1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
3 //
4 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 //
8 //      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 //
10 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 // limitations under the License.
15 //
17 #include "update_engine/update_manager/update_time_restrictions_policy_impl.h"
19 #include <memory>
21 #include <base/time/time.h>
23 #include "update_engine/update_manager/policy_test_utils.h"
24 #include "update_engine/update_manager/weekly_time.h"
26 using base::Time;
27 using base::TimeDelta;
28 using chromeos_update_engine::ErrorCode;
29 using chromeos_update_engine::InstallPlan;
30 using std::string;
32 namespace chromeos_update_manager {
34 constexpr TimeDelta kHour = TimeDelta::FromHours(1);
35 constexpr TimeDelta kMinute = TimeDelta::FromMinutes(1);
37 const WeeklyTimeIntervalVector kTestIntervals{
38     // Monday 10:15 AM to Monday 3:30 PM.
39     WeeklyTimeInterval(WeeklyTime(1, kHour * 10 + kMinute * 15),
40                        WeeklyTime(1, kHour * 15 + kMinute * 30)),
41     // Wednesday 8:30 PM to Thursday 8:40 AM.
42     WeeklyTimeInterval(WeeklyTime(3, kHour * 20 + kMinute * 30),
43                        WeeklyTime(4, kHour * 8 + kMinute * 40)),
44 };
46 class UmUpdateTimeRestrictionsPolicyImplTest : public UmPolicyTestBase {
47  protected:
48   UmUpdateTimeRestrictionsPolicyImplTest() {
49     policy_ = std::make_unique<UpdateTimeRestrictionsPolicyImpl>();
50   }
52   void TestPolicy(const Time::Exploded& exploded,
53                   const WeeklyTimeIntervalVector& test_intervals,
54                   const EvalStatus& expected_value,
55                   bool kiosk) {
56     if (kiosk)
57       fake_state_.device_policy_provider()
58           ->var_auto_launched_kiosk_app_id()
59           ->reset(new string("myapp"));
61     Time time;
62     EXPECT_TRUE(Time::FromLocalExploded(exploded, &time));
63     fake_clock_.SetWallclockTime(time);
64     SetUpDefaultTimeProvider();
65     fake_state_.device_policy_provider()
66         ->var_disallowed_time_intervals()
67         ->reset(new WeeklyTimeIntervalVector(test_intervals));
68     ErrorCode result;
69     InstallPlan install_plan;
70     ExpectPolicyStatus(
71         expected_value, &Policy::UpdateCanBeApplied, &result, &install_plan);
72     if (expected_value == EvalStatus::kSucceeded)
73       EXPECT_EQ(result, ErrorCode::kOmahaUpdateDeferredPerPolicy);
74   }
75 };
77 // If there are no intervals, then the check should always return kContinue.
78 TEST_F(UmUpdateTimeRestrictionsPolicyImplTest, NoIntervalsSetTest) {
79   Time::Exploded random_time{2018, 7, 1, 9, 12, 30, 0, 0};
80   TestPolicy(random_time,
81              WeeklyTimeIntervalVector(),
82              EvalStatus::kContinue,
83              /* kiosk = */ true);
84 }
86 // Check that all intervals are checked.
87 TEST_F(UmUpdateTimeRestrictionsPolicyImplTest, TimeInRange) {
88   // Monday, July 9th 2018 12:30 PM.
89   Time::Exploded first_interval_time{2018, 7, 1, 9, 12, 30, 0, 0};
90   TestPolicy(first_interval_time,
91              kTestIntervals,
92              EvalStatus::kSucceeded,
93              /* kiosk = */ true);
95   // Check second interval.
96   // Thursday, July 12th 2018 4:30 AM.
97   Time::Exploded second_interval_time{2018, 7, 4, 12, 4, 30, 0, 0};
98   TestPolicy(second_interval_time,
99              kTestIntervals,
100              EvalStatus::kSucceeded,
101              /* kiosk = */ true);
102 }
104 TEST_F(UmUpdateTimeRestrictionsPolicyImplTest, TimeOutOfRange) {
105   // Monday, July 9th 2018 6:30 PM.
106   Time::Exploded out_of_range_time{2018, 7, 1, 9, 18, 30, 0, 0};
107   TestPolicy(out_of_range_time,
108              kTestIntervals,
109              EvalStatus::kContinue,
110              /* kiosk = */ true);
111 }
113 TEST_F(UmUpdateTimeRestrictionsPolicyImplTest, NoKioskDisablesPolicy) {
114   Time::Exploded in_range_time{2018, 7, 1, 9, 12, 30, 0, 0};
115   TestPolicy(in_range_time,
116              kTestIntervals,
117              EvalStatus::kContinue,
118              /* kiosk = */ false);
119 }
120 }  // namespace chromeos_update_manager