_utils.h"
36 using base::Time;
37 using base::TimeDelta;
38 using chromeos_update_engine::ConnectionTethering;
39 using chromeos_update_engine::ConnectionType;
40 using chromeos_update_engine::FakeClock;
41 using org::chromium::flimflam::ManagerProxyMock;
42 using org::chromium::flimflam::ServiceProxyMock;
43 using std::unique_ptr;
44 using testing::_;
45 using testing::Mock;
46 using testing::Return;
47 using testing::SetArgPointee;
49 namespace {
51 // Fake service paths.
52 const char* const kFakeEthernetServicePath = "/fake/ethernet/service";
53 const char* const kFakeWifiServicePath = "/fake/wifi/service";
54 const char* const kFakeWimaxServicePath = "/fake/wimax/service";
55 const char* const kFakeBluetoothServicePath = "/fake/bluetooth/service";
56 const char* const kFakeCellularServicePath = "/fake/cellular/service";
57 const char* const kFakeVpnServicePath = "/fake/vpn/service";
58 const char* const kFakeUnknownServicePath = "/fake/unknown/service";
60 }  // namespace
62 namespace chromeos_update_manager {
64 class UmRealShillProviderTest : public ::testing::Test {
65  protected:
66   // Initialize the RealShillProvider under test.
67   void SetUp() override {
68     fake_clock_.SetWallclockTime(InitTime());
69     loop_.SetAsCurrent();
70     fake_shill_proxy_ = new chromeos_update_engine::FakeShillProxy();
71     provider_.reset(new RealShillProvider(fake_shill_proxy_, &fake_clock_));
73     ManagerProxyMock* manager_proxy_mock = fake_shill_proxy_->GetManagerProxy();
75     // The PropertyChanged signal should be subscribed to.
77         manager_property_changed_, *manager_proxy_mock, PropertyChanged);
78   }
80   void TearDown() override {
81     provider_.reset();
82     // Check for leaked callbacks on the main loop.
83     EXPECT_FALSE(loop_.PendingTasks());
84   }
86   // These methods generate fixed timestamps for use in faking the current time.
87   Time InitTime() {
88     Time::Exploded now_exp;
89     now_exp.year = 2014;
90     now_exp.month = 3;
91     now_exp.day_of_week = 2;
92     now_exp.day_of_month = 18;
93     now_exp.hour = 8;
94     now_exp.minute = 5;
95     now_exp.second = 33;
96     now_exp.millisecond = 675;
97     Time time;
98     ignore_result(Time::FromLocalExploded(now_exp, &time));
99     return time;
100   }
102   Time ConnChangedTime() { return InitTime() + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(10); }
104   // Sets the default_service object path in the response from the
105   // ManagerProxyMock instance.
106   void SetManagerReply(const char* default_service, bool reply_succeeds);
108   // Sets the |service_type|, |physical_technology| and |service_tethering|
109   // properties in the mocked service |service_path|. If any of the three
110   // const char* is a nullptr, the corresponding property will not be included
111   // in the response.
112   // Returns the mock object pointer, owned by the |fake_shill_proxy_|.
113   ServiceProxyMock* SetServiceReply(const std::string& service_path,
114                                     const char* service_type,
115                                     const char* physical_technology,
116                                     const char* service_tethering);
118   void InitWithDefaultService(const char* default_service) {
119     SetManagerReply(default_service, true);
120     // Check that provider initializes correctly.
121     EXPECT_TRUE(provider_->Init());
122     // RunOnce to notify the signal handler was connected properly.
123     EXPECT_TRUE(loop_.RunOnce(false));
124   }
126   // Sends a signal informing the provider about a default connection
127   // |service_path|. Sets the fake connection change time in
128   // |conn_change_time_p| if provided.
129   void SendDefaultServiceSignal(const std::string& service_path,
130                                 Time* conn_change_time_p) {
131     const Time conn_change_time = ConnChangedTime();
132     fake_clock_.SetWallclockTime(conn_change_time);
133     ASSERT_TRUE(manager_property_changed_.IsHandlerRegistered());
134     manager_property_changed_.signal_callback().Run(
135         shill::kDefaultServiceProperty, dbus::ObjectPath(service_path));
136     fake_clock_.SetWallclockTime(conn_change_time + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(5));
137     if (conn_change_time_p)
138       *conn_change_time_p = conn_change_time;
139   }
141   // Sets up expectations for detection of a connection |service_path| with type
142   // |shill_type_str| and tethering mode |shill_tethering_str|. Ensures that the
143   // new connection status and change time are properly detected by the
144   // provider. Writes the fake connection change time to |conn_change_time_p|,
145   // if provided.
146   void SetupConnectionAndAttrs(const std::string& service_path,
147                                const char* shill_type,
148                                const char* shill_tethering,
149                                Time* conn_change_time_p) {
150     SetServiceReply(service_path, shill_type, nullptr, shill_tethering);
151     // Note: We don't setup this |service_path| as the default service path but
152     // we instead send a signal notifying the change since the code won't call
153     // GetProperties on the Manager object at this point.
155     // Send a signal about a new default service.
156     Time conn_change_time;
157     SendDefaultServiceSignal(service_path, &conn_change_time);
159     // Query the connection status, ensure last change time reported correctly.
160     UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(true, provider_->var_is_connected());
161     UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(conn_change_time,
162                                         provider_->var_conn_last_changed());
164     // Write the connection change time to the output argument.
165     if (conn_change_time_p)
166       *conn_change_time_p = conn_change_time;
167   }
169   // Sets up a connection and tests that its type is being properly detected by
170   // the provider.
171   void SetupConnectionAndTestType(const char* service_path,
172                                   const char* shill_type,
173                                   ConnectionType expected_conn_type) {
174     // Set up and test the connection, record the change time.
175     Time conn_change_time;
176     SetupConnectionAndAttrs(service_path,
177                             shill_type,
178                             shill::kTetheringNotDetectedState,
179                             &conn_change_time);
181     // Query the connection type, ensure last change time did not change.
182     UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(expected_conn_type,
183                                         provider_->var_conn_type());
184     UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(conn_change_time,
185                                         provider_->var_conn_last_changed());
186   }
188   // Sets up a connection and tests that its tethering mode is being properly
189   // detected by the provider.
190   void SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(
191       const char* service_path,
192       const char* shill_tethering,
193       ConnectionTethering expected_conn_tethering) {
194     // Set up and test the connection, record the change time.
195     Time conn_change_time;
196     SetupConnectionAndAttrs(
197         service_path, shill::kTypeEthernet, shill_tethering, &conn_change_time);
199     // Query the connection tethering, ensure last change time did not change.
200     UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(expected_conn_tethering,
201                                         provider_->var_conn_tethering());
202     UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(conn_change_time,
203                                         provider_->var_conn_last_changed());
204   }
206   brillo::FakeMessageLoop loop_{nullptr};
207   FakeClock fake_clock_;
208   chromeos_update_engine::FakeShillProxy* fake_shill_proxy_;
210   // The registered signal handler for the signal Manager.PropertyChanged.
211   chromeos_update_engine::dbus_test_utils::MockSignalHandler<void(
212       const std::string&, const brillo::Any&)>
213       manager_property_changed_;
215   unique_ptr<RealShillProvider> provider_;
216 };
218 void UmRealShillProviderTest::SetManagerReply(const char* default_service,
219                                               bool reply_succeeds) {
220   ManagerProxyMock* manager_proxy_mock = fake_shill_proxy_->GetManagerProxy();
221   if (!reply_succeeds) {
222     EXPECT_CALL(*manager_proxy_mock, GetProperties(_, _, _))
223         .WillOnce(Return(false));
224     return;
225   }
227   // Create a dictionary of properties and optionally include the default
228   // service.
229   brillo::VariantDictionary reply_dict;
230   reply_dict["SomeOtherProperty"] = 0xC0FFEE;
232   if (default_service) {
233     reply_dict[shill::kDefaultServiceProperty] =
234         dbus::ObjectPath(default_service);
235   }
236   EXPECT_CALL(*manager_proxy_mock, GetProperties(_, _, _))
237       .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<0>(reply_dict), Return(true)));
238 }
240 ServiceProxyMock* UmRealShillProviderTest::SetServiceReply(
241     const std::string& service_path,
242     const char* service_type,
243     const char* physical_technology,
244     const char* service_tethering) {
245   brillo::VariantDictionary reply_dict;
246   reply_dict["SomeOtherProperty"] = 0xC0FFEE;
248   if (service_type)
249     reply_dict[shill::kTypeProperty] = std::string(service_type);
251   if (physical_technology) {
252     reply_dict[shill::kPhysicalTechnologyProperty] =
253         std::string(physical_technology);
254   }
256   if (service_tethering)
257     reply_dict[shill::kTetheringProperty] = std::string(service_tethering);
259   ServiceProxyMock* service_proxy_mock = new ServiceProxyMock();
261   // Plumb return value into mock object.
262   EXPECT_CALL(*service_proxy_mock, GetProperties(_, _, _))
263       .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<0>(reply_dict), Return(true)));
265   fake_shill_proxy_->SetServiceForPath(dbus::ObjectPath(service_path),
266                                        base::WrapUnique(service_proxy_mock));
268   return service_proxy_mock;
269 }
271 // Query the connection status, type and time last changed, as they were set
272 // during initialization (no signals).
273 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadBaseValues) {
274   InitWithDefaultService("/");
275   // Query the provider variables.
276   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(false, provider_->var_is_connected());
277   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableNotSet(provider_->var_conn_type());
278   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(InitTime(),
279                                       provider_->var_conn_last_changed());
280 }
282 // Ensure that invalid DBus paths are ignored.
283 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, InvalidServicePath) {
284   InitWithDefaultService("invalid");
285   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(false, provider_->var_is_connected());
286   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableNotSet(provider_->var_conn_type());
287   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(InitTime(),
288                                       provider_->var_conn_last_changed());
289 }
291 // Ensure that a service path property including a different type is ignored.
292 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, InvalidServicePathType) {
293   ManagerProxyMock* manager_proxy_mock = fake_shill_proxy_->GetManagerProxy();
294   brillo::VariantDictionary reply_dict;
295   reply_dict[shill::kDefaultServiceProperty] = "/not/an/object/path";
296   EXPECT_CALL(*manager_proxy_mock, GetProperties(_, _, _))
297       .WillOnce(DoAll(SetArgPointee<0>(reply_dict), Return(true)));
299   EXPECT_TRUE(provider_->Init());
300   EXPECT_TRUE(loop_.RunOnce(false));
302   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(false, provider_->var_is_connected());
303 }
305 // Test that Ethernet connection is identified correctly.
306 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTypeEthernet) {
307   InitWithDefaultService("/");
308   SetupConnectionAndTestType(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
309                              shill::kTypeEthernet,
310                              ConnectionType::kEthernet);
311 }
313 // Test that Wifi connection is identified correctly.
314 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTypeWifi) {
315   InitWithDefaultService("/");
316   SetupConnectionAndTestType(
317       kFakeWifiServicePath, shill::kTypeWifi, ConnectionType::kWifi);
318 }
320 // Test that Wimax connection is identified correctly.
321 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTypeWimax) {
322   InitWithDefaultService("/");
323   SetupConnectionAndTestType(
324       kFakeWimaxServicePath, shill::kTypeWimax, ConnectionType::kWimax);
325 }
327 // Test that Bluetooth connection is identified correctly.
328 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTypeBluetooth) {
329   InitWithDefaultService("/");
330   SetupConnectionAndTestType(kFakeBluetoothServicePath,
331                              shill::kTypeBluetooth,
332                              ConnectionType::kBluetooth);
333 }
335 // Test that Cellular connection is identified correctly.
336 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTypeCellular) {
337   InitWithDefaultService("/");
338   SetupConnectionAndTestType(kFakeCellularServicePath,
339                              shill::kTypeCellular,
340                              ConnectionType::kCellular);
341 }
343 // Test that an unknown connection is identified as such.
344 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTypeUnknown) {
345   InitWithDefaultService("/");
346   SetupConnectionAndTestType(
347       kFakeUnknownServicePath, "FooConnectionType", ConnectionType::kUnknown);
348 }
350 // Tests that VPN connection is identified correctly.
351 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTypeVpn) {
352   InitWithDefaultService("/");
353   // Mock logic for returning a default service path and its type.
354   SetServiceReply(kFakeVpnServicePath,
355                   shill::kTypeVPN,
356                   shill::kTypeWifi,
357                   shill::kTetheringNotDetectedState);
359   // Send a signal about a new default service.
360   Time conn_change_time;
361   SendDefaultServiceSignal(kFakeVpnServicePath, &conn_change_time);
363   // Query the connection type, ensure last change time reported correctly.
364   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(ConnectionType::kWifi,
365                                       provider_->var_conn_type());
366   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(conn_change_time,
367                                       provider_->var_conn_last_changed());
368 }
370 // Ensure that the connection type is properly cached in the provider through
371 // subsequent variable readings.
372 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ConnTypeCacheUsed) {
373   InitWithDefaultService("/");
374   SetupConnectionAndTestType(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
375                              shill::kTypeEthernet,
376                              ConnectionType::kEthernet);
378   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(ConnectionType::kEthernet,
379                                       provider_->var_conn_type());
380 }
382 // Ensure that the cached connection type remains valid even when a default
383 // connection signal occurs but the connection is not changed.
384 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ConnTypeCacheRemainsValid) {
385   InitWithDefaultService("/");
386   SetupConnectionAndTestType(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
387                              shill::kTypeEthernet,
388                              ConnectionType::kEthernet);
390   SendDefaultServiceSignal(kFakeEthernetServicePath, nullptr);
392   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(ConnectionType::kEthernet,
393                                       provider_->var_conn_type());
394 }
396 // Ensure that the cached connection type is invalidated and re-read when the
397 // default connection changes.
398 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ConnTypeCacheInvalidated) {
399   InitWithDefaultService("/");
400   SetupConnectionAndTestType(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
401                              shill::kTypeEthernet,
402                              ConnectionType::kEthernet);
404   SetupConnectionAndTestType(
405       kFakeWifiServicePath, shill::kTypeWifi, ConnectionType::kWifi);
406 }
408 // Test that a non-tethering mode is identified correctly.
409 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTetheringNotDetected) {
410   InitWithDefaultService("/");
411   SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(kFakeWifiServicePath,
412                                   shill::kTetheringNotDetectedState,
413                                   ConnectionTethering::kNotDetected);
414 }
416 // Test that a suspected tethering mode is identified correctly.
417 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTetheringSuspected) {
418   InitWithDefaultService("/");
419   SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(kFakeWifiServicePath,
420                                   shill::kTetheringSuspectedState,
421                                   ConnectionTethering::kSuspected);
422 }
424 // Test that a confirmed tethering mode is identified correctly.
425 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTetheringConfirmed) {
426   InitWithDefaultService("/");
427   SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(kFakeWifiServicePath,
428                                   shill::kTetheringConfirmedState,
429                                   ConnectionTethering::kConfirmed);
430 }
432 // Test that an unknown tethering mode is identified as such.
433 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadConnTetheringUnknown) {
434   InitWithDefaultService("/");
435   SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(
436       kFakeWifiServicePath, "FooConnTethering", ConnectionTethering::kUnknown);
437 }
439 // Ensure that the connection tethering mode is properly cached in the provider.
440 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ConnTetheringCacheUsed) {
441   InitWithDefaultService("/");
442   SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
443                                   shill::kTetheringNotDetectedState,
444                                   ConnectionTethering::kNotDetected);
446   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(ConnectionTethering::kNotDetected,
447                                       provider_->var_conn_tethering());
448 }
450 // Ensure that the cached connection tethering mode remains valid even when a
451 // default connection signal occurs but the connection is not changed.
452 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ConnTetheringCacheRemainsValid) {
453   InitWithDefaultService("/");
454   SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
455                                   shill::kTetheringNotDetectedState,
456                                   ConnectionTethering::kNotDetected);
458   SendDefaultServiceSignal(kFakeEthernetServicePath, nullptr);
460   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(ConnectionTethering::kNotDetected,
461                                       provider_->var_conn_tethering());
462 }
464 // Ensure that the cached connection tethering mode is invalidated and re-read
465 // when the default connection changes.
466 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ConnTetheringCacheInvalidated) {
467   InitWithDefaultService("/");
468   SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
469                                   shill::kTetheringNotDetectedState,
470                                   ConnectionTethering::kNotDetected);
472   SetupConnectionAndTestTethering(kFakeWifiServicePath,
473                                   shill::kTetheringConfirmedState,
474                                   ConnectionTethering::kConfirmed);
475 }
477 // Fake two DBus signals prompting a default connection change, but otherwise
478 // give the same service path. Check connection status and the time it was last
479 // changed, making sure that it is the time when the first signal was sent (and
480 // not the second).
481 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, ReadLastChangedTimeTwoSignals) {
482   InitWithDefaultService("/");
483   // Send a default service signal twice, advancing the clock in between.
484   Time conn_change_time;
485   SetupConnectionAndAttrs(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
486                           shill::kTypeEthernet,
487                           shill::kTetheringNotDetectedState,
488                           &conn_change_time);
489   // This will set the service path to the same value, so it should not call
490   // GetProperties() again.
491   SendDefaultServiceSignal(kFakeEthernetServicePath, nullptr);
493   // Query the connection status, ensure last change time reported as the first
494   // time the signal was sent.
495   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(true, provider_->var_is_connected());
496   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(conn_change_time,
497                                       provider_->var_conn_last_changed());
498 }
500 // Make sure that the provider initializes correctly even if shill is not
501 // responding, that variables can be obtained, and that they all return a null
502 // value (indicating that the underlying values were not set).
503 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, NoInitConnStatusReadBaseValues) {
504   // Initialize the provider, no initial connection status response.
505   SetManagerReply(nullptr, false);
506   EXPECT_TRUE(provider_->Init());
507   EXPECT_TRUE(loop_.RunOnce(false));
508   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableNotSet(provider_->var_is_connected());
509   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableNotSet(provider_->var_conn_type());
510   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableNotSet(provider_->var_conn_last_changed());
511 }
513 // Test that, once a signal is received, the connection status and other info
514 // can be read correctly.
515 TEST_F(UmRealShillProviderTest, NoInitConnStatusReadConnTypeEthernet) {
516   // Initialize the provider with no initial connection status response.
517   SetManagerReply(nullptr, false);
518   EXPECT_TRUE(provider_->Init());
519   EXPECT_TRUE(loop_.RunOnce(false));
521   SetupConnectionAndAttrs(kFakeEthernetServicePath,
522                           shill::kTypeEthernet,
523                           shill::kTetheringNotDetectedState,
524                           nullptr);
525   UmTestUtils::ExpectVariableHasValue(true, provider_->var_is_connected());
526 }
528 }  // namespace chromeos_update_manager